Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Unyielding Hierophant [The Padawan Pack and Rogue Squadron.]

Artwork by Smattila
The blade of meteoric iron sliced cleanly through the flesh of pale alabaster, eliciting a blood-curdling howl from the victim beneath his knife. He was an artist, and this man - nay - this thing was naught but a canvas. Together, they would paint a masterpiece. One that would be rendered into the annals of history. Every rictus stroke of his brush had birthed a splatter of crimson rain, painting everything within its arcing spray in the vital hues of life. It was hauntingly beautiful, and he simply had to finish. He could not allow himself to present his guests with such a gruesome display of cruelty - without completing his greatest work. How would they remember him if the canvas laid bare and incomplete? They'd mock the ashes of his bones when the pages of history had turned. He'd be nothing more than a sniveling wreck that had utterly brutalized a chained stretch of vellum. They had to know. They had to know his name so that he could transcend Death's Icy Grip, and live forever in the hearts and minds of those that bore witness to this masterpiece.

He was known as Erebus. That was his name. Others had used it more, but it was his - and his alone. None could have it! When the Imperium had entered the era of Twilight, he had slain nearly a dozen that sought to steal what was his in what others would say was a jealous rage. However, that was until they saw the mangled corpses. Well, what was left of them. With the ashes of his past stirring within his addled mind, the Sith Lord had lowered his obsidian brush and let the waters of life drip onto the blood stained floor. He wouldn't do the same to this imprisoned portrait. No. Severing limbs and carving apart capillaries wasn't his best work, nor would it ever be. Whatever they had considered it to be, when the Imperium had exiled him, was nothing short of monstrous. It was an abomination! A stain on his career as an artist. How dare they immortalize that work, instead of the myriad of other pieces he had presented? Calm. He sued his mind for peace. It simply wouldn't do for him to lose himself to the rage boiling within his heart. The emotion was meant to be channeled through the body of the artist, not possess it. It clouded the sight and deprived the Sith of the ability to reason, to judge.

Breathing out a seething sigh of frustration, the Zabrak Sith stepped back from his shackled prey and began to admire his work. Yellowed eyes, rimmed with crimson, devoured the pale ivory flesh before him, seeking where to make the next cut. Silence had begun to blanket the circular chamber, broken only by the soft patter of ruby droplets pooling into an ocean of blood beneath his oiled leather boot. As time went on, and the silence began to thicken, more and more angles of approach had started to open. He knew exactly what he had to-

A rattle of iron manacles had shattered his concentration.

His eyes shimmered with the radiant heat of anger, as the blood within his veins simmered. He had it! The finishing touches! And all because of his inability to focus, a subtle shift in his prisoner's chains had caused the overlaid image to dissolve and flitter away. Erebus would have to begin again. There was no way to recover what was lost. All that time. All that effort! Lost. Forever. It was ruined. His masterpiece! The thing that everyone would remember him for! Nothing more than a bloodied corpse, hanging onto life by a thread he could never cut. His taloned fingers fanned across the wire-bound haft of the ritual knife, growing tighter with every digit encompassing its length. He could feel his rage flow through his body, coursing through his nerves and setting them alight. The Outrage! How? He began to question himself. How had this one managed to hold on for so long, despite the horrors I had wrought upon his flesh? What made him so special? What made him so worthy of the life I sought to take? So many questions fluttered through his mind, stirring more than just the ashes of memory as this raging tempest built.



He bid himself to ease this storm's passing, but the more his grasp had tried to simmer this roaring blaze, the further the sparks began to travel. How was he going to be calm after such a travesty? Something needed to be done - but what? Taking this ritual brush to the alabaster flesh of his prisoner would do little more than perpetuate his failures, and no other victim had lasted this long under such duress. This man, this Lucius Varad, was unique. Feeling the hooks of amusement pull at the edge of his lips, smiling in a way that a corpse would smile, Erebus had found his conduit at last.

"Guard!" He called, the throaty sound echoing through the muted silence, causing his partially painted canvas to flinch.

Beckoned forth by his master's call, a soldier, dressed in the ivory warplate of the Imperium, had entered the blood-stained chamber. Though his battle helm had masqued his revulsion, the sickly aura had permeated into the aether, despoiling the harmonious - Well. It wasn't harmonious, Erebus mused. Nevertheless! Such a pervasive atmosphere had done little but invite the Sith Lord's wrath, and as the Stormtrooper had opened his vocabulator to speak - the obsidian blade was several inches deep, slicing through flesh and bone as if it were nothing more than paper. A crimson geyser had fountained out from the wound, followed swiftly thereafter by billowing trails of steam. The Sith Lord relished the kill, feeling every corruptive ounce of rage spill through their point of connection, driving the blade further through the opening and kissing the now closed durasteel panel with a dull clatter.

