Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The True Path

Location: Jivanada Dharak
Gar Jissard cast his eyes around examining faces in the crowd, searching for the responses he wanted, noting those who begrudged him his speech. Those who seemed to heed his words and yet feared to be seen doing so. This was a closed culture, very similar to his own in many respects. Gar gathered his voice again. "Friends, I need not preach to you of the meanings of the force. its presence and effects is known to you. But I bid you, hear me as i present a new side of this well polished coin. The Force has, by many been trivialized turned into the subject of scientific investigation. Attempts have been made to explain it away Midichlorians for instance (microscopic organisms that we must control) no my brothers this is not the way. The Force IS the origin it IS life it cannot be explained or rationalized it just IS. While civilizations, races, species, planets, cultures rise and then fade into darkness the Force stays true, stays strong in the face of all adversity the force is always there to calm the storm, to lean on as a friend and a mentor. Yes even THIS place this people will one day vanish into the blackness. BUT! what then? What of our lives, what of purpose, of love, of family and life. What then are these, and to what avail? That my Brothers is the question, the question you must ask yourselves...each and every one must seek deep in your heart to find the answer. but i believe you will find that the ANSWER lie with the Force...even now I am seeking that life... will you? Thank you that is all." hes stepped down from his trunk and pulled out a flask "talking is thirsty work" he thought to himself.

Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest
Inwardly, Vis sighed. This guy was speaking to many that were brain dead and lacked the sense to understand much of what the Gungan was saying. Pity. There was some interesting theories behind his words. When he stopped and thought about it, Vis only saw the Force as a tool; a means to an end. This guy spoke of it as a sort of deity in a way. Curious... despite the fact that Visvada towered over most Vidhvansakan people, he managed to slide very carefully toward the front of the crowd and approached the Gungan from behind. "Gungan. You are very intriguing," his powerful voice reached above the noise of the crowd but only encompassed the two individuals. ​"You have ideologies about the Force that I have not heard of. You are most curious. Tell me more of this method of Force that you speak of." His deep yellow eyes calmly took in the appearance of the Gungan, who's voice was so much purer than the ones he had heard about. Another oddity. "But first, tell me of your name. I am Visvada Ondu. The high priest of the entire Vidhvansakan race. I represent my peoples the majority of the time and like to learn of all that I can. Especially the Force. Being that I am the most skilled Force user in the history of my people." His voice slowly droned on with the correct inflections making his long soliloquy sound interesting.

[member="Gar Jissard"]
"Ah greetings friend, my name is Gar Jissard, the shunned child of a disowned people, and a seeker of Truth. Indeed? I am humbled by your recognition." (a shallow bow) "in-fact you are just the sort of audience i was seeking. You see in a culture such as yours it may be looked upon with scorn or disapproval to approach the people directly with "radical" concepts. Believe me, some leaders on other planets have been very ill pleased indeed to find an outsider filling their hard working loyal people with a lot of "mush" as they say. I am very fond of the voice of the individual; however, I do recognize the need to work from the top down, so to speak....excuse me I am quite shameless in my attempts to convert. So what was it you wished to know more about?" nodding his head in acknowledgement to Visvada's reply, he continued " Oh yes of course, the Force. Yes, I have deviated in belief from the prevailing sentiment in the larger galaxy. You see... many regard the Force as merely a tool, a method or path to achieve their ends, much as one would use a spanner or sword; a tool or weapon as the case may be. Both proponents of the Light and Dark side of the Force tend to identify with this concept. I disagree with this usage. I have come to understand that the Force is more than tool or energy field, it not only gives life but sustains and nurtures it. This would imply an intelligence and where there is intelligence, a Will. There is a crucial difference in core ideology of my beliefs and those of the masses of so called Force Users. We must open up ourselves to the Force and let its will flow through us. Our bodies and minds should be extensions of the will of the Force. Now I am in no way renouncing individualism or that proposing that we all relinquish our wills to be robots to the Will of the Force; what I am saying is that we were Designed with intent. The intent to be an extension of the Force a living breathing messenger.
For instance I cringe at the Use of the Force; although it can no doubt be used and twisted (which i dont necessarily mean in a bad way) however good the intentions. Now I do recognize the need for and i am not opposed to, the effect individuals have on the force, but it should be according to the will and plan of the Force. For, you see, if the Force were merely a tool or Energy field it would not have a dark and light side it would be like any other physical object, energy, or even the wind, only the intent or purpose would differ. And yet the widely recognized theory that there is a light and dark side to the force precludes it from the normal physical and scientific explanation, instead placing itself on the plane somewhere closer to emotions. and so you ask what exactly IS the Force, I have told you what it is not , I have told you that it has a will that can manifest itself, but what IT is...That i can not say for in truth i do not know. It is for that reason that I am here on a pilgrimage of the galaxy to find that Truth that Path". He paused ... "forgive me if i am long winded, it a subject i hold very dear, and may tend to ramble on about. But what am i saying I percieve you are a people given to patience and contentment, along with the wisdom that resides in those tenants.
"but tell me, I would now more of you and your people" "also i wonder if you could recommend a place of lodging for i have only recently arrived here."

Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest
So he spoke of the Force as a proverbial entity. Interesting. Visvada had never considered this idea himself - that there was anything behind the Force besides the use of it. That said that brought up the question of whether or not the Force had will if it was a type of sentience. And if so, how would that will be expressed? How would things happen based on this being that had apparent sentience? There was still a lot to be understood. "I think there are some things we need to learn from each other. Walk with me." By then the crowd had dispersed and was manageable. Visvada walked easily through his people, who created a path for him. But the Gungan would have more troubles with faces that didn't know his. "My people work for honor and the good of everyone," he began, his voice leaking smoothly out of his mouth. "We have a very long history of wars and famines and some of the worst calamities sentient beings can bring upon themselves. Unlike most other species, we stood strong through the hardest times. We endure. We are a race that does not give up for we are as stubborn as they come. We function with a very organized democratic-like government keeping everyone in balance." Coming to a stop, they were overlooking a huge valley as they stood atop a very abrupt cliff. A city spread out in front of them, ships rising in and out of some of the more modern areas, but most houses resembled the original culture of his people: made out of trees that were altered as they grew to become sizable adobes and then patched with other organic materials. a 200 meter drop was the only place to go. Until his personal ship rose up and opened it's bay. "As for lodgings. You will be staying at my house. We have a bit of a flight, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. While our public lodgings are nice, mine are nicer." With a zealous grin, he steps onto the bay, allowing a small bit of time before the bay closed and the flight began.

[member="Gar Jissard"]
"I am curious" said Gar, as he followed Visvada into the ship "were you born into your position as high priest? or appointed. Also thank you for your hospitality there are not many who would welcome strangers especially of a different species. I'm interested in your peoples connection to the Force, Have you been influence much by orders such as the Jedi?"

Visvada Ondu

Vidhvansakan High Priest
"I was born into the position. My people have very little connection to the Force. I am the most powerful user in the history of my people actually. Never before has there been a power like mine. That is why I am in the position I am. My people remained neutral in all that we do, choosing to live independent lives from the views of others. We find it makes things simpler when we function within out own selves." These answers were almost a script. They had been asked before. Most people were interested in his people as they were so secretive and closed. And he loved sharing. "Now. Tell me more of yourself. Your history. How did you find yourself on Jivanada?"

[member="Gar Jissard"]
"What brought me here? Well in some ways the Force has brought me. I have ranged the galaxy in the search of the Truth in specific the teachings of one a legendary from dim mists of time. The legends say there were four, mightiest of all sword masters who had ever lived. Together there were none who could best them, whole armies fell like chaff before them, such was their prowess in the arts of combat that even the great Sith Lords and there legions of minions were brought low. As the legend goes, two fell from grace, two remained true to tradition. Of the two who fell, straying to the dark side, 1 died in combat redeeming himself slaying over a dozen of the dark lords, 1 redeemed himself but could never again find it in himself to join the Jedi once again. Of the other two, 1 also died in combat, the other attaining the rank of master in the Order. A tragedy it was ,that so great a fellowship should end but so do all things in time. The name of the one I seek was, Davin BenGurion; he found a new understanding of the Force, so profound that he formed a new order based on his beliefs, The Renovari they were called. According to legend they held the key to the Truth.
As for specifically why this planet, was guided here."

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