The Fifth Wing
The Trigonus Report
- Intent: To create a piece of propaganda which is a retelling of events from the perspective of
Sieliel Dimegor .
- Image Credit: N/A.
- Canon: Declaration of a New Order.
- Permissions: N/A.
- Links:
Sieliel Dimegor
Alicia Drey
Maldor Mecetti
Velran Kilran
Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran
Karl Von Strauss
Teckla Tane
Darth Rasnuhl
Vilissa Pormenn
Lutin Corveni
Fùchóu Zhī Shén
Aculia Voland
Jasper Kai'el
Valery Noble
Jonyna Si
Balun Dashiell
Aether of the Iron Order
Atlas Drake
Cord Starfall
Sayno Clawe
Anthony Gray Sun
Ronval Rubat
Casteban Mecetti
Kaleb Sunwalker
Darth Malum of House Marr
Rulonom Laborr
- Tion Cluster
- Lothal
- Mon Calamari
- Lianna
- Garn
- Maldra IV
- Obredaan
- Bogan
- The Rubicon | Sith Order
- The Obredaan Peel
- The Prelude to War | Empire of the Lost's Populate of Kessel
- NISB Statement: The Death of Director Drey | Empire of the Lost
- You Were Found Wanting | Empire of the Lost
- Trade Federation | A Letter to the EOTL
- Vows of Deceit [Ask]
- A Dark Trail
- Plight of the Initium
- Rebel Yell | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Dark Side Elite | DE Populate of Ord Mantell
- Light Up the Void: Aftermath of Garn and Maldra IV [Empire of the Lost]
- The Rim War: Revenge of the Empire | EotL Invasion of TAC-held Garn and Maldra IV | Chapter 1
- Long Live The Empire | DE Invasion of GA held Coruscant & Anaxes
- Absolution [Dark Empire]
- Drey Statement about the Trade Federation of Planets | Order of the Sith Lords
- Assassination of the Voland Administration | Empire of the Lost
- The Nest Is Hacked By The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats
- The Nest - Maldra IV Military Facility
- Drey's Cortosis Mines
- DSDT Program - #419420-1129391-418525
- "The Cone of Silence" - #2085-315145-156-1991251435
- The Initium (Refit)
- Velran Class Super Star Destroyer
- Event Specific Links: #15
- Location: This event occurred on board a Velran-class Super Star Destroyer called "The Revenge".
- Galactic Standard Year: Sometime around the year of 902 ABY.
- Participants:
Sieliel Dimegor
Maldor Mecetti
Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran
Velran Kilran
Teckla Tane
Darth Rasnuhl
Karl Von Strauss
Vilissa Pormenn
- Brief Overview:
Sieliel Dimegor delivers a security and situational dossier dubbed "THE TRIGONUS REPORT" to members of the IMPERIAL RULING COUNCIL on board a super star destroyer in the wake of a costly battle for the EMPIRE OF THE LOST where a weapon was detonated resulting in severe losses. The report obfuscates the creation and machinations of a seditious organisation inside the Empire called THE FIFTH WING and the presence of the SITH while detailing a JEDI conspiracy to destroy IMPERIALISM across the Galaxy.
![]() New Imperial Security Bureau; T H E T R I G O N U S R E P O R T ~ Security, and Situational dossier of the Empire of the Lost. ~ Authorized: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Written by Sieliel Dimegor, Major of the Imperial Immortals, acting as Staff Agent of the N.I.S.B. On Stardate 0722902 the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau, Alicia Drey, was discovered deceased in Lianna City inside her apartment. Post mortem proves that the Director had been dead for a period of three weeks due to an autopsy (performed by the N.I.S.B in Lianna City) revealing post rigor mortis with ligatures suggesting asphyxia due to injuries discovered around the levator scapulae and splenius capitis (the neck) caused by an unknown assailant who we believe to be her murderer. Flight manifests place the Initium (the Director's personal star courier) departing Lianna three weeks before her body was discovered by the Imperial Immortals which further collaborates that the Director was murdered somewhere outside of the Lianna system before her body was returned to Lianna City where it was then discovered by the N.I.S.B special taskforce dubbed the "Imperial Immortals". It is our conclusion that Director Drey was murdered by the so called "Tingel Arm Coalition" as a consequence of her being discovered as a spy within the Empire of the Lost and not, as it was previously alleged, by the Tsis'Kaar. We have yet to determine where the Director went before her body was discovered three weeks later. The star courier called the "Initium" is currently missing, and believed to be in the hands of the suspect responsible for the Director's murder. A review of the Director Surveillance of Domestic Threats indicates that the surveillance program was linked to this missing ship. As we attempted to purge the system and sever the links to the Initium we were unsuccessful due to a sub-routine coded into the program which prevents the link between it and the missing star courier being removed without further compromising the system which could lead to it being permanently shut down through malicious code that would cause a system wide error. Loss of the DSDT Program would be catastrophic for the intelligence gathering, and surveillance initiatives of the N.I.S.B which have been instrumental recently in quelling the recent rise in anti-Empire rhetoric and the Tion Reformation Movement founded after the destruction of Tion by ![]() Due to the fact that we cannot sever the link between the Initium and the Director Surveillance of Domestic Threats we have continued to run the program while we search for the ships whereabouts to conduct a recovery operation. As per our