Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The trash that is thrown out ...

NOT What was wanted.​
Black Sun Planet Unknown​
Blinking her eyes open to the fact that there was noting at all that looked like the place she had been held. Shaking she curled herself up in a tight ball. Finding herself unable to do or speak, more her throat being so raw. Felt a kick in her mid section only she didn't even whimper or let a cry. Next she felt herself being lifted up thrown out in the street hearing what was spoken.

Scum you aren't even worth the air to breath.

Put up a hand for this one to stop or just to block to the fact that there wasn't any skin left as it look to be effected. Trying to open her eyes that show how blue her eyes once had been. Getting out one work if that.


Then flashes of light was it bluish in nature coming a cross her to hit the man. Came the hands, feeling them upon her almost naked body. That was all busied and bloody weakly if at all or was it her own imagination. . ""

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
I didn't even know what planet this was. It was in Sun territory, but it didn't seem to be controlled as well as the few other planets I'd been on. But that didn't matter. I was watching a small group of men beat up on somebody in an alleyway. Drawing my gun, I felt electricity charge up in my hand. My hand went up, the trigger moved, and the first man fell, probably lethally burned. The other two didn't even merit a powered shot. two streaks of blasterfire came straight at them like hounds on a deer.

Walking into the alley, I crouched down and looked at their victim. The woman still seemed alive, and that was good. She seemed to be attempting to cover what looked like a network of burns, bruises, and welts on her body. She looked sort of familiar, too. I looked into her eyes, and felt a jolt of realization.

"Ariella? What happened to you."

Ariella yes someone said her name, but was this another trick or was it all in her mind. She heard that voice before not to long ago. Shaking now with nothing but a plead. "I..b..e..g..O...o.....D." all she could do was finding no more words but her own eyes like that of being prey. Just what kind of prey had she been or who had done this to her. Now came another uncontrolled shaking. As if she starting to go into shock more so now. Holding up the hand palm up with no skin left in her palm. As if to keep from being strike again over and over again. "I..t...e....LL", then as if her mind was going back to her torched she started to go into a seizures her blood felt like it was on fire.

"M...a..ST...o.p", no one would know that their was sithspawn in her own blood. It felt as if she wanted to eat her whole, changing who she was all together. [member="Cobalt Krell"]
Ariella held up her hand as if to ward off a blow, and my eyes widened. The skin in the middle of her hand looked like it'd been partially ripped away. I shook my head, horrified, and grabbed her hand, removing the glove first. I sent out what little pheromones I had to try and calm her down a bit.

"Ariella. You're safe. It's Johnny. Or Cobalt. Or whichever your mind can process right now. I'm here for you."

I tried to touch her mind, but it recoiled, as if burned. An odd darkness loomed within, that didn't feel like hers from the last time I'd tried.

Can you hear me? I'm here, sitting in front of you, holding your hand. You are safe.

Just the very touch sent her own edge again only to find something happening. That voice she should know it it was the flash that came in her mind, the smell even how faint. In the matter of everything she tried to force her own lips to part even that was hard for her to do, but cracked and dry.

"J..o..nn..y", hearing his voice repeat and repeat or was that in her own mind. Shaking once again with nothing but a half rip shirt exposing more then she would ever do in a public setting but no realizing it at the moment. "S..a..f..e.."

Turning her hardest to craw the rest the way to him, to those that knew her knew this wasn't in her nature to crawl to anyone little alone let all see her in this state or any state the more clothing she wear the better protected she felt at less in her own mind it was that way. "Co..l....d..."

Finding her own breath going out of her just the few inches what was keeping her from screaming out in the pain she was feeling even with the the hand being so tender to touch one could only guess.

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
I smiled at Ariella's recognition, and took off my jacket to put it over her. I slid over, to make it easier for her to reach me.

"Yes, Johnny. I'm going to help you."

Gently squeezing the hand I held, I pulled out a small flask of water.

"Drink, Ariella... It'll help a little bit."

Letting out a small gasp of pain from the squeeze as it hurt. Not as much as trying to move to no end she gave up. Finding the flask to her own lips trying to drink but a slip on it was coughed back up. Finding the it was mixed with her own blood. After which time shaking her head as it started to spend again and again. Finding that with out a doubt she was slipping where she didn't know.

