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The United Corporation and Defense Act [FAILED]

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Bill Name: The United Corporation and Defense Act

Purpose: To increase our commitment to the defense of the Republic, in which increased spending will be given to several companies. The choice of these companies hold no bearing on their relations with the Republic and can be added to as time proceeds on.


Section 1 - Baktoid will be given more business for their devotion to the republic, as such the Frontier class station will be purchased to aid along major trade routes as well as increased spending on armament creations from Baktoid such as weapons and armor.

Section 2 - Kuat Drive Yards will be given more business for their devotion to supplying the Republic with exceptional ships and resources. As such funding will be given to Kuat Drive Yards in which both pre existing ships can purchased, as well as newer models can be made with the increased funding.

Section 3 - New business will be given to Subach-Innes, for no other reason than that of the need for a newer and wider range of products. After a negotiation with the CEO of Subach several points have been fleshed out in the inclusion of Subach’s products into the republic’s arsenal. The reason for these additional precautions is due to Subach’s continual dealings with less savory groups.

Section 3a - Products made for the Republic will only be sold to the Republic from the point of conception. This includes before the blueprints are put into first drafting, and all throughout and after the development of the ships or products made by Subach.

Section 3b - Release of Blueprints or Files will from that point and forever on be to the Republic Upper military leaders and to the Upper branches of the Republic’s leadership. Release to anyone else without the expressed permission of the Chancellor or Leaders of the Military will be taken as a breach in security and Subach will be held responsible.
Section 3c - Release of Blueprints, files or the selling of products made for the Republic will result in the labeling of Subach-Innes as an enemy of the republic and will be treated as an enemy would. This may include, but is not limited to, Economic Sanctions, Embargos, Targeting of Subach factories/forced shut down, and seizure of Subach products kept at those factories.


Yusan let the Act be brought up that he had drafted, let the games begin as he had heard so many times before.

The lace fan of the Ducha would ever so slowly fan over her heartshaped face, shielding the lower half from view as aquamarine eyes would study the bill proposal in front of her. As one of of heads of the Judiciary Committee, she found the contents of the bill to be a bit laughable. More so in the wake of the Internal investigations due to the circumstances that occurred in Protectorate Territory with Baktoid.

The tragedy of Drunkenwell had been highly publicized, and the taint of a ruin reputation and questionable business practices would be high on the list. Either way, this had the scent of a pork-barrel project. While she could not fault granting more business to Kuat Drive Yards, they had already provided resources beyond compare without suitable reimbursement.

Then there was Subach Ines, whose history in business practice and questionable alliances brought a certain doubt at offering them a corporate contract backed by Galactic Republic revenues.

But there was a reason for everything, and Persephone wanted to know why the Senator had specifically picked these corporations.

"Baktoid... Subach Ines... while I cannot fault Kuat Drive Yards with their impecable reputation, the former have questionable business practices and have been subject to Republic and Omega Protectorate investigations before.

Why should the Republic offer them corporate contracts in light of these facts?"

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
"As chairman of the finance committee, I find this proposed bill absolutely unethical. An open bidding process was not followed. Kuat Drive Yards, Santhe/Sienar, Silk Holdings, Corellian Engineering Corporation, Rendili StarDrive -- any of these manufacturers are capable of serving the Republic's needs just as well as Subach and Baktoid, or better. I say better, not only because their starships are objectively superior in most respects -- and I'm speaking as an experienced starship designer myself -- but because unlike Baktoid, they don't implant hidden killswitches in all of their products, and unlike Subach, they don't put bombs in their facilities in case of inspection.

"I am forced to call for Mr. Fenn's private bill to be stricken from the record, and charges laid of collusion with known war criminals. Apart from a Republic executive order banning Circe Savan from Republic space entirely, the CEOs and primary shareholders of both Baktoid and Subach-Innes have been indicted for genocide by the Omega Protectorate and the Fringe Confederation. Mr. Fenn, you're in bed with Sith Lords so depraved that the Fringe kicked them out."

Torill Holgor

[member="Memorial"] [member="Persephone Callas"] [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

Torill stood looking over the bill when Senator Callas speaks up questioning the choice of businesses based on previous practices. Torill was about to say something when a Senator he had not met yet spoke up apparently from the Finance Committee questioning the ethics of the bill and calling for charges against the fellow Senator.

"Perhaps it would be wise to shelve this initiative until the companies in question can be further researched and replaced with more reputable alternatives."

