Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Reena Trade Route
Destination: Monastery
@[member="Vexander Graves"]
No one that visits Monastery wishes to leave. A planet of beauty and abundance of life, a place of solace and rest and welcoming to all .. no matter their past or their race. Monastery is completely covered in rainforest, rich with the diversity that life can provide, the Force combines all that come here within the tapestry of all living things, and can not help but have the feeling that one belongs. After four days of hyperspace, the YT-1250, The Sting, is approaching the planet. Coci .. as always .. situated in the cockpit checking the flight controls and scanners for any sign of oddities. It is her way, cautious as ever and coupled with her dislike for flying, is monitoring the approach. Their trip is one of curiosity .. no mission assignment, but more an investigation out of interest after coming across a obscure piece of information about a hidden tapestry within the Temple of the Order of the Sacred Circle. Not much is known of this piece of fabric apart from the fact that the tapestry has been removed from general viewing and placed within the crypts. However, there are some strange events reported when the tapestry had been on display, sentient beings acting out of character and causing disturbance on the planet, generally nothing extraordinary in their misgivings .. until recently.
The rumour that a small group of force sensitive beings have come to Monastery so they may begin a selective Order. Initially the group had not done anything to warrant attention, until one day their leader, a Cleric had asked to see the Unseen Tapestry. After his visit the philosophy of the Order changed. Once an open group now had become secluded and suspicious of any one approaching them. The members of the Order unable or rather forbidden to associate with others outside of the Order. Mistrust and fear began to eat away at the solace of Monastery.
The control panel lights began to flick, Coci looked up at the chronometer of the ship, only moments before they would exist hyperspace. "Vexander!", she opened the communications around the ship, "We are about to arrive, might want to hold onto something". There is a smile on her face and it would show through her words.