Sic transit gloria mundi

Intent: Sub a ship.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: ARGH tech available for Firemane per this thread. Permission for subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here.
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries
Affiliation: Firemane Industries (GRU).
Model: FM-VL1a
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Farium, Isotope-5, Quadranium, Stygium, Transparisteel, Trimantium, Tunqstoid, electronics and standard starship components.
Classification: Prison Ship.
Length: 500 metres
Width: 300m
Height: 120m
Armament: High
- Heavy turbolaser and ion cannon batteries. Some are rear-ward facing and can cover the rear 180 degrees of the ship.
- Some fast-mount turbolasers
- Quad turbolasers
- Flak Cannons
- Point Defence Lasers
- Tractor Beams
- Variable Missile Launcher Batteries
- Ra Missile Defence Turrets
- Cap Drains and De-Ionizer
- Redundant military shield generators
- Eidolon Class Modulating Shield
- Ion shielding
- Ablative Armour
- Charged Armour Plating
- Dedicated Energy Receptor Projectors
- Electronic Countermeasures Suite
- Jamming Beams
- Missile Deactivation Transmitters
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: 1 squadron
- Support Craft: 1 squadron
- Maneuverability Rating: Average
- