Melvand Zrimmir
Generic Neimoidian #459

Zrimmir was steaming mad. He wanted revenge, badly. So his temper was thin, "Where is that information!?"
His most senior assistant approached,
"Sir, I must ask. Even if you do narrow down some names who have connections to these companies and products, without solid proof of appearance, what good would it be?"
A bold question, one that almost received him a verbal storm. However, Zrimmir came to a realization, his flurry was foolish, and would get him no where. It was time Zrimmir left. Besides, Zrimmir wouldn't want to be found out and compromised, that would be bad for business.
"That, is a smart perception on the matter, Nuu't. I believe it's time to make our leave from this auction."
So, Zrimmir logged out. He was done. Who needed such silly art anyways, plenty of it elsewhere.