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Public The Thyrsian Renaissance

Silas Furian


In the midst of Galactic turmoil, Thyrsus prospered.​
War and conflict meant that the Sun Guard had no shortage of opportunity or work. While the superpowers waged their wars, the people of the Twin Suns profited. Echani fought amongst themselves in the same sector, and because of their misfortune, Thyrsus reveled.​
The Confederacy of Independent Systems pulled their influence away from the world. The Silver Jedi left the empty promise of their protection, but not a single Saber jockey had set foot on the world. At last, they were effectively free.​
Silas walked purposefully toward the Temple of the Blazing Sun, where waited the Supreme Sun Guardian waited. Today they would address the people. Day would break anew, and they would blaze a path into the future for Thyrsus.​
Dancers spun like dervishes along the sides of the promenade, undulating and prostrating themselves in a show of appreciation for life and birth. His eyes did not waver. They sang a chorus to the Heavens. He did not seem to hear.​
Though he was different, Silas was decorated as a Stellar Centurion. No one would question his pale flesh. He was as one of their own.​
As he ascended the steps, he looked toward LT-137 LT-137 with pride swelling in his chest. Their time was fast approaching.​
Arash Garshasp Stellar Centurion
Nicaea, Thyrus


Arash smiled wide and with enthusiasm unlike the previous days, he laughed as he danced along the floor from one partner to the next. His body felt so free, light, even so after spending months at a time wearing armor Arash nearly missed several beats to his steps. The embarrassment alone might have made his cheeks redder than his own hair, but Arash thanked the sun he managed to correct himself each time. Though he could imagine his sister laughing at his difficulty all the same, and for him to be completely honest he would have laughed at his sister should she have struggled.

The air held a distinctive warmth, the music flowed around him as his hands whisked away the transparent dancing cloth, as if the shining material reflected the sounds of music that played along the room. Arash pivoted on his toes, his hands flared outwards before he finally retracted his hands closer to his body, his legs bowing slowly as he excused himself from the other dancers around him. He was enjoying himself perhaps too much, but it was what he felt well earned.

His sun kissed hands flared once more to wrap the fabric around his arms, the air around him blew gently but the young Thyrsian smiled at the cooling winds. His feet drew him closer to the main gatherings, the low thunderous sound of thousands of people talking and basking in the glory of the rewards brought on by Golden Company, the Sun Guard, their legacy and living legends. Arash moved with his usual dancer’s grace, weaving between one person and the other, careful to avoid the glares or glances of those annoyed of a young Thyrsian moving so freely through them.

Arash continued to move with a large smile, the food and drinks were plenty and he full use of his smaller size and quick hands. Eyes shined across the room, his interest peaked over to the older warriors and wondered if they'll be a speech of sorts. Eyes cast away from a small Thyrsian sneaking through their ranks.
He was quite the polar opposite from the others here in Nicaea. Everyone danced, laughed, drank, and even consumed spices and other narcotics. The clone and his brothers didn’t exactly join the dense crowd of Thyrsians and non-Thyrsians as they celebrated, but here they were in attendance. It had been some time when Choruk and his men were accepted by the Golden Company and agreed to fight alongside them. They weren’t fully fledged Sun Guards nor did Choruk pretend to be, but they were treated with respect and seen as equals with the exception of rank.

Though there was some slander here and there because of his genes. Slander he didn’t engage in.

So here he was, trying to absorb the culture of Thyrsus at its heart. Trying to understand at least. While everyone wore vibrant colors of fabric the clone simply wore his white armor with unique designs that from the rest of his brothers, making him the commander of his own troops.

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