My eyes widened again at the sight of Ariella coughing up blood, and I loosened my grip on her hand, seeing that my squeeze had hurt her. I put the flask of water away, and pulled out a medpack. Hopefully it'd stop some of the bleeding, what with the clotting accelerant and other quick fixes in it.

"Ariella... Do you want me to try and inject you with a medpack? It might stop the bleeding, at least."

Her own body went limp as she did so. It wasn't like before her own body was very limp. It was then that she slip of into another dream world. Then came the nightmares then the quicken of her own heart again and again. It was more then anything else after which time she let herself stiffen up then there was the shakes and chills. If she had any chance she would need to be taken to a place that would get her the help that she needed.

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
I gasped as Ariella stiffened. She needed a medcenter... fast. I wrapped my jacket more securely around her, and picked her up. she felt way too light, even for a strong guy like me. Walking to the side of the road, I hailed a hovercab, and slid into the backseat, throwing some credits at the droid in front.

"Wherever the nearest hospital is... Now."

Hopefully we'd get there before she got worse.

Cab came to live lifted off the ground taking off for the nearest. As they got there seeing that there was those around ready and waiting. Wondering just how had she survived this long.

"We'll take it from here, sir.", as the rolled her way.

As the one that had told him to leave her in their hands coming back out.

"It will take a few hours at less, do you have any idea of what happen to the pour missy."

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
I shook my head dejectedly at the man.

"She was being beaten in an alleyway, but she was already pretty hurt."

Smirking, I looked back up.

"So, when can I see her? She's gonna need somebody familiar to calm her down."

The nurse taking a look at how the man was dressed there came a shake with her head. Not much to look at or even to rough around the edges for her liking. Its been a few hours, mister but I need you to understand that she still not at of the woods yet, her blood seem to have some kind of toxin in it.

At less far from what they would be dealing with now. Knowing or rumor of someone that might know. It was going to be a gamble to begin with. This one be very busy and even harder to track down. In reality might be taking her to this one. [member="Rave Merrill"] .

Finding that the other staff nurse coming out giving her a nod.

Mister you can go see her, but ...she might not be the one you remember..

In one of the room, as one heard the beeping sound coming from some of the machines that seem to be pumping in what was needed in her body. As she was half starved need the extra notion. Finding her all in white getting her ready to go into a tank.

You can have a few minutes with her but then she needs to go into the track understand, we got her in coma.

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
Walking into the room, and leaning against a wall, I found that I couldn't keep count of the sheer number of tubes sticking out of Ariella's arms. So she'd be in a tank, huh? That was the only way they could keep her alive? I shivered, not just because it felt cold in here, but at the thought of being stuck in a blue-and-white daze for hours, or possibly days, while somebody looked for a way to remove the toxins from her body.

Seeing my jacket folded over a chair, along with what remained of Ariella's clothes, I smiled weakly and put it on. Taking off a glove, I put my hand on her cheek, and pushed her hair out of her face.

"I wish you could see me, blondie. You're not gonna die, today."

Finding that the nurse had let him be with her long as they could. Shaking her head at the poor thing laying on the bed. Clearing her throat once then twice. Mirster that be all you need to let use take her, you may come back and see here after she is in the tank.

Keeping an eye upon him after which time she let the others get to work on her. After which time she had to let them rest also just close down the lighting so it was more smoothing for the patient. Finding that she had keep the man out of her room long enough.

"Finding so far, Sir is that with out finding the right person or treatment this all could be for nothing. Posion that is in her system will slowly eat away at her very soul until she isn't the woman you use to know, even then she still might not be that woman."

[member="Cobalt Krell"]
I looked over at the nurse, and narrowed my eyes. Eating away at her soul? Was she turning into a sithspawn, or something? I remembered the dark thing that had appeared when I touched her mind earlier. Had that been the manifestation of a sithspawn, or just the contact with poison? I looked over at the nurse.

"How long does she have? I can get help, but who and where I get depends on the amount of time I have."


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