"Shhhhh," The Zabrak cooed. "Hush now. Your suffering shall end soon. I am sorry it's come to this..." He tried to recall this faceless soldier's name, but for the life of him, nothing emerged. Glancing down at his breastplate and feeling the subtle Aurebesh stenciling above his heart, Erebus smiled. "Corporal Mensk. You see, I cannot despoil my prized possession. Not after all I have done to perfect his youthful beauty." He paused his whispered apology to cast a glance over his shoulder and stare once more at the unfinished masterpiece that awaited his final touches. As his gaze had returned to the trooper within his knife's embrace, Erebus lowered himself and his helpless victim to the floor. His taloned fingers disengaged the seal and removed the helmet from the dying soldier's crown, revealing a hideously disfigured face, bathed in the waters of his own frothing life. "You were my distraction, and for that I thank you. The mind grows stale when forced to revolve around a single font of inspiration."

Corporal Mensk was dead long before the Lord of the Sith had finished.


Erebus had said as he gracelessly withdrew his blade and roused himself from the floor. "I was hoping for something more then Gurgle this and Gurgle that." Taking the ebony hem of his traditionally thick sackcloth robes, he set about cleansing the ritual blade, rhythmically rubbing the crimson flakes from the obsidian surface. "I suppose I'll have to use the Blood Poison next time. I hear it's all the rage in the Outer Rims."

Chuckling to himself, the Sith Lord finished cleaning his blade and stood once more before his shackled canvas. His eyes devoured the man's flesh, searching for a weakness to exploit, to a flaw to uncover. It was there that our adventure begins...


Lucius Varad. Rouge Twelve. Songbird.

The Alliance Pilot's been missing since the tumultuous victory over the One Sith at Coruscant. While his records had officially labeled him as Missing In Action, many within the infamous Squadron had believed him to be dead, or were too green to know that he existed. For months, Lucius had endured unspeakable horrors wrought upon his flesh at the hands of Darth Erebus, once a Sith Lord within the Empire of the One Sith, now a Master of all and a Servant of none.

Alliance Naval Intelligence had all but given up in their fruitless pursuit of the missing pilot. Just as they were about to label him as Killed in Action, Lucius was spotted upon the world of Arrgaw, where the Vanguard of the Alliance Fifth Legion had caught sight of him with his would-be captors. The chase lasted for nearly several hours through the Sorcerer infested crystalline forest, ending with their quarry escaping into orbit and the azure dimension of Hyperspace thereafter. After having come so close to rescuing one of their own, High Command and their allies in the SIS had taken to the skies in search of the vessel that had vanished into the bespeckled abyss.

Not long after their pursuit had begun, Operatives of the two Intelligence Divisions began reporting of an Ancient Imperial Star Destroyer jumping between systems, doing whatever they could to negate their hunter's mark. That was until the Star Destroyer, bearing the name "Unyielding Hierophant" was caught above the volcanic world of Mustafar by an astronomical anomaly. Now adrift upon the solar tides, the Alliance would finally have their chance to strike, and retrieve their long-lost comrade - provided he still lives.

| [member="Tegan Katarn"] | [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] | [member="Callia Rodez"] |​
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
"In the cold vacuum of space nobody can hear you scream."
~ ~ ~

Tegan Katarn was a contractor and as such she was the dirt upon which the more respectable soldiers wiped their boots.

She was a mercenary.
A soldier of fortune.

Whilst some ran by the kill and others ran by the clock, she ran by the money, the more money there was... the more her attention you could snatch onto. Today was not a day like all others -- most of them being spend lazying 'bout the Sullust HQ, just waiting to see if the Alliance would have a new job for her or nah. If not, her secondary job kicked in and she was gone for a week or two. -- but today wasn't like all others. It had all started with alarms raging through the headquarters, soldiers running back and forth the underground corridors like that gave the impression they were actually doing something the emerging crisis.

She had stumbled upon someone else. One Rodez - cute girl, if too haughty by half - and together they had wandered, but mostly pondered. Until the call finally came out down the chain of command.

An enemy Star Destroyer in their territory and navy assets were being scrambled.

A look was exchanged between the two girls and said look said it all. They had only known each other for the span of five short, but rapidly expanding minutes, but they knew.

This was the job.

It had taken cajoling, it had taken abusing a noble title and flashing credentials of the last job on Chandrila, it had taken promises. But in the end they were off to a start.

"Ya know, I thought we would be hittin' dis thing with all we got." Tegan half-shouted over her shoulder. "Instead we being escorted by what? A dozen x-wings and... what? two frigates? Kark me if the Alliance ain't grasping at too many straws at once with Coruscant, Teta and all the rest."

