Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Travails and Trials of Gurbot Luk, the Dellaltian Swimmer: The Winds of Fate

It is warm and humid. A thick fog chokes the landscape which in its midst lays a mighty and murky black lake. From this lake emerges an enormous figure-Gurbot Luk-of the Swimming peoples of the lakes of Dellalt. Venturing forth from the depths, Gurbot rises toward the shore, his profile harangues within early morning darkness and fog. Gurbot looks on at his ancestral home and bellows a loud whooping-a traditional sign for leave amongst his people- though this is more pierced withs pangs of sorrow. For this is Gurbot's beginning, his rebirth, for years he dwelt in the lake. Now, Gurbot now longs for the stars, longs for answers in the cosmos and strange wonders of the Galaxy at large-to find himself and discern his destiny as derived by the one-true "FORCE" as his elders say is imbued deep within his very fabric. Gurbot will never return to the lake.

With this Gurbot wanders on, as he walks he asks himself, "Does the force imbue these thoughts and torments in my mind and soul? I must find answers to the mysteries of this power-for with every notion of doubt- it's as if some spectral being is pulling me along into the swale- for what and why I do not know- aah, that is why I venture forth."

The first step in his journey takes him to the cosmopolitan and wretched near-abandoned cityscape of the ancient city of the Lord Xim in years passed revered and feared by his ancestors. Now though it is merely a waypoint- a jump off point- for Gurbot's greater journey of self-realization and knowing this "FORCE."
Gurbot slowly lumbers into the dilapidated city-once the crown jewel of Xim the Despot, now only a mangy cesspool inhabited by colonials and the interbred descendants of its original inhabitants. Gurbot wanders into the spaceport where his old freighter- a rusting hulk of no name lays- wishing though to find comfort before he goes- Gurbot decides to loiter near the local cantina- patiently awaiting whatever the force specter may bring upon his path overnight. Gurbot appears loitering about the cantina, he wears the traditional garb of his people- a large multi-faceted vest and long dark green robes that nearly resemble kelp at first glance.
After wasting most of his time away-sharing stories with the locals of Xim's old city and confiding in some of the spacers what dangers lay at Gurbot's behest, he decided to take his leave of the planet Dellalt for time immemorial. Gurbot advanced to his old freighter, ordering his ancient droid pilots to make preparations and take off. This was done most efficiently by the old droids-who thankfully did there service unquestioning-Gurbot made sure of it that they had memory wipe as a mess involving droids was the last thing that he wanted to injure his journey's progress.

Upon breaching the planets atmosphere at a gradual pace, Gurbot's droids drew upon him an inquiry on what coordinates to input and if he wished to go to hyperspace. Gurbot, who had been dozing in his very large but primitive quarters of water, was dazed and made a feeble effort to reply that it should calibrate random coordinates. Suddenly, however, the terrible unknown specter of the force came crashing down upon him placing Gurbot into a transcendent like state-while under this influence a mysterious and broken, unnatural voice bespoke unto him and demanded that he set a course for the planetary system of Voss. This force specter than forced him then to utter to his pilot droids to input coordinates to Voss. Shortly after, this great and unknown power let go of him and in utter exhaustion and confusion, Gurbot awoke and with this just as soon collapsed into a deep sleep.

Gurbot's freighter soon made the jump to hyperspace-Gurbot's ordeal was now underway, as result of what? He did not know, maybe Voss would hold the answer.
As Gurbot's freighter slowly eased into the vicinity of the lonesome planet of Voss, Gurbot ordered his droid pilots to sweep for any sentient lifeforms. An odd power had driven Gurbot to the planet, a first of many he mused, for reasons unknown to him as of yet. As the vessel began too approach, a full view of the planet was visible through a porthole from his quarters. Gurbot thought and studied with pleasure at how lush the planet looked from afar and was awash with plenty of vast bright blue oceans and large forests possibly teeming with life. The planet, as observed before was giving off the semblance of an astounding aura surrounding and penetrating it which Gurbot felt grow more heavily upon him as soon as he broke atmosphere, revealing the old lush world's landscape, such things were a novelty to Gurbot who had as great an appreciation for nature as that of the Ithorians.

Gurbot also couldn't help but wonder what ancient secrets may lay hidden within these seemingly impenetrable old growth jungles and wild seas-once this thought hit him, the thirst for knowledge took hold-what power was holding Voss? Was it malevolent or that of the Force as he had been speculating-why did the force wish to bring him here? It was then that Gurbot decided that he would explore the planet, reach into his inner self at some spiritual waypoint he may find and learn all that Voss held dear and against him.

