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Approved Lore The Torchlight Fellowship

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The Torchlight Fellowship

  • Intent: To create an order that felt similar to Magic the Gathering’s Elspeth Tirel, Elder Scrolls’ Twin Lights, and Fallout 4’s the Railroad with its primary mission of freeing and smuggling slaves out of harm's way and getting them somewhere safe where they can start anew.
  • Image Credit: Generated in Midjourney and redone in Photoshop. Ranks done by Fedhog, found on Kuro-RPG.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Twin Lights, The Railroad, Elspeth Tirel
  • Organization Name: The Torchlight Fellowship
  • Classification: Knightly Order
  • Affiliation: The Commonwealth | The Guild
  • Organization Symbol: The symbol of the Torchlight Fellowship is a torch held aloft against a backdrop of stars, symbolizing the light of freedom guiding those in darkness.
  • Description: The Torchlight Fellowship is a clandestine organization within the Commonwealth's Guild of Force Users dedicated to the liberation of slaves across the galaxy. They operate with the conviction that all beings deserve freedom and dignity. They use their Force abilities and strategic prowess to infiltrate, disrupt, and dismantle slavery operations wherever they find them.
  • Headquarters: Passeri, Crytal Nest [Passeri, will be subbed later]
  • Domain: The Commonwealth, so far includes:
  • Notable Assets: The Torchlight Fellowship’s assets include but are not limited to the following;
    • Safe Houses: The Torchlight Fellowship maintains a network of safe houses strategically located in regions where slavery is prevalent. These safe houses serve as temporary shelters for escaped slaves, undercover operatives, and members in need of refuge. Each safe house is equipped with secure communication channels, medical supplies, and provisions to support individuals on the run.
    • Intelligence Network: The organization possesses a sophisticated intelligence network of informants, sympathizers, and skilled operatives who gather information on slavery operations, trafficking routes, and potential targets for rescue missions. This network operates clandestinely and utilizes encrypted communication channels to ensure the security of sensitive information.
    • Training Facilities: The Torchlight Fellowship operates training facilities where members receive specialized instruction in combat tactics, infiltration techniques, and clandestine operations. These facilities are located in secluded areas away from prying eyes and provide a secure environment for members to hone their skills and prepare for missions.
    • Transportation Assets: The organization maintains a fleet of discreetly marked vehicles, ships, and other modes of transportation to facilitate the movement of operatives and rescued slaves. These assets include ground vehicles equipped with hidden compartments, modified starships capable of evading detection, and repurposed civilian vessels used for covert insertions and extractions.
    • Financial Resources: While not driven by profit, the Torchlight Fellowship has access to financial resources obtained through donations, fundraising efforts, and clandestine transactions. These funds are used to support the organization's operations, including the purchase of equipment, the payment of informants, and the provision of assistance to freed slaves seeking to rebuild their lives.
Overall, the notable assets of the Torchlight Fellowship are geared towards supporting their mission of combating slavery and providing aid to those in need. Each asset plays a crucial role in advancing the organization's objectives and ensuring the safety and success of its members and allies.


  • Hierarchy: The following explains the ranks of the Torchlighters, followed by how their hierarchy is reflected with consideration to the Guild’s structure is featured below, a description of duties follows.
RankThe Torchlight FellowshipCommonwealth GuildStandard
Knight 3rd Class​
Knight 2nd Class​
Knight 1st Class​
Knight Commander​
Grand Commander​
  • Ember: Recruits undergoing training and orientation, learning the traditions, values, and tactics of the Torchlight Fellowship. They undergo training and preperation into the ideals and methods of the Torchlight Fellowship, preparing to join operational teams and contribute to the cause.
  • Radiant: Entry-level operatives who assist with various tasks, including outreach efforts, safe house management, and logistical support. These operatives are tasked with supporting operational efforts, maintaining safe houses, and conducting outreach to potential allies and informants.
  • Firebrand: Skilled operatives who specialize in intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, and identifying targets for rescue operations. These operatives are proficient in intelligence gathering, analysis, and strategic planning, serving as key assets in the fight against slavery.
  • Flamekeeper: Experienced operatives who lead rescue missions, provide mentorship to junior members, and uphold the ideals of the Fellowship. These operatives are experienced in leading rescue missions, coordinating with local allies, and training new recruits while upholding the ideals of the Torchlight Fellowship.
  • Luminary: Senior leaders tasked with coordinating operations in specific regions or areas of focus, providing support and guidance to lower-ranking members. They oversee specific regions or operational domains, providing direction and guidance to lower-ranking members.
  • Pathfinder: Second-in-command, responsible for overseeing operational planning and ensuring the execution of missions aligns with the organization's principles. They are responsible for overseeing operational logistics, resource management, and personnel assignments, ensuring that missions are executed in alignment with the organization's principles.
  • Torchbearer: The highest-ranking member of the Torchlight Fellowship, responsible for guiding the organization's overall mission and strategy. As the highest-ranking member of the Torchlight Fellowship, they are entrusted with guiding the organization's mission and values, or safeguarding the organization's mission and guiding its activities.
  • Membership: [IC] Given the clandestine nature of their operations and the sensitive nature of their mission, the Torchlight Fellowship are indeed highly selective about recruiting new members. Here are but a few methods that they utilize:
  • Word of Mouth: Existing members of the Torchlight Fellowship may discreetly spread the word about the organization among trusted contacts who share their values. This could include individuals they have worked with in the past, Force-sensitive beings known to sympathize with their cause, or those who have expressed a desire to fight against slavery.
  • Underground Networks: The Torchlight Fellowship leverages existing underground networks and resistance movements to identify potential recruits. These networks may operate in regions where slavery is prevalent, and they would have firsthand knowledge of individuals who have shown bravery, compassion, or a willingness to defy oppressive regimes.
  • Selective Outreach: The organization may engage in targeted outreach efforts aimed at specific communities or groups known to be affected by slavery. This could include refugees, former slaves who have escaped captivity, or individuals with personal connections to victims of slavery. By offering support, resources, and a sense of purpose, they may attract individuals who are motivated to join their cause.
  • Testing and Evaluation: Prospective members may be subjected to rigorous testing and evaluation to assess their suitability for joining the Torchlight Fellowship. This could include psychological assessments, moral evaluations, and tests of character and resolve. Only those who demonstrate unwavering commitment to the cause and the necessary skills and abilities would be considered for membership.
  • Anonymous Channels: To protect the identities of both existing members and potential recruits, the Torchlight Fellowship may establish anonymous channels through which individuals can express their interest in joining the organization. This could involve encrypted communication methods, secret meeting locations, and other measures to ensure confidentiality and security.
Overall, the Torchlight Fellowship prioritizes quality over quantity when it comes to recruiting new members, seeking individuals who share their values, possess the necessary skills and abilities, and are willing to risk everything to fight against slavery.

