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The Underworld | The Coratanni Cartel exploitation of Ukio

Abrion Sector
Ukio; an agriworld within the Abrion Sector a hop and skip and away from Rishi. It was situated on the Manda Merchant Route, a hyperlane that connected Rishi and Molavar. A large terrestrial world with gentle winds, calm weather, and a mild climate. The fact that it had no seasonal variation due to the world's slow rotation and low axial tilt and a breathable atmosphere made it perfect for growing crops.

A standard day would take 22 hours, and among the galaxy it was renowned as one of the best known and most efficient agricultural planets within this sector. It had a growing season that lasted more than a year, providing ideal conditions for growing grain and other foodstuffs. It was for this exact reason that the Coratanni Cartel had Ukio in it's sights.

It's proximity to Rishi was favorable, not to mention the Techno Union had long since done away with it's hold here. However, that wouldn't even matter for Natalia or Slevin. There were other companies here of course. Big names like Silk Holdings, Arceneau Trade, and others -- but what the pair were looking to wiggle into was the local crime environment.

With Kessel under control of the Silver Jedi Order, a new area had to be cultivated for spice. Not just spice but also for producing a new lin of product to perhaps even surpass glitterstim, ryl, and others. The first step was grabbing a foothold on a small section of the planet. From there, well... it was just the beginning.

Natalia's exotic green eyes narrowed upon the bright Ukioan sun's light, a hand held up to block the rays. She strode out of the freighter, her dark amethyst blouse and black pants a stark contrast to the bright cobalt's, greens, and golds of the fields surrounding the space port of Sashasa.

Merchant cargo runs would periodically flow in and out of this busy tradeport, loading up on produce and foodstuffs to deliver to the trade stations and various ports across the Manda Merchant Route. A fine cloud of dust lingered everywhere, and the native traders and farmers bustled along their business.

First part of the plan? Set up shop and get some property.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Slevin stood leaning on the edge of the cargo bay, his eyes set upon his beloved as she walked slowly out among the fields.

It had not been long since their taking of Nar Kreeta and the slaughter of the Hutt’s there. It had been a sweet moment, delicious in every sense of the word. They had reminisced upon it together on the way home, told tales of their exploits as their fingers traced gentle lines. It had been nice, though left him wondering if this trip would be much the same.

Natalia had denied it, and he was beginning to fear that she was right.

Ukio was an agricultural world.

It was important in every sense of the word, bringing up food and medicinal plants in the metric tons. Ukio fed half of this sector and the five surrounding it. There was no denying such a thing was valuable, though of course for the two of them food and medicine meant very little. No, they were here for something entirely different.

It was just a matter of getting their point across.

Slowly Slevin pulled himself away from the side of the cargo-hold, gently touching down onto the planets surface as he walked off of the cargo ramp. There was quite a bit to do still, and Slevin intended to get it done quickly.

If only so they could move on to something more...intimate.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

"Sunglasses." Natalia curtly said, her nose wrinkling in mild distaste. The sun on Ukio was obnoxiously bright. Not as arid or baking as that of Tatooine, but annoying none the less.

"I'll need to acquire sunglasses if we are lingering here long." A small clap of her hands dusted them off, the dyed blonde of her hair a bright contrast to her attire. She regularly dyed her hair, keeping and styled it in new ways. In this instance, she swept it up in a severe slick backed ponytail. It brought emphasis to the dark ink of the tattoo that covered her throat.

"Mfeo Var Tal supposedly runs what petty smuggling ring we'll find here my love," she told Slevin, darting her gaze over to him with a winning smile. It was one that bore confidence and a deep welled knowing; one that said that they would handle Mfeo Var Tal shortly.

"A Devaronian based off Sashasa's spaceport." it was unlikely that he situated himself there personally.

No, they were going to have to break a few fingers and legs to get the trail on where exactly Mfeo would be.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

"I suppose we can't just kill them all." A tough thing to admit in truth, but Slevin realized that leaving a trail of bodies around the galaxy was probably the best way to get noticed. They weren't Sith, they weren't out to kill and slaughter everyone, they just wanted what was theirs.

