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The true goal of Palpatine

This is a ink to a geeks are sexy article about a fans conjecture on Palpatine's true goals for his Empire.

Having read it, I think that it is a good, logical argument that makes the resulting mayhem of the Original Trilogy (Luke tearing down the Empire with the help of a well funded but rag tag group of Rebels) seem more realistic. If Palpatine didn't think of the Rebels as a real threat and was focusing on building for a horribly inevitable invasion....

Well I'll let people read it and discuss here before I give my full two cents.


The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
Wow, when you read that and think about what Palpatine did it really does seem like he was preparing for the Vong. If you've read any of the NJO books you really do get a sense that without something like the Death Star to completely wipe out millions of them at once a war against them is impossible.

Now I'm not saying that the Emperor wasn't an evil shit, but if you face facts the Galactic Empire would have fared far better against the Vong especially in the earlier battles. The Empire was better equipped, better funded, had better intelligence, and presuming they had survived they would also have Darth Vader arguably the strongest Force User of all time.

Now flip to the New Republic, who if you've read the first NJO book you find out in chapter 3 the governing council has already been highly corrupted, whom are still trying to reign in control of all of the planets and systems that basically said "The Hell With It" and went independent. That coupled with the Jedi Order having no centralization or ruling body at the start of the books makes for a very poor defense against a force like the Vong who are bred for war more or less.
It’s a fun after the fact justification for the character, just as Thrawn’s motives with the Empire of the Hand in the later books was.
However, it ultimately doesn’t hold any water because it is just that; a justification. The Vong never were part of movie canon and now never will be, so it was never in the minds of Lucas or the other writers for the movies.

Basically, it’s a fun theory, but it basically hits the same snag as the ‘Jedi are really evil’ argument. You can argue it, persuasively even, but it will never be true.
[member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Mangus Abraxius"] [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]

I know that with the Disney reset it doesn't matter and that they were written in after the movies, but I like to think from an in character stand point. Palpatine was av heir to Bane's rule of two. They were Masters of secrecy and planning. I have to think that if he wasn't focusing on something else, the Rebels wouldn't have stood a chance.


The best Force using smuggler in the Galaxy.
[member="Aron Rodrie"]

I'm a big fan of the EU of Star Wars, even YJK, but I'm really happy with the Disney reset, It will give us something new to look forward to. I know a lot of people were bummed cause it was messing with the canon a bit but meh, that's just what happens. Disney honestly makes good movies so I'm fairly excited.

Now as you said, looking in from the expanded Palpatine that came to be from the books and the Prequel Trilogy it does seem highly improbable that he just derped around with a Death Star with no other purpose than to intimidate. Even if you look back to the Original Trilogy in Empire Strikes Back he rushes development of the second Death Star. Go further into detail with the Thrawn trilogy and you find out that he actually sent many, many, fleets into deep space to 'Scout'.

Of course we all know that this is just speculation, and that the Original Trilogy is just an old series with a lot of plot holes, but it's that speculation that led to most of the EU works.

It just seems to me like, as well put together as the Emperor was and as powerful as the Galactic Armada was at the time, if he was truly not focused on something else eliminating the Rebels would not have been as hard. He says time and time again in the movies, "They do not concern me." Maybe that was so because something else did.

Hulle Itera

The sinners blood must be spilt...
[member="Aron Rodrie"]

Personally, if I was Palpatine and I knew the Vong were coming, I wouldn't exactly be too concerned with utterly crushing the rebellion. In fact, I'd keep them around, maneuver their territory to where I'd think the Vong would attack, and basically use them as a buffer state. Then they'd be destroyed and the Vong would be weakened.
This confirms what I've always believed (i've seen this a bit ago)
Palpatine is the HERO of the Saga. He was doing what he could, with the Dark Side and technological advancements to defend the galaxy from a greater threat.

It wasn't his fault the Jedi Terrorist Alliance of Super Friends destroyed the Planetary Ore Extractor, twice.

I blame Luke Skywalker for the deaths in the NJO.

Sarcasm level 0, but also Ralph Macchio is the villain of the Karate Kid.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Darth Vornskr said:
They've been dead a long time now.

[member="Avadreia Lacroix"]

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