Sasmay Cull
EQUIPMENT: Personal Robes
TAGS: Valery Noble
The Gray Queen's Throne sat in orbit around the derelict Shipyard that had provided ships to an empire of old. Decrepit and left adrift. Pulled apart by those daring enough to draw near the edge of known space. Spacefaring creatures had made nests here, come and gone in their migrations as the crew of the vessel escaped from the attack on Dromund Kaas.
They had failed to fix the ship completely. Instead taking refuge on a passing vessel destined for civilization. Marked for retrieval, the vessel waited for the crew to eventually return and reclaim the AI that waited patiently in silence.
Remembering when the captain had been aboard, replaying the last bits of footage in an attempt to reconcile her inaction at the kidnapping, she hadn't paid attention to the reactor and power levels before eventually wearing down the cells to a state of hibernation. Fizzling out aboard the command deck, watching her captain be yanked through some dark vortex by a being she knew nothing of.
Those passing through had pinged the vessels on their scanners, marking it for investigation as the threat of Mynocks on already stretched lines of relief were to great for their limited wallets. The order was passed down and down, eventually reaching the desk of Valery.
Sasmay sat in silence, mind focused on meditation and sifting through memories both her own, and of others. One stuck out to her. A perspective low and yearning. Drawn away from a place that it had grown comfortable in shared misery. The familiarity with the memory drew her mind out and away.
Finding the echo of it in a great distance away.
"This is...familiar." The only words to disrupt the quiet around her. Her mind unable to trap the words as she tapped into the dark energies around the galaxy to shape her desire.
The echo was faint across the void.
A distant sound that reminded her of something nearly forgotten in her time training. Her mind stilled, listening to the sound as she became ethereal and drifted towards it.