press statement the N.I.S.B conducted a thorough investigation into the Director where it was discovered that she had engaged in acts of sedition and treason against the Empire which collaborates the findings of ![]() ![]() Our investigation concluded that the existence of the so called "Fifth Wing" has no basis of fact or evidence of it's existence, and was a fabrication created by Director Drey in order to divert attention away from her own seditious and treasonous acts. Furthermore, we have collaborated the transmissions sent by the Sith armadas at Tion bringing forth the conclusion that the consequential Battle of Tion between the Empire of the Lost and the Sith vassal state termed "The Sith Holy Worlds" was an orchestrated event made by the Director in order to bring both factions into war. The death of Director Drey has left the N.I.S.B leaderless. This has subsequently affected the organisations efforts to maintain the internal and external security of the Imperium. As a consequence of this failure in leadership the N.I.S.B were unable to launch the necessary intelligence gathering on the likes of the "Tingel Arm Coalition" which led to the surprise attacks on the Mon Calamari and Lothal systems by the rebellion, and later, the detonation of the so called "Ionic superpulse" weapon that was used during the Battle of Maldra IV. Furthermore, with the discovery of the Director's seditious and treasonous acts against the Empire, we have subsequently discovered a level of corruption in the top office of the organisation that has since been abated with her death. It is therefore paramount that a new Staff Director is selected to takeover the N.I.S.B to ensure that the new leadership can produce the necessary intelligence gathering and supply of information to the Imperial military branches; the Imperial Ruling Council; and the Empress of the Lost. During our internal review we discovered and investigated missing personnel of Outpost Northwest: an installation belonging to the DSDT Program that was decommissioned by Director Drey several months before her death. Upon reopening the outpost we discovered a cover-up which obfuscated the following facts:
The N.I.S.B has thoroughly analysed galactic events that have coincided with the conflicts that have erupted between the Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire in the Core Worlds dubbed the "C o r e W a r s"; the Rim War between the Empire of the Lost and the rebellion colloquially termed as the so called "Tingel Arm Coalition"; and the war between the Alliance and the Sith Order based in the Jutrand system currently being waged along the Mid Rim Territories. We have discovered that members of the New Jedi Order are, or were currently, in service to the Galactic Alliance, the Dark Empire, the defeated "Tingel Arm Coalition", and the Empire of the Lost. The presence of these Jedi among all four of these entities, which coincided with war being declared, suggests a conspiracy by the New Jedi Order to eliminate it's political and ideological rivals across the galaxy namely in the purge of the ideology of Imperialism and the entities which follow, or support it. Known members of the New Jedi Order (N.J.O) currently serving (or were serving) in the Galactic Alliance, Dark Empire, Tingel Arm Coalition, and Empire of the Lost are / were:
The Lothal Protectorate was a government which ruled over the Lothal system and was founded by the Jedi Master-- Jasper Kai'el-- to protect the planet Lothal and the rich Jedi history there such monuments like the Lothal Jedi Temple. It is the analysis of the N.I.S.B which concludes that the rebellion known to us as the "Tingel Arm Coalition" was founded in direct response to the annexation of Lothal by the Empire of the Lost which lead to attacks on Mon Calamari, and Lothal. The subsequent battles of Maldra IV and Garn resulted in the detonation of a weapon that was used against the Imperial navy by a member of this government known to as The Fynch. The New Jedi Order is a successor to the Old Jedi Order which served the Old Republic over a century ago. Based on the planet Coruscant (capital of the Galactic Alliance) the members of this religious sect of Force-sensitives are presently at war with the Sith Order on Jutrand; the Kainite-- a secular Sith sect ruled by the Dark Lord of the Kainite, Darth Carnifex-- based within the realms of the Stygian Caldera known to us as the "Sith Holy Worlds"; the Tsis'Kaar-- another secular Sith sect ruled by a Sith Lord called Darth Malum (currently a member of the Dark Council)-- which was founded by the Dark Lady of the Sith, Darth Ophidia, who served the Sith Order known to us as the "One Sith" during the fall of the Old Republic; the Eternalists, who believe that the "Worm Emperor" Darth Empyrean is destined to rule the Galaxy; and the New Sith Order founded by Darth Solipsis: the instigator of the Star War known as the "Second Great Hyperspace War" that was contested thirty years ago between the Galactic Alliance, Brotherhood of Maw, and several other now defunct factions that have since been dissolved, or destroyed. It is not a coincidence that these Jedi have been sighted all across the known Galaxy engaging in acts that would see the Sith brought into conflict with the Empire of the Lost, the Dark Empire, and the Sith Empire in their efforts to destroy the ideology of Imperialism. More than fifty years ago the Old Republic was destroyed by a Sith Order known as the "One