Feth. This was gonna be more difficult than she thought, that ship... was a monstrosity.

[member="Aerion Ivelisse"] | [member="Callia Rodez"] | [member="Lucius Varad"]
[member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Tegan Katarn"] | [member="Aerion Ivelisse"]

Rapid Task Force Stellar Hawk,
Mustafar System inbound

Waiting for a sizeable taskforce to assemble is likely why this ship has evaded us in the past.” The clipped tones of Callia Rodez chimed back in response, her voice a touch overly curt from being subjected to ‘flying queen’, as Tegan so eloquently put it, in the back of an X-wing tandem. “We have to hope that they were as unprepared for this offensive as we apparently were.

And that surprise and skill prevailed over raw force.

The history annuals might have been full of such encounters, yet the Tapani noble could not help but feel two frigates and a couple dozen X-wings were a poor match up for a Star Destroyer with a full compliment. Hard to believe that, just a few hours ago, she had been lamenting being confined to the dusty halls of Sullust Headquarters. Perhaps the old adage about being careful what you wish for had a grain of truth behind it. If her Grandfather could only see her now…

Just concentrate on getting us aboard that ship in one piece.” Her fingers curled around the hilts of her lightfoil and lightsaber respectively; temporary comforts that would do little good until they managed to land. No doubt by then she would be wishing she was back in the cramped confines of this cockpit oncemore. “Your paycheck should be sizeable enough to ensure that much at least.

Ordinarily Callia should have had the good graces to wince at that, but her mind and focus were too centered on the daunting task at hand to really dwell on what seemed like a rapidly vanishing past. The hyperspace clock was all too quickly tumbling down to zero for her tastes. At twenty seconds to reversion, a slighted mercenary was the least of her troubles.

Fifteen seconds.

She closed her eyes, her knuckles turned white at the force of the grip she exerted to stop her hands shaking. Lucius Varad. Was she so willing to place her life on the line for a practical stranger? It certainly seemed so. She had bullied, promised and cajoled her way on to this mission just as guiltily as her partner-turned-pilot in crime. Where had the resolve she had shown then gone?

Nine seconds.

A slow, steadying breath escaped her as she fought down the anxiety welling up inside her with each second lost. She was the Honourable Dame Callia Rodez, heir to the Rodez Barony of Cesya, sixth in line to a Lordship of House Cadriaan. Second guessing decisions was not supposed to be in her nature, nor was shirking away from her duty.

Three seconds.



Her eyes snapped open, focused and alert, her expression a grim mask of determination. As if on cue, a soft breeze like sound brushed its way through the cramped cockpit, heralding the judder that rolled along in its wake as the X-Wing reverted to real space. Like an angry, baleful eye, Mustafar hung before them. An ominous omen of the darkness that would rush to greet them once the initial shock of their appearance wore off. A black smudge was just visible at a stretch on the horizon. The Unyielding Hierophant. A fitting name for the vessel that might just very well be delivering them their last rites. Not that she was pessimistic about their chances or anything.

Aerion Ivelisse

Rogue Squadron.

Random Jedi.

And mercenaries.

An embarrassingly small Force that was scraped together to hunt down an evasive Sith Lord and his travelling fortress.

A Star Destroyer.


Aerion could only guess he was brought along on the mission because he was always ready to fly. He had been thirty seconds away from flying out of Sullust's Hangar Bay in his Stealth-X and likely to not be heard from again for many hours, but he was caught. The thought of being a trouble had passed through his mind but instead he was offered the chance to fly with Rogue Squadron. Not included in their numbers, but he'd be there all the same. After the salvaging disaster over Coruscant, someone must've been impressed with his combat skills. Unfortunately for him though, this was an official mission for the Galactic Alliance, there was no randomly dropping in on this Star Destroyer, no salvage to pretend, no Father to cover his ass, and sure as hell no one to turn off the karking astromech droid in his ear.

"I will crash this ship!"

Travelling through hyperspace, white pinpricks that were more akin to the colours of purple, blue, and little white while they were travelling through hyperspace. Fortunately he still got to converse with his astromech droid.

Bleep bloop. Buurrzzrrrr.

"I don't even know what that means!"

Text floated across the console in the corner of his eye.

Statement: R-72 = droid // salvageable.

The Koruunai barely had time to realize what had happened before the droid started the countdown to realspace. That helmet he was forced to wear? Wasn't even wearing it. For all intents and purposes, when that matte black Stealth-X came out of hyperspace, it was invisible. If someone was perceptive enough, perhaps they saw something block out a small patch of distant stars, but they sure as hell weren't catching him on their sensors.

[member="Lucius Varad"], [member="Callia Rodez"], [member="Tegan Katarn"]

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