Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Val Cluster Campaign - Those that stand Alone

So our story begins, though where will you stand?
The Val Reskiea Empire is calling upon the faithful. The Divine Empress herself has called for a crusade to be lead across the Val Cluster, to claim worlds untouched and held in bondage for the glory of the Maker. She calls for her people to bring forth the flames and the light to the dark corners of the cluster.

While the Presanus Confederation, led by the bully of Presanus demands that its own forces cleave the Val Cluster in twain, to root out and destroy any mention of religion.

However there is a third choice, one which many have over looked. For while there are those calling for the crusade across the sector, for those that call for their forces to be marshaled and marched upon the enemy; there are those worlds that want nothing of this conflict, and whom are to be drawn into the fray.

These are the worlds that stand alone.

These Independent Worlds that will soon see conflict tearing at their own lands.

By the end of this conflict all worlds shall choose a side, and all individuals shall come to terms with this as well. Though the side to be chosen now is one that must be carefully picked. While there are those that would align themselves with the Empire, and even those that would align themselves with the Confederation, many more of aligned themselves with these Independent Worlds.

Now comes their choice.

A choice that will drive them and guide their hand and actions as the events unfold around them.

For the War of the Val Cluster has begun...
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Orbiting Xeshilia

The Azalea hovered above the dusty ball of earth, the light shining from its twin stars casting the golden ball in a dark shadow. Hiding within the eclipse of the planet, the Azalea only saw a dark silhouette. Dax gazed at the black sphere, squinting slightly at the light which streamed around it. Averting his gaze from the bright light he looked to Kumi, the light reflecting off her silver hair, then to the bridge's holocommunicator.

"Open a line to [member="Myles Vylumnar"], [member="Leo Vandermolen"], and the Merans." the Rogue said to the communications officer, "We'll be doin this with or without them, but the idea of potentially defending these systems on our own isn't exactly making me excited."

"What do we know about the Xeshilians?" the grey skinned woman asked, as she stroked the fur of the large carnivore at her side.

"Not a damn thing...yet...." Dax responded. That was part of the reason Dax had come. Coming on the behalf of the Coalition, he needed to know what kinda resources the fledgling government would have to supply. In the end though, he imagined these systems would have to fight this war for themselves. That was the only way they'd be able to solidify their independence...Dax just hoped he wouldn't get killed for their freedom.

[member="Kami Meran"], [member="Lyth Meran"]

"Give me the damn detonators, Denulla!"

I had the Twi'lek pinned by the collar against a large stack of crates. His face was already bloody, but I made it bloodier with another punch to his face.

"You promised you'd have 'em by tomorrow... That was last week!"

"Alright! Alright! Listen... I will have them soon, just give me a little more time and... and... I can bring you extra! Promise..."

I sent another right hook his way and the tricky bastard fell to the cold floor. A single light shone on him as I started walking away into the darkness of the warehouse. This was the last time I was accepting another 'promise' from him. By now that word was getting old, and sounding weird in my head after multiple repetitions of it. My wristcomms started beeping, a small red light blinked on my left wrist. I lifted up my arm, seeing a familiar face by the name of [member="Dax Fyre"]. He was my old mate from my Outback days- or should I say... Coalition. I had to pay a visit, especially after the group's transformation into an infant of a government.

"One week, Chunn. I paid good money for those detonators."

I shut the door behind me, heading off to my ship as I answered the call.

"Dax... What's up?"

[member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Leo Vandermolen"] | [member="Lyth Meran"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: Iiytania

By now Yula was slowly getting established as the big name in the Sith world for dogfighting, especially since the two extra kills she scored on Aargonar made her go to the count of five kills for the Ace title, and her sortie over Yaga Minor. It came to no surprise to her then that the Iiytanian authorities tried to hire her whole squadron for this campaign. Something was afoot and she knew it. Was the Iiytanian government some dark-sided regime that would treat the hiring of one of the greatest Sith aces as a propaganda victory? She couldn't quite know at this stage: only at a later stage could she know for sure whether or not Yula was going to be used as a propaganda tool. And, as a propaganda tool, she would be useless if she did not score any measure of kills - any enemies Iiytania would be facing would then exploit it as a propaganda tool. While Satia was still unproven, she highly doubted Satia could match her piloting prowess at this stage.

"What if the enemy had orbalisks to unleash upon us? We were lucky that there was nothing like it on Aargonar" she asked the other pilots, with a tone of distress in her question.

"Calm down, Yula. If they wore orbalisk armor, I would think they would be pretty difficult to crack: the armor afforded by one orbalisk is to be regarded the same as 25-30mm of durasteel over its area" Daisy told the pilots.

"Which would mean that we have to strafe at point-blank range to have a chance against someone that wears orbalisk armor"

"For Iiytania!" she shouted, which was also repeated afterward by all other pilots.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Copernican Minor

Copernican Minor, a small agri-moon in the thick of the Val Cluster, an agri-moon similar to the one Mahan himself grew up on. He hated it, ignoring all the strategic disadvantages of defending a flat, open planetoid, Mahan had a bad past growing up on the farm with his adoptive parents. But Mahan didn't have enough time to reminisce on his childhood, business was at hand. The archviceroy had already landed on one of the preliminary transports that had come only a rotation earlier to ensure the planet was still out of the Presanus Confederation's or the Val Reskia Empire's control. Mahan watched as over sixty converted Class VI Bulk Freighters entered the atmosphere, intend to land at the pre-defined LZs. The Solidarity had sent three hundred thousand soldiers, the largest expeditionary force it had ever sent in years. But with the Ni'Shaw-Dak having a religious majority on the planet, the Dak Sovereign saw it fit that the Solidarity sent a force to protect it from the infidels that threatened to eradicate them. It had not been to far of a journey either, the Val cluster was conveniently nearby V'shar, capital of the Solidarity, and following a convincing proposal by Mahan and a few other of the Archviceroys and Viceroys, it wasn't long before the soldiers were boarding the transports.

Mahan had decided to setup his HQ at the moon's highest density city, a meager two hundred seventy thousand citizens that resided in the city limits. Currently, Mahan was working on how to eliminate the population dissuaded with the Holy Church of the Maker, who would no doubt declare their loyalty to the Divine Empress, should she come around to taking the moon. He had an idea, but it was gruesome, as was everything in this job.

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