Sith". In the present day the members of this old Sith state remain alive, and active within the aforementioned sects which make up the modern day Sith Empire. The Jedi, who lost the "One Sith Wars", have subsequently built the successor state to the Old Republic in the form of the Galactic Alliance who is now engaged in warfare against the Sith Empire. The same is true for the Dark Empire: a new faction founded on Carlac which is comprised of Imperial expats of the defunct New Imperial Order (destroyed during the "Second Great Hyperspace War") and the Brotherhood of Maw led by a Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Solipsis who founded the New Sith Order. It is the conclusion of the N.I.S.B that the modern day Star Wars being waged across the Galaxy are direct continuations of the "Second Great Hyperspace War" and the "One Sith Wars" pursued by members of the New Jedi Order who wish to avenge their losses in their previous conflicts against the aforementioned entities, and their aligned factions. As a consequence of the Empire of the Lost being the successors to the GALACTIC EMPIRE it is also, in our conclusions, that the Empire became a target of this Jedi plot, and that the annexation of Lothal was used to create the "Tingel Arm Coalition" to pursue their objective in wiping out all traces of Imperialism across the Galaxy. These conclusions are further collaborated by the exile of Maldor Mecetti from the Galactic Alliance: a former member of the Federal Assembly (a democratic body which governs the Alliance) who represented Obulette before it was discovered by the N.J.O that he was collecting Sith paraphernalia, and now sits on the Imperial Ruling Council with the rank of Moff over the planets Voss, and Folende. Mecetti, who now sits on the Imperial Ruling Council, is the son of Casteban Mecetti: a Tapani noble and head of House Mecetti which has ruled Obulette for over a millennium. The Mecetti have been out spoken critics of the N.J.O and their policies which included moving the Federal Assembly away from Coruscant under the pretence of invasion by the Dark Empire. In our investigation into Moff Mecetti we discovered no links to Sith paraphernalia leading us to the conclusion that the evidence used against him (which resulted in his exile from the Galactic Alliance) was fabricated in retaliation to a contract made between Mecetti Nationalized Industries and the Empire of the Lost to begin constructing Star Destroyers as well as silencing a dissenting voice on the Federal Assembly. In order to fabricate the necessary reasons for war against Imperialism across the Galaxy the N.J.O have engaged in acts of silencing, and stopping dissenting voices within the Galactic Alliance in order to pursue their plot to destroy the Sith Empire, Dark Empire, and the Empire of the Lost as seen through the exile of one of it's most outspoken critics in the form of Maldor Mecetti, and the subsequent loss of the late Senator Casteban Mecetti who passed away in suspicious circumstances. This interference coincides with the open letter of the Trade Federation of Planets to the Empire of the Lost stating their intentions to place a trade embargo on our systems therefore cutting off the supply of necessary goods, and services from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim Territories in possession of the Empire citing the lie that the escalating conflict between the Sith Empire and the Empire of the Lost as a reason to embargo our worlds. The T.F.P is a long standing member of the Federal Assembly within the Galactic Alliance, and operates as a supplier, manufacturer and distributor of weapons, munitions, and other services which are currently aiding the N.J.O in their wars against the Sith Empire, and Dark Empire. The consequences of this trade embargo resulted in an economic recession across over thirty star systems belonging to the Empire of the Lost. We can collaborate the presence of the New Jedi Order within entities such as the Galactic Alliance, Dark Empire, and the destroyed "Tingel Arm Coalition" after the Imperial Immortals engaged in a clandestine mission on Maldra IV to infiltrate the Nest. Here, we used the DSDT Program to hack the facility and gain access to the personnel files of the N.J.O members who joined the rebellion against the Empire of the Lost. As a consequence of our mission during the Battle of Maldra IV we have evidence that members of the N.J.O were in fact apart of the "Tingel Arm Coalition" while simultaneously acting on behalf of the Galactic Alliance. This is a clear hostile act against the Empire of the Lost and it's directives set by the late Majesty of All Imperial Kind-- ![]() In summary the Empire of the Lost has been the target of a Jedi conspiracy to destroy Imperialism across the Galaxy. It is the recommendation of the N.I.S.B that the Imperial Ruling Council be ordered by Empress Kilran to sue for peace with the Sith Empire and create a pact with the Dark Empire in order to stop the New Jedi Order and their plot. Through the creation of peace with the likes of the Sith, and our Imperial aligned comrades on Carlac, the Empire of the Lost can begin rebuilding following the costly conflicts at Felucia, Tion, Mon Calamari, Lothal, Maldra IV and Garn as we prepare for more hostilities made against the Empire by members of the Galactic Alliance. END OF REPORT. |
The above dossier is the in character depiction of "THE TRIGONUS REPORT" as written and told by