[member="Hasjo Hallu"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

[member="Lok Jorunn']
[member="Iella E'ron"]
[member="Asaak Tey"]
The Dellaltian wasn't expecting as warm of welcome that the upstart Silver Jedi gave and frankly he felt he didn't deserve such honors as the Orders high council and various members had been bestowing upon. Gurbot was once a protector guardian so to speak of sacred places many times before but no such honor as keeping and honoring the memory of the fallen and passed with time as keeping the tombs of Jedi. As well, Gurbot never believed that any in the order would ever share his need for planting the peaceful seeds of knowledge, meditation and force study with other Jedi and the universe, but this assumption proved yet again to be untrue. It had turned that any negative rumors he had previously been privy to the Silver Jedi were entirely wrong-and now he was one of them. To Gurbot his order was the most open and progressive monastic order of warrior monks and scholars he had ever had the chance to be associated with. Its members, especially one Asaak Tey were and the Grand Master Sochi Ru were highly honorable and open individuals who rightly championed the true and original paths of the Jedi and the ancient Je'daii from ancient myth and yore and he loved it.
Gurbot had been anointed the high honor of Rajivari of the Silver Jedi and Visk Clan, the archives were complete and all is going well, the work and training never ceasing, his education was flourishing, Gurbot saw great prospects and or works the fruits of which will out glory any shining empires that once stood or currently stand in todays galaxy. Even with major crisis, he took this as a grain of salt, the One Sith and the New Order were passing flares just like any hurricane on old Dellalt, they always dissipate and usually as result of the same wind that blustered up the storm, meaning to say, the same evil and ill will that brought on this new Sith presence will take itself in suicide or blunder as has happened time and again. Gurbot was not afraid of any 'Sith' as they're called, the Sith were inherently weak since the days of Bogan and Ashlar first battled besides, even if their tide vanquishes most of the civilized galaxy, there will always be another, a new hope waiting to spark- whether Gurbot would be apart of that he did not know. Gurbot only knew that if had anything to say about the whole thing is that he and his brothers and sisters who walk the Silver path will always live so long as they had opinion about it. Time would pass and Gurbot would persist to hold up the light even if it meant only in the most desolate of places or even if it was only him left.

These opinions change with the circumstances of life however, for now though Gurbot looks out upon an unsetting sun, troubles finds the galaxy for now, but that only paves the way for a Brave New Universe.
Through all of their wise and shrewd character Gurbot was led into Voss and the Silver Jedi with open arms, he was on the way finally reaching his personal goal. His education is beginning in earnest if behind the backdrop of interstellar disaster and conflict. The day to day goings of work, research and exploration in the wilds of Silver Jedi space went unceasing as if not a single obstacle lay in its members path-the conflicts of the rest of the galaxy were seemingly well nigh disregarded and forgotten in this backwater region of space, a place were no one lo the Silver Jedi had any major interest. His work continued none-the-less.
As time has dragged on doggedly for Gurbot, he continues to faithfullly attend to the archives and Korgam tree. While on one of his off days before outfitting himself on his next research endeavorn, he was approached by the then Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi to attend to one more neglected recess of the silver Jedi. That duty entailing the proper care of the Silver Jedi catacombs with him as its caretaker and warden. Gurbkt heartily accepted this sacred honor, the first embossed epitaphs were for those who straued from the path of the silver order. The first actual monument to a fallen in the order was for the now long dead Jedi warrior/hero/master Hasjo Hallu, a Nautolan who served his order with the greatest stress and vigor nary straying.
Having veritably completely dropping from the known universe on another research expedition in the unknown regions, Gurbot was met with some very heavy news. Upon reaching planetside on Voss, Gurbot was first off vreeted with news of Master Eron's deliberate leaving of the seet of Grand master learning then that his own Master Rasu Gan was now in her stead. Gurbkt was also troubled by the leaving of old faces with a few new initiates with dark airs something that troubled him greatly. Not several months later Gurbot was given another surprise, open conflict with the Hutt crime syndicate with his master at the helm of the liberation effort! Hopping aboard a forward transport Gurbot eished to rendevous with her and his Jedi compatriots. As he jumped into hyperspace, it turned out that the Silvers seemed to somehow amass a Grand Army an fleet and were currently about to descrnd on the Hutt conflicts first campaign. War aanother new experience gor Gurbot. Bu t would the bloodshed be worth it? Could he actually lead soldiers in comvat or dole out terms of surrender. These are the questions that went through Gurbots mind as the transport rapidly sailed for Vaynai and a new Gurbot.

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