Torill paused.

"As far as charges been brought against the Senator I will leave that alone and defer to those who that responsible for such decisions falls to."
[member="Persephone Callas"], [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"], [member="Memorial"]

Aurelia stood. This nonsense had gone on long enough.

“I must confess I was about to say an untruth. I was about to say ‘I can’t believe what he is saying’. But that is wrong, I can completely believe what I am hearing. This then is your brave new world, is it, Mr Fenn? Dealing with the murderers and criminals who helped destroy Druckenwell, the scum who killed their own employees out of a cowardly self-interest? Well, at least we know where your loyalties now lie, Mr Fenn.”

“I second the motion that this bill be stricken from the record. I will not have the name of the Galactic Senate besmirched by this most treasonous and foul attempt at patronage.”
“Because they have what we need.” He responded initially to the Hapan representative. “Both Subach and Baktoid produce highly advanced pieces of technology – ships from the former, droids from the latter – that have proven to be, more often than not, superior to such similar technology produced by the One Sith’s nationalized corporations. And when it comes to war, we need the edge the technology from these companies can provide us.”

He then eyed the Bard. “Might I point out that several of those aforementioned corporations have previously been in bed with foreign powers hostile to the Republic? Santhe/Sienar ships were used by the Sith Empire to commit a variety of atrocities, including genocide, yet I have never once heard of the Republic giving a damn about holding them responsible. Silk Holdings has ties to the Merril family, of whom the patriarch has routinely broken Republic law. And Corellian Engineering Corporation is owned by the head of the Omega Protectorate, a galactic power that, with no offense, I would never like to see in control of the supply for Republic ships, as such would mean our military was practically in the hands of another power.”

“Baktoid factory killswitches were not activated by Alli Wren – they were initialized by the Omega Protectorate. As well, reports regarding Druckenwell’s devastation point to a malfunctioning and viral AI as the chief reason for the disabling and destruction of the orbital shipyards. Examination of the former Subach factory located on Onderon indicates that the response was a remotely initialized subroutine overloading the factory’s reactors, not a bomb. In response to Senator Saelari’s claims of employee death, such is false. Testimony from former Confederate personnel state clearly that the facilities were not destroyed until all employees had evacuated them. As well, testimonies from Subach employees fleeing the Fel Imperium stated under oath that their shipyard had been attacked by an Imperum naval force. Examination of the impounded ships and the damage caused to them further supports the validity of such a response.”

He then returned to the Bard. “Circe Savan is not required to be part of this equation, Chairman. This is not something that will involve the CEOs of these companies – lower echelons can easily deal with such business matters. Despite the evidence supporting said information regarding genocide to not be as clear cut as was initially indicated – and indeed, the former leader of the Death Watch was indicted for committing genocide in the former’s case – Miss Savan and Miss Wren do not directly have to be a part of this business deal.”

[member="Aurelia Saelari"] [member="Torill Holgor"] [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] [member="Persephone Callas"]
[member="Memorial"], [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

“Mr Fenn, cease this corrupt and treasonous prattling. Are we to assume that the CEO of a company wouldn’t be involved with a deal with the largest government in the galaxy? Perhaps when you go and grovel to the Dark Lord for peace he will just give you to his underlings? Or is this your pattern of plausible deniability, deal with minions and know-nothings and vainly hope this means the leaders are not involved?”

“There are other companies, companies not run by murderous shuttas like Circe Saven, or by fatally naïve ones like Alli Wren. Whatever problems Jorus Merrill may have had with the Republic in the past, he has not been prosecuted, nor is he a universally abhorred monster.”

“I think your choice of associates says much about how far you have fallen, Mr Fenn. Seeking a cavilling peace with the Sith, dealing with corrupt and criminal companies…this is beneath even your undignified record.”

“I’ve heard enough. I call for a vote to strike this disgusting legislation right now.”

Torill Holgor

((ooc: there is still the matter of the request for charges to be brought up aagianst Yusan. A little premature to end the thread unless Bard wants to do that in a different thread. ))

[member="Memorial"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] [member="Persephone Callas"]

Torill Shook his head for a moment looking at his fellow Senator.

"I must agree with my colleges and vote in favor of removing the bill before us." "Aye."
Some parts of the bill were outright offensive. It regarded Baktoid and Subach-Innes as equals to the KDY. No way. Alena failed to see what positive good that the bill could possibly do.

"I vote along side my fellow senators, to strike the bill."
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