Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Transformation of RC (Nova Valhalla Federation)

[member="Eldoc Quasat"] @Sy' Q .Lant [member="Meanken"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Ice"] @Technocrats

Location: Hidden lab
Objective: Watch over RC as he is transformed.

RC was dying. The robotic implants he had in his body were still working however but after years of battle and advanced aging due to his clone status his brain was beginning to fail him. Having long known this was coming he had commissioned a team of scientists to create an Artificial Intelligence which belonged to him alone.

Into it he had uploaded every memory and nuance of his being. The plan was to insert a robotic nervous system in his dying body and a chip in his brain. Half cyborg already he would finally cross over to the other side and become a machine controlled by nothing more than a husk of his living self.

He had called the guild together to witness his final moments and waited in the lab for the Technocrats who would initiate the sequence into his new embodiment...

Puppet Kyrios

She had flown the Finality as fast as she could to the base and ran to @RC 212's side, "Sir? What are we going to do? Will it work?" She did not try to come in silently but rather rushed in and up to RC.
Today's job was simple, or so he was told. The new boss was apparently dying. Usually, this would be the point where Chaff would start looking into getting a new employer. But they told him that apparently they could rebuild him, or some such nonsense. Chaff wasn't really knowledgeable on much outside the realms of weapons and armor tech. But that didn't matter, wasn't his job to do that. He was on guard duty. Simple.

That's what they always said before it all hit the fan. Chaff walked to the room where the boss was, and positioned himself in front of the door. Anyone who wanted to enter would have to get past him. he had a list of dudes that had been called on to show up, those would be able to pass without incident. Anyone else would quickly find themselves denied entry.
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Meanken"]

RC looked at the young girl with sad brown eyes. This was his transformation not necessarily his death. He would soon become an instrument of death, a force to be reckoned with. The evils of the galaxy would tremble with his name and he would scourge the stars.

"Fear not young one. My mortal life is over, but a new eternal life begins for me. How would you like to help me conquer the galaxy?"
Sy' hadn't been able to return to the facility any faster than the slow fighter he had stolen allowed. Of course he made sure to leave the fighter further away from the lab than what was a comfortable walk. It had taken him half and hour to reach the station just so that it would be secure.

He had been walking through hallway after hallway, finding that this place was almost a maze to his combat mind. He tried to understand that this facility was made for technology advancement, so it was not made with combat in mind. But, Sy' continually saw opportunity for battle and he was without thinking making notes of where to hide if battle came to the halls. He felt that this building would be a strategically poor area to hold if attacked. Limited cover in the halls and too much clutter in the rooms would make combat far from easy.

He finally found the door and as he stepped through he almost crashed right into an armored individual. Instinctively his hand wavered towards his sniper, securely attached to his back. Just as quickly, however, he snapped it back to his side saying, "Sy' Lant. Here under orders of protection." He silently wondered who this guy was. He was suspicious, but then he was always suspicious.

Chaff looked down at the list. Dudes name was on it. He nodded.

"Alright. You know sniper rifle's are a long range weapon, right? For close range combat, you're better off using something else."

[member=Sy' Q. Lant]
@Sy' Q. Lant [member="Meanken"]

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

RC laid back on the bed and the pod like cover closed enveloping him. Medical droids reached their arms into the pod and the computers flashed. The first bits of flesh were beginning to be cut. As the crowd watched his brain was extracted and his breathing began to slow. Nuero electric pulses kept his flesh alive as the chip was inserted surgically via laser.

Memories flooded across his consiouness as the soul of RC fled his body.

"Begin Phase two." The Droids chirped.

Next his limbs were removed. Finally he was freed of the fail safes [member="Enigma"] had placed in his body to kill him. After his almost death and turning into a cyborg she had used them as an insurance policy to keep him under control. Now he was freed. Each limb was replaced with a new one and the droids moved on, beginning to insert the nuero network of cables and wires into his body.....

"He will soon be ready for interface." One of the droids said turning to the crew.

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria replied with tears coming even though he said he wasn't dying, "Anyway you want, @RC 212. Just make it out alive." She then stepped back and watched his transformation begin.
Sy' looked the man up and down. His comment was not a goad, as far as Sy' could tell. "Probably right. But I don't work well in close quarters. That is why I deal with my enemies from a distance." He made sure to sound polite and to not make his statement sound like a challenge.

He walked past the man, and fell silent as he watched the process in front of him. He noticed the woman by RC's side, she sounded as if she was crying. "Is he a close friend?"

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
@RC 212
[member=Sy' Q. Lant]

"Of me? No, he just signs the paychecks. Of her? Couldn't tell ya, i don't know her. But, based on her crying, I'd guess yes."
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Meanken"] @Sy' Q. Lant

As RC's body was sealed back up the flesh was remade over his cybernetic limbs. Armor plates were hooked in via bolts straight to the limbs and body. The wires connected to crystalline circuits which carried a steady current of energy through the plates and the nervous system. The chip was linked to a computer via the careful droid.

RC's memories began to flood back, as his Artificial self flowed into the vessel.

The armor began to take on a green glow, and an eerie silence was broken by rasping breaths. The body was sealed via cauterization by a laser. With the brain securely inside a Mask of durasteel was put in place.

Magnetic clamps linked it to the rest of RC's armor and his cybernetic implants gazed through the optic receptors of the mask.

"Interface is complete. State your name."

There was a long silence and then a raspy voice filled the room.

"RC 212, Wargod...."
Sy' listened to the statement made by his objective. He couldn't tell if it was meant to be a joke or if this mostly robot man was being totally serious. Rather than dwell on the subject, Sy' turned back to Meanken asking, "What security precautions have been set up and what kind of enemies can we expect, if any?"

Sy' did not want to have a repeat of an earlier mission where lack of information led to his failure. He was not going to be held responsible for someone's incompetence. He would gladly be punished for his own, just not someone else's.

@RC 212
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
[member=Sy' Q. Lant]

"They haven't told me." Chaff said with a shrug. "Be prepared for anything and everything. That's how security detail works."
"Guess you're right. Keep on your guard and don't let the objective become compromised." He of course was more speaking to himself, but he still spoke aloud.

"So, where have you been recently?" He asked simply to pass the time, and to keep himself from getting anxious. Jobs like this tended to go down hill really fast. He looked at the droid/man. He wondered how it felt to have your body taken apart and then put together with robotic parts instead.

@RC 212
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria remembered why she was there, dried her tears, then went up to @Sy' Q. Lant and [member="Meanken"], with a fierce fire of determination in her neon brown eyes instead of tears. "What are my orders, sir."
"For now, we stay on guard. Not much else we can do till a threat shows up." Chaff said to [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

"Been around. Lotta jobs lately in a lot of diffrent places." He said to [member=Sy' Q. Lant]

Puppet Kyrios

"Got it, sir." She didn't need to say much, but instead watched [member="RC 212 "]repeat his name and a new title.


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