By proxy the TRIGONUS REPORT also implicated that the GALACTIC ALLIANCE had engaged in acts of war against the EMPIRE OF THE LOST after detailing that members of the NEW JEDI ORDER were discovered to have participated in the rebellion which resulted in attacks on the Imperial held star systems of LOTHAL and MON CALAMARI in conjunction with a member of it's FEDERAL ASSEMBLY in the form of the TRADE FEDERATION OF PLANETS enacting a trade embargo against the Empire therefore impacting it's economy by cutting off goods and supplies trickling into the TION CLUSTER from the CORE WORLDS and MID RIM regions of which the alliance occupy.
This report was designed to obfuscate the existence and machinations of a seditious organisation that was founded in the TION CLUSTER by diverting scrutiny and blame away from itself onto the JEDI. It's name is THE FIFTH WING who were founded by

Through this report

For example the first few paragraphs explain that

The next few paragraphs explain the whereabouts of the Initium: a missing star courier which once belonged to

This was accomplished by the successful capture of

In reality the Initium was captured by

The next half of the report indicates that

In this same segment of the report

The next segment of THE TRIGONUS REPORT contains an analysis of conflicts that the EMPIRE OF THE LOST, GALACTIC ALLIANCE, SITH EMPIRE, DARK EMPIRE and THE TINGEL ARM COALITION had engaged in across the CORE WORLDS, MID RIM and OUTER RIM TERRITORIES where followers of the NEW JEDI ORDER were present. Here

After tying together these events

In the final segments of the dossier

The reality is that PALPATINE lied about the JEDI ORDER as a means to reform the GALACTIC REPUBLIC into the first GALACTIC EMPIRE while the modern day JEDI are retaliating against the aggressive tyrannical rule of the EMPIRE OF THE LOST, SITH EMPIRE and DARK EMPIRE. Meanwhile

As the report comes to a close

While the TRIGONUS REPORT contains many elements of truth (such as the fact that there were followers of THE NEW JEDI ORDER that were members of the TINGEL ARM COALITION for example) at it's core it is dishonest and manipulative in it's design to divert scrutiny away from the FIFTH WING while bringing the EMPIRE OF THE LOST and it's leaders to contemplate new military or diplomatic stances against other galactic powers especially against the JEDI which can only serve the various SITH who are hiding, or outright influencing Imperial leadership on LIANNA while simultaneously painting a target on the various former members of the TINGEL ARM COALITION which dissolved following the Empire's victory on MALDRA IV and GARN.
The dossier was titled "THE TRIGONUS REPORT" by

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