Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Unseen Tapestry [Vexander]

Reena Trade Route
Destination: Monastery
@[member="Vexander Graves"]​
No one that visits Monastery wishes to leave. A planet of beauty and abundance of life, a place of solace and rest and welcoming to all .. no matter their past or their race. Monastery is completely covered in rainforest, rich with the diversity that life can provide, the Force combines all that come here within the tapestry of all living things, and can not help but have the feeling that one belongs.

After four days of hyperspace, the YT-1250, The Sting, is approaching the planet. Coci .. as always .. situated in the cockpit checking the flight controls and scanners for any sign of oddities. It is her way, cautious as ever and coupled with her dislike for flying, is monitoring the approach. Their trip is one of curiosity .. no mission assignment, but more an investigation out of interest after coming across a obscure piece of information about a hidden tapestry within the Temple of the Order of the Sacred Circle. Not much is known of this piece of fabric apart from the fact that the tapestry has been removed from general viewing and placed within the crypts. However, there are some strange events reported when the tapestry had been on display, sentient beings acting out of character and causing disturbance on the planet, generally nothing extraordinary in their misgivings .. until recently.

The rumour that a small group of force sensitive beings have come to Monastery so they may begin a selective Order. Initially the group had not done anything to warrant attention, until one day their leader, a Cleric had asked to see the Unseen Tapestry. After his visit the philosophy of the Order changed. Once an open group now had become secluded and suspicious of any one approaching them. The members of the Order unable or rather forbidden to associate with others outside of the Order. Mistrust and fear began to eat away at the solace of Monastery.

The control panel lights began to flick, Coci looked up at the chronometer of the ship, only moments before they would exist hyperspace. "Vexander!", she opened the communications around the ship, "We are about to arrive, might want to hold onto something". There is a smile on her face and it would show through her words.
@[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Seated in the back of the ship, the Jedi Knight remained serene and calmned regardless of Coci's piloting skills. He knew about her reluctance to pilot any ship, but still had confidence in what she was capable of and he knew that the Force was with her. With those facts as indisputable proof of what she could do, he proceeded to mediate for most part of the journey, except for those moments when he went to check on her now and then.

Their current destination was mostly a personal operation, something that caught their attention and that raised curiosity... and Vex saw it as a time to enjoy with the woman that filled his day and night dreams.

Her voice came through the internal speakers of the ship and informed him in a rather alarming way that they were almost in their location. Still, the alarming way changed to a happy and cheerish tone telling him to get a hold of something. Regardless of the confidence he had in her, that comment had to be taken seriously, and therefore; he strapped himself to the seat where he was meditating.

Using the almost innate connection they had with the Force, Vex talked to her telepathically May the Force be with you... with us! said in a joking way waiting for her to take the ship down.
@[member="Vexander Graves"]

Going to need it Master! Asteroid field dead ahead!, she replied back telepathically.

A smile broke out on her face, she had no intentions of going through the asteroid belt of the Monastery, but rather approach the planet from the northern hemisphere and avoid the belt completely. But she could not help but try and break that calm and serene mood of his. Coci pulled the ship up sharply .. just to play with his mind more, before leveling off and engaging the sublight engines to navigator around the belt. Soon, The Sting descended toward the planet surface. What fell before her eyes was the view of the green lush planet. Tall trees jutted into the sky and pitted the horizon for miles, well beyond her sight. The rain forest thick and afforded no clearings, but that did not matter, their destination .. The Temple and there they would find a landing pad.

Grey clouds gathered up head toward the Temple, she could just make out the top most part of it raising high about the forest canopy. She held the ship level and skimmed across the top of the forest. As the ship approached .. heavy rain began to pelt the ship and made physical flying impossible, with her skill she flew by instruments and guided the ship to ground on the landing pad. She began the warm down sequence immediately.

Leaving the cockpit to find Vexander she found him in the back room. She stood in the doorway and smiled. "Made it .. .. ..", she walked over to him now and softly kissed his lips, ".. and it is raining. I shall wait for you on the ramp, I need to go and gather some of my things".
@[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Master? Well, it was true that he was teaching her a few things... but he was more like an instructor rather than her Master... in fact, he could use other titles other than that one, but at the moment it didn't matter. He strapped himself further to the chair and braced himself as much as possible.

Just as he said before, the young man had plenty of confidence on her, and he wouldn't change his mind eventhough they were going to break through the belt... or so he thought... still, eventhough his mind remined at ease and calmned in order to reflect that feeling towards Coci, the young man for a moment feared since he knew that she would freak out in the cockpit.

Time passed... and Vex didn't say anything at all until they were both planetside. When Coci showed up, Vex looked at her with his normal neutrality. But by that time, his feelings were briefly disturbed due to the situation. It didn't ake long for Coci to break that tension in him... the kiss in his lips relaxed him completely and made him forget all that happened... with love, he returned the kiss and took the chance to take her right arm with his hand and gave him a lovely grip in it.

"Very well dear, I shall change clothes as well... I do not want to go out with my robes on and getting them all dirty. Laundry in the Temple is a pain" with that being said, the young man stood up and gave her a warm hug before leaving "meet you at the ramp in a couple" slowly, he moved towards his back where he could change to his Covert 7 clothes which would be more suited for the type of enviroment outside.
@[member="Vexander Graves"]

As Coci moved to her quarters, she changed into more casual clothes .. a white shirt and cream trousers. Her weapons as always clipped to her belt including her saber. Although Monastery is predominately rainforest and most of the time warm and humid, she decided to wear her cream cloak for protection against interested on lookers and the elements. The rain still fell heavy outside the ship but this would only last a short time before the humidity would set in. She gathered her bag and placed in it some personal items as well as a change of clothes and sleeping ware. As this is a more relaxed investigate they would have time to spend together .. or at least she hoped.

When she was done she made her way to the ramp and waited for Vexander to arrive. A security guard arrived and stood at the bottom of the ramp, Coci moved down toward him and handed over her data pad with the clearance code and the nature of their visit to Monastery. While the guard ran the checks she watched him .. it did not take long before clearance to proceed was given .. "Enjoy your stay", was the only response from the man, but there is a air of suspicion around him, she assumed this was the usual for security with the recent events.

Toward the side of the landing pad, ground speeders awaited for the use of tourists to travel more in comfort around the city and beyond. Coci had already arranged for one for them to use and she went to collected it. She had also arranged accommodation for them in a small village near the Temple, their actual point of interest which is situated north of the main city, not far and they would arrive there in only a few short hours. Coci threw her bag in the back of the speeder and climbed into the passenger seat. Vexander can pilot this time, she had done her piloting for the day.

She smiled as she waited, this was going to be a wonderful trip, time to spend with Vexander without the trappings of duty and the need for caution, as they could be far more relax in each others company. She turned her head to see if he was coming, He takes longer then I do to get ready, she joked to herself. But she could not wait to be near him again.

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