It just so happened they saw everything as theirs.

"Let's just get this over with." He said calmly. "Perhaps we'll find someone who will give you their glasses. I've often heard that country folk are very kind."

He smiled at her, and then slowly began to walk towards the odd tower in the distance. He supposed that it was likely a grainery of some sort, storage in which they could keep the plants that were processed in the main foundry. Slevin had no real idea how much of agriculture worked, but that wasn't really why they were here. They needed land, yes, but they were here to garner results of that land, not to become gardeners. Once they were ready, other people would handle the specifics.

Or Natalia would, she did so often enjoy indulging in the smaller things.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

"No, we can't kill them all." Natalia would say rather ruefully. The arched dark brow over her right eye rose as she gave him a sidelong glance.

"Doesn't mean we can't maim them a little." her chuckle relayed her good mood. This was a good day. She felt it. It would be a productive day, and Natalia liked having productive days.

The walk to the tower was a gritty affair. There were dirt and sand everywhere, and a good gust of wind would bring in the deplorable scent of Bantha shit. Something would have to be done about that.

The tower had the standard security. Not many actually believed that anyone would be rather bold to try and tangle with Mfeo, what with the norm population being farmers or sheepherders. They were about to get a surprise.

Natalia and Slevin were not here on their own. Earlier Talia had sent a few of her Little Birds to embed themselves within the space port. Small, deadly little things, they served Natalia's interests.

The closer they came to the Tower, the more they would see what they were dealing with. There were one or two Gamorrean guards, a half dozen Nikto, and whatever odd spacer found themselfs on Mfeo's payroll to smuggle out goods.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Slevin undid a button on his suit jacket as they wandered closer to the tower, his lips thinning slightly as he observed the guards.

They were all holding weapons of some sort, vibro-axes, blaster rifles, one even had a club of some sort. They were hardly the most impressive thing that Slevin had ever seen, though at least they looked up when they saw the two Crime Lords on approach. The Nikto even half raised his blaster, a notion that made Slevin scowl slightly. They were here as defense of course, though from the looks of them they couldn't defend the tower if their lives depended on it.

He doubted they would have an issue.

"Perhaps you should try speaking to them." Slevin suggested. "It would go much faster."

Slaughter was simple, but...well it would take time with all of them there. He was confident in his own abilities, but Gamorreans tended to make quite a mess upon their death bed, and that was not something Slevin wanted to deal with. Especially not with his new suit, the garment had cost quite a bit of money, and he wasn't quite ready to soil it with pig blood just yet. "They seem rather talkative."
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

It would go much faster. But then again, there was something about hearing a Gamorean squeal.

The corner of Natalia's mouth gave a twitch, and if she was concerned about the Nikto half raising his blaster, she didn't even show it.

With a brilliant smile across ruby red lips, the full figured woman brought up her hands to rest on her hips.

"Good afternoon boys," her husky drawl was a rasp that ran down the spine. If they were talkative or not, they were about to find out.

"Name's Thawne, Natalia , and Slevin Thawne." a cock of her hip made it swing to the right. "Me and my beloved are here to check in with Mfeo."

The Gamoreans looked at each other, not quite sure how to react. The Nikto was the one who stared down at the blonde as if he wasn't too trusting of her.

"What do you want?" he would growl out, still half holding his blaster as if ready to use it.

"Just a quick chat s'tall." and his head, Natalia thought to herself, although the intent would not be seen through her wide seemingly friendly smile.

"We've business to attend to."
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Aliens, in his experience, tended to be quite dim. There were a few intelligent ones of course, like Falleen. The greenskins were quite smart, cunning, and if need be ruthless, but one did not often encounter them in places like this.


One encountered idiot Gamorreans and Foolish Nikto that could barely count to ten. Slevin found the whole lot of them quite grating. He was not xenophobic by nature, he thought little of everyone until they opened their mouths, then usually he thought even less of them. It wasnt theor fault of course.

Most people were simply made to obey.

Slevin stayed quiet as Natalia had her conversation with the simpletons, if only because he likely wouldnt have helped any of this at all if he'd said a word. Unlike any of these fools he knew enough to stay quiet when he didnt need to speak.

That in it of itself was a skill.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

Gamorreans and Nikto were not the brightest of beings. A charming smile, a few nice words, and the group shuffled on their feet as if they didn't know what to do. Having someone of presence actually come in as if they were supposed to be here and seem to be competent made them question if they were supposed to simply let them inside.

"We're waiting," Natalia repeated, although this time her tone of voice had sharpened to a distinct, pointed reminder. As if to say if they didn't do as she requested, they would pay.

The Nikto leader gave a small grunt, then lowered his blaster. Small time agricultural scum were not bright enough to realize the danger they were letting inside.

"This way." he told them, the Gamorreans grunting and snorting, moving their heavy round bodies out of the way to allow them inside.

The seemingly sunny smile was back again, although Natalia took a note that they would have to kill the Nikto for his incompetence.


Turning to her beloved, her smile broadened. With a smug roll of her hips, they went inside of the tower.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

In Slevins mind there was one thing that set people apart from everyone else; Ambition.

It was a quality that many claimed to have, but few actually portrayed. To some, ambition was simply getting a raise, getting a new paycheck, or simply living another day. For Slevin, that wasn’t enough. A person was only ambitious if they sought to not only improve their own life, but to supplant it completely and entirely.

This little tower...It was a poor display of ambition.

Sure the smuggler, or whatever he claimed to be, had made some headway here, even had his own little gang, but this? This place was the home of rats and flies, not a man in charge, not a person who wanted to be something.

It was entirely disgusting, almost disturbing really, how lazy some people could be. Were this many anything like him he hardly would have stopped at one field, one tower, he would have hundreds, perhaps thousands. It was a good thing probably, as it meant he and Natalia would have no problem here, but a part of him couldn’t help but simply feel...let down.

Perhaps he expected too much.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

They both had expected too much.

Slevin and Natalia would see the full depiction of their disappointment once they were lead inside. There were two more guards - if one could call them that - playing a game of sabaac in the corner.

The place was in disorganized shambles. In fact, there was a rather questionable stench that lingered in the air. The scent of baked poodoo edged with a hint of ammonia. Natalia curled her upper lip in distaste. Everything would need a good scrubbing. What a waste. While the pair were not opposed to being covered in the blood of their enemies or getting a little dirty, there was a set organization at keeping things efficient.

This wasn't efficient nor effective.

The Nikto led them towards a door covered by a red swath of fabric. Ducking down, he swung the cover with a rustle, revealing another chamber that held a line of tables and crates to the right. On the left were more crates and a desk. The sigils on the crates had names like 'Ukioan Corn', ' Ukioan Rice', and ' Ukioan Soybeans.' However, those crates that were left open revealed that while they indeed held the various dried grains, there were stashes of weapons in them.

A large Devaronian stood inspecting a particular crate with another Rodian. He appeared to be in the process of inspecting a particular heavy blaster rifle when their guide called out, "Hey boss."

Mfeo turned, his crimson skin and bright yellow eyes narrowing down at the sight of Natalia and Slevin. Letting the flap come back down, the Nikto said, "These two came lookin' for you."
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

For a brief few seconds Slevin considered just walking out.

This whole thing disgusted him so much that it was rather difficult to keep a straight face, especially considering that his expectations had been so much higher. He frowned for a moment more, letting his displeasure sit in. There was something about this…well, they needed it. That was tough to admit really, the idea that they needed anything, but in order to move forward one had to expand.

Of course, that didn’t meant they needed these people.

It was an important distinction.

If they could simply take the land out from beneath this...smuggler, then things would be much more simple. Briefly he glanced around the room, considering their options and whether or not he could get away with slaughtering every single person in this room. He was not super-human, so eventually he decided that there were just one or two too many of them.

