Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Val Cluster Campaign - The Holy Fire

"Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow..."

The voice rang out among the masses, a rallying cry for those that would see their faith spread among the stars. Hundreds of Thousands of the faithful stood, crowded the massive square that overflowed with the masses as they cried out to the young woman whom stood above the crowd. A flowing white gown trailed along the steps, cascading down each in a wave of purity. Upon her brow rest the golden crown, crafted into the shape of a wild flame, dancing upon the young woman's head whose own blonde hair danced upon the soft breeze that blew that day.

"My people!"

Her voice cried out, just as those below cried to her. The soldiers and knights of the Order having their hands full just keeping the peace and some semblance of order with the crashing wave of bodies.

"My People! Hear the words of your Divine Empress!"

Her voice once more quieted the crowd only for the mass of the faithful to cry out once more. The chants and words of their holy codex filling the air as they cheered for their Empress. The young woman in truth was overwhelmed to see such a number of followers that had flocked to the grand path, and among this crowd was a single towering structure that many found themselves holding close.

A massive black obelisk jutted up from the crowd, the heat coming off of the ancient holy relic causing many to believe that they were personally being called to this crusade, to reclaim the holy worlds of the Val Cluster for their great creator the Maker. Others came purely to heed the call of the Divine Empress and prove their worth in her eternal eyes.

"The time has come! The Maker has demanded that the Val Cluster must be reclaimed! We must cast aside all those that would keep us from the true path. You shall act as the burning flame, spreading across the Sector."

Truly it was amazing, the woman thought to herself as she stood in the shadows. Her arms crossed above her plated chest, smirking as she pulled her helm upon her own head. The armored woman kept her eyes upon the young woman, listening to her calling out to the massive crowd below. It hadn't been that long since she and her people had arrived, though their arrival had caused a great uprising and revival of faith among many.

Now the Order of the Righteous Flame stood at the edge of an event that would shake the Val Cluster to its foundation. They stood at the head of a massive force, one of zealous believers and knights whose eyes fell upon the Cluster. They would act as the Vanguard, the force that would strike out and be followed by the faithful in the wake that they would leave across the Cluster.

Her eyes shifted from the young woman calling to the crowd and speaking of their divine purpose to those that were also in attendance. There were many, leaders of all kinds, from the military and the church. Likewise there were those from outside the Cluster, those that decided it was best to back the Divine Empress and the Val Reskiea Empire; if they also believed or not was not her place to judge or say.

For the moment she would merely wait and see, to watch the reactions of those that in turn watched the Divine Empress.

"Take up your arms and armor! For you shall be the shield that protects the innocent! For you shall be the blade that pierces into the darkness!"

The Divine Empress rose her hands up, bringing forth a cacophonous roar from the crowd. The cheering filling the sky and drowning out the noise of the every day hustle and bustle of the massive city. Everywhere it could be heard, the cheering cries and roars of fervor, the call to the faith of those that would guide their people into the coming battle.

She stood at a moment of history, and soon that moment would erupt into a conflagration that would see those that stand against the believers turned to ash.

Tanomas Graf



"Oh, nothing. I just find it so remarkable how such a small power, secluded from the galaxy at large, could completely unify their people so quickly under a single religion; The Remnant did something rather similar when it was formed on Bilbringi, but it was ideology that united us rather than an 'order'. Much like the Jedi or the Sith, I presume..." Grand Moff Graf pondered, staring out into the crowded square as the Empress rallied her people. The old man turned around and faced the gathering of officers surrounding a table in their provided suite, all of them except for Graf were sporting a tired but alert expression; the ride from Kamino to the Val Cluster had been rather arduous.

The dual-hatted Grand Moff and Grand Admiral set down a holoprojector on the lavish wooden table and activated it. A recently updated map of the Cluster appeared in front of them while some of the officers straightened up to listen to the man. "The Val Cluster has eluded even the Galactic Alliance for years. According to gathered intelligence, there are two factions vying for control; the Presanus Confederation and the larger Val Reskiean Empire. Overseer Rak-" Graf started, nodding to a burly, chestnut-haired man with a ruffled mustache "-has spent the better part of several weeks sending out feelers to the Empire, as well as having agents collect intelligence on both factions".

Tanomas pressed down on a switch and a blinking red sphere appeared on the holomap; "Admiral Rethera's fleet has Marshal Sularen's forces stationed aboard them, as well as High Inquisitor Beto and Master Knight Corr's disciples. This fleet is stationed outside of the Cluster until we need to mobilize. For now we wait until we gain the Empire's favor. " He reported, waving at the respective figures around the table. A long sigh emanated from the Grand Moff, as he stifled a small yawn. "We will destroy the Confederation, and integrate the Empire into our society. Wild Space will be united under one flag, and that flag will be IMPERIAL!" He proclaimed.

"Glory to the Empire!"

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

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