[ Include a history of the planet here. Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was the planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today? If there is a Nexus, how did it come about and how did it influence the history of the planet?
Remember that these custom planets may be submitted to the map for the community to enjoy. The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation. ]
- Intent: [ Describe the plan for your planet. NOTE: This section alone can have your planet dismissed. Planets created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved. ]
- Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
- Canon: Yitabo
- Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
- Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
- Planet Name: Yitabo
- Demonym: Yitaboan
- Region: Kashyyyk Region, Mid Rim
- System Name: Yitabo
- System Features: [ Here you may list suns, moons, other planets, important asteroid belts, spatial anomalies, or other features of the star system. You may also include orbital position, rotational period (length of day), and orbital period (days in a year) in this section. if you have submitted Astronomical Objects for this system, you may link them here, and if you would like to expand on the system in more detail, you may use that template to do it at your leisure. ]
- Location: x
- Major Imports: Spice
- Major Exports: Agricultural
- Unexploited Resources: [ Does this planet have resources that are not yet utilized by the population? Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
- Gravity: Standard
- Climate: Temperate. Tropical near the equator, boreal further north and south. No ice caps nor desert, it's a green, fertile, and lush planet.
- Primary Terrain: Tropical, Grassland, Mediterranean, Boreal, Temperate Forest
- Atmosphere: Type I
- Capital City: Astoria
- Planetary Features: [ What are interesting artificial features of the planet? Ruins, interconnected cities, floating urban platforms. This field is used to sketch out artificial features, adding RP opportunities, but without the need for specific details like in the major locations field. You can also include if the planet is primarily Wild, Rural, Suburban, Urban, or a Mix. ]
- Major Locations: [ What are the major locations on your world? Include an explanation on each. ]
- Force Nexus (Optional): N/A
Intent: N/A
Nexus Name: N/A - Nexus Alignment: N/A
- Size: N/A
- Strength: N/A
- Accessibility: N/A
- Effects: N/A
- Native Species: N/A
- Immigrated Species: Borneck, Human (Chalactan), Hylobon, Trandoshan, Wookie
- Population: Moderate
- Demographics: 61% Human (13% Chalactan), 17% Borneck, 9% Wookie, 6% Trandoshan, 5% Hylobon, 2% Others
- Primary Languages: Galactic Basic
- Culture: [ General overview of the inhabitant's behaviors. This should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion. ]
- Government: Presidential Dictatorship
- Affiliation: The Tribunals
- Wealth: Medium Describe, briefly, why
- Stability: Medium Are there major issues causing unrest? Is this a planet of chaos or one of peaceful law-abiding citizens? Is it dangerous for travellers to visit or are you safe as an outsider? Describe the general feel and theme of any overarching government or rulers/leaders in this city.
- Freedom & Oppression: Not oppressed but also not free.
- Military: Officially demilitarized. In reality, they contracted their military and defense from Halcyon Aegis. They also have a clandestine special service organization that oversee the life of people.
- Technology: [ A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy. If there is nothing of note, simply put 'Galactic Standard'. ]
[ Include a history of the planet here. Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was the planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today? If there is a Nexus, how did it come about and how did it influence the history of the planet?
Remember that these custom planets may be submitted to the map for the community to enjoy. The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation. ]
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