He liked Killing, but only if he could do it without a chance of dying himself. Slevin was no fool, if he went up against a large group of people there was no way he would come out on top, not when some of them were twice as strong as he was. The simplest method then, would be to leave it to Natalia.

She could use her silver tongue, then he would use his fists.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

The Devaronian gave a flick of his forked tongue. Rather nasty beings Devaronians were. The length of their tongue only made it... more disturbing. Seeing herself and Slevin as higher beings, Natalia was more of a 'us-centric' philosophy than 'human-centric.' However, she still held a distaste for aliens. They could have their uses, which is why Natalia kept her half smile on her lips.

"So, what do you two want?" Mfeo asked, although the interest in having his eyeballs trace the curves of the blonde's body made it evident that he was interested. He at least held some measure of smarts to not ignore Slevin, passing him a few glances as if sizing him up.

Slevin, on the other hand, did not seem to be impressed by anything. Even Natalia could sense a bit of his restlessness.


"Thawne," Natalia said simply, widening her smile.

"Slevin," gesturing to her beloved, as she would introduce him first, placing emphasis on his position. " and Natalia Thawne of the Coratanni Cartel."

"We are here to discuss business." straight to the point.

Mfeo set down the datapad and blaster rifle he had in his hand, "Oh? And what sort of business is that?"

"We'd like to settle down in the area. Heard the land is ripe for plucking and production... we are interested in cultivating a new product."
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

This was boring.

He wanted so badly to kill them all, to end it here. It would have been easier, to simply take what they needed. Part of him knew that they couldn’t just go around killing everyone, that such things were to brutal for what amounted to a very soft galaxy, but he could dream about it, he could wonder and fantasize.

Then again, most of the time he didn’t have to.

Yes Natalia liked to talk, and yes she was so very excellent at solving their problems, but...well most of the time he got turned loose. An excellent example had been their run in with the Hutt’s, the two now defunct Crime Lords that had ended up as nothing more than corpses. Natalia had talked there, but in the end he had been wielding the knife.

He supposed that it would be very much the same here in this situation, he just had to be patient, he just had to wait. His lips twitched slightly as the man spoke, if only because the sound of his voice made him want to rip the man’s vocal cords out.

A particularly violent thought.

[member="Slevin Thawne"]

It was pretty clear that Mfeo thought quite a bit of himself. A sad little man on a sad little hill.

Oh, you will learn your place soon enough, Natalia mused to herself. The Devaronian came walking over to the pair, cocking his head to the side as he seemed to measure them up. They'd come in here with no guards, no back up and bold as you please. Odds were he was considering that he was the one in a position of power.

How little did he really know.

Outside by the spaceport, the runners were moving into position. They had blended into the masses as travelers, beggers, and children moving goods to and fro.

"What product is this?" Mfeo asked, his tongue flicking along with every word he spoke. That distaste and desire to shoot that smug smile off his face grew with every second. In his right pocket were a pair of sunglasses. Ah.

"Spice," Natalia said simply. Oh, there was more to it, but she wasn't going to disclose that.

"It is hard to cultivate those spiders beyond Kessel," Mfeo said plainly. Oh, so he was smart enough to know what.

"We have our ways." Natalia said without removing her smile. At her hip her fingers gave a slight flex. Her shiv was close, as were the blasters her beloved had given her.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

He thought in such a small way. That wasn’t really a surprise, people generally tended to think in the limitations that other people put on them. Slevin and Natalia were different of course, when they encountered a problem they didn’t think of it as something that could never be overcome, instead they thought of a way to move around. It was simple when you put your mind to it.

Though then again didn’t look like he had much of a mind.

Again he felt that urge to just end the man, put him out of his memory and simply clinch these negotiations with a spray of blood and a clench of his fist, but again he held off on doing that, for now. He frowned slightly as he looked out the dusky window in the corner of the room, the vast fields stretching out all around them.

Spice was of course ordinarily cultivates through Spiders in the mines of Kessel. Nearly impossible to remove from their home and difficult to harvest, mining spice had always been a rather dangerous ordeal. Slevin and Natalia sought to change that however, if only because...well they never much liked doing things the hard way.

