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Private The Unobtainable, Obtained

'The Unobtainable, Obtained'
Naval Command Headquarters - Golbah City; Geonosis
Tags: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Srina Talon Srina Talon | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik


Footsteps echoed through the empty offices and abandoned halls; neither soft nor heavy in their fall as the woman carefully navigated the otherwise empty floor of the building. The last time she'd been on Geonosis - or rather - in its vicinity, was when it had been attacked by a group of bounty hunters that had been after one of their own. For her part she'd merely ensured that the system was locked down, not a single vessel permitted to leave or make for the planet. It was difficult to believe that a few scant months ago the city below was burning; the Confederacy was efficient in rebuilding if nothing else. A soft smirk tugged at the corner of her lip as she stood before the large window, her attention falling upon the city below as a soft sigh escaped. It wasn't often that she came to Geonosis, rather, she preferred to remain on the E'care Shukur - or some other vessel, ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

It was anyone's guess as to why she'd been summoned to the NAVCOM Headquarters; it seemed that not many people used the location as compared to other sections of the building. She always believed that the Confederate Navy was more than capable of working independently of any established command structure - and even went to lengths to ensure that those under her command were capable of acting of their own rather than strictly following orders and plans lain out before them. Slowly dragging a finger along the windowsill before her, she lightly rubbed the dust between her thumb and finger before lightly brushing it away, the expressionless mask hiding her face and tone of voice as she looked up ever so slightly.

Her eyes focused upon the reflections in the window; taking the moment to read their faces before she offered a silent nod. Part of her expected that they were likely there to end her - an expectation that wasn't too unbelievable given her prior history with the Confederacy. Though there was always the chance that it was something else that caused her to be summoned before three of the highest-ranking individuals of the Confederacy.

"Shall we begin then?"

The voice was emotionless, nearly tonal as the words crept across the stale air of the room. The armored woman slowly turned, golden hues beneath the mask settling upon the three faces as she resigned herself to whatever fate was to come to her that day. She'd even gone to the length of leaving behind any kind of weapon - having become so old that she understood that some fights didn't need to be fought. Bringing her hands up, a soft hiss slipped from the armor as she lightly manipulated the helmet and slowly pulled it from her head. A cascade of white hair fell over her shoulders as she set the helmet down.

As she looked up slowly, a soft smile tugged at her lips, light dancing upon the hint of a fang as her golden hues settled fully upon the three individuals.
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