[OOC] Just speak with me!

  • Climate: Within the Torchlight Fellowship, there is a strong sense of camaraderie and purpose. Members operate with a deep sense of urgency and commitment, knowing that each mission could mean the difference between freedom and continued oppression for those they seek to rescue. Despite the dangers they face, there is a spirit of hope and determination that permeates the organization, driving its members forward in their mission.
  • Reputation: From the outside, the Torchlight Fellowship is viewed with a mixture of admiration, fear, and respect. Some see them as valiant heroes fighting against an abhorrent injustice, while others view them as dangerous radicals disrupting the status quo. Their reputation varies depending on one's perspective, but there is a widespread recognition of their effectiveness in liberating slaves and challenging the institutions of slavery.
  • Curios: Members of the Torchlight Fellowship often carry or wear a small, discreet symbol of their allegiance, such as a pendant depicting a torch or a hidden tattoo. These markings serve as a sign of solidarity and connection among members, as well as a reminder of the organization's mission and values.
  • Rules: The Torchlight Fellowship operates under a strict code of conduct that emphasizes the principles of compassion, freedom, and justice. While not bound by any specific religious beliefs, the Fellowship upholds a philosophy that values the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals. Members are expected to adhere to ethical standards, maintain confidentiality, and prioritize the safety and well-being of those they seek to aid. The organization operates on a need-to-know basis to protect the identities and operations of its members, ensuring secrecy and security in their endeavors.
  • Goals: The primary goal of the Torchlight Fellowship is the abolition of slavery in all its forms throughout the galaxy. To achieve this, the Fellowship engages in a variety of activities, including intelligence gathering, rescue missions, advocacy, and public awareness campaigns. Their efforts are focused on identifying and dismantling slavery networks, liberating enslaved individuals, and supporting survivors in rebuilding their lives. Additionally, the Fellowship seeks to disrupt the operations of slave traders and cartels, weaken their influence, and hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes. While their immediate focus is on combating slavery, the Fellowship also aims to address the root causes of exploitation and inequality, advocating for systemic change and promoting social justice and human rights.
Tev Ontarre Tev Ontarre

The Torchlight Fellowship traces its origins back to the aftermath of the Dosuun Hegemony, a turbulent period marked by social upheaval and the resurgence of criminal enterprises, including the proliferation of slavery. It was during this time that a group of compassionate individuals, deeply disturbed by the prevalence of slavery and the suffering endured by its victims, came together with a shared vision of liberation and justice.

Led by a former Force-sensitive First Order stormtrooper disillusioned by the atrocities committed in the name of tyranny, the Torchlight Fellowship was founded in 861 ABY on the principles of freedom, compassion, and resistance against oppression. The Fellowship sought to challenge the status quo and confront the systemic injustices that perpetuated slavery across the galaxy. (The Torchlight Fellowship, would be among the first ‘radiant’ orders of the Commonwealth’s Guild, and is considered a foundational ‘radiant’ order.)

Initially operating in secrecy to evade the scrutiny of oppressive regimes and criminal syndicates, the Fellowship gradually expanded its network, recruiting individuals from diverse backgrounds who shared a commitment to their cause. Through a combination of intelligence gathering, clandestine operations, and grassroots activism, they worked tirelessly to undermine slavery organizations, liberate enslaved individuals, and provide support to survivors.

Over the years, the Torchlight Fellowship faced numerous challenges and setbacks, including infiltration attempts, internal conflicts, and reprisals from powerful adversaries. However, their unwavering dedication and resilience enabled them to persevere, forging alliances with like-minded groups and earning the trust and support of communities affected by slavery.

Today, the Torchlight Fellowship continues to shine as a beacon of hope in the fight against slavery, operating across the galaxy to uphold the dignity and rights of all sentient beings. While their ultimate goal of abolishing slavery remains a daunting task, the Fellowship remains steadfast in their commitment to justice, guided by the light of compassion and the belief that liberation is possible for all who suffer under the yoke of oppression.
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