His eyes slowly returned to the other man.

If this went on much longer he wouldn’t be able to resist, perhaps dropping some coins on the ground would distract the guards...
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

This was taking too long. Much like Slevin, Natalia had a measure of patience that if stretched for too long, would thin. Her's had a tendency to last longer than her beloved, but when it came right down to it...

Natalia was already thinking about cutting off this Devaronian's tongue.

Pasting that tempting smile ever wider, the blonde brazenly tipped her head back up to meet Mfeo's gaze, playing the part of the interested woman.

"I'd be happy to explain some more... but my lips are parched." the slow lick at the bottom of her lip gave a fine image for any man's wandering mind.

"Perhaps a drink to sate my thirst?"

Mfeo chuckled, gesturing to the Nikto to go. "How about you bring some drinks for our guests Vie."

"Yes boss." the Nikto replied, nodding as he spun on his foot towards the entrance. And then there were two.

"So where exactly do you plan to set up camp then?" Mfeo drew closer to Natalia, but the woman did not step back. Instead, the subtle nuances of her body slowly began to loosen, as if getting ready to pounce on her prey. Only Mfeo and that other guard by the crates of weapons.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Slevin didn’t need a signal or a word, they went far beyond that. It was in her body language, the way she stood, the way she moved forward just slightly, the very way that her muscles tensed. That was enough of a signal for him, that was enough to show her intent, to show him the way. Glee loomed in his eyes, and before Natalia could move towards the smuggler, Slevin was already striking the guard.

It happened in an instant.

A blink of an eye wasn’t long enough to have it register, but Slevin moved as though he were a predator finally getting to jump on his prey after hours of stalking. He moved quickly, one arm reaching out towards the other man as he snatched him up in an instant. His hand slipped around his neck, the other about his shirt.

His feet shot forward a second later, causing the man to stumble and fall into an odd sort of embrace. Before the guard could fight him, before he could even struggle or gasp, Slevin snapped his neck.

There was a loud crunch of bone, and then the sound of a limp body hitting the floor with a heavy thud.

It was quick, brutal, and effective. Within a second of Natalia even considering making her move Slevin had already done what they’d both been aching to do. Murder was his way, it was how he dealt with problems. The ultimate solution, if one that was a bit crass.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

Mfeo was completely surprised by how fast Slevin moved, but he would not expect the shiv to shot up along his ribcage straight to the delicate organs. Her smile turned wolfish as she twisted the blade, satsifaction radiating from the woman's visage as she leant in close.

"Right here." she uttered with a throaty voice, her breath flowing over the Devaronian's shocked expression as the blood began to flood his cavity. It was a quick death perhaps, but not without the sort of satisfaction Natalia would gather. Oh no, she jerked the blade out, and when the smuggler made way to cry out for the other guards, the blonde quickly went in to grab at his tongue.

"Ah, ah ah!" came the tsking cluck of her tongue.

"We don't need to do that." the gurgled cry of pain went washing over the woman as scarlet drops fell to the floor and splattered across her cheek.
[member="Natalia Thawne"]

Slevin clapped his hands together, reaching down to pluck a blaster from the guards hip. The thing was shoddily constructed, which only made Slevin scowl more. The hated using blasters, and it was worse when they were pieces of junk. Yet he could read the writing on the wall. There were more than just these gentlemen within the building, and very soon the rest of the guards would be wondering what all the commotion was about. Better to be prepared.

Even with the man silenced, there would be others soon.

"Hurry up, dear." Slevin said simply. "Even the idiots downstairs will realize whats going on before long."

They could probably just give them some excuse, but it was better to dispense with the entire ordeal and then shift towards the guards before they did anything else. They had the high ground now of course which would help, but there were still only two of them. He wondered briefly if perhaps they should have taken some of their own guards, but that neither had the same flare of dramatic, nor was it nearly as fun. He shrugged slightly and stepped towards the doors. "You can play later."

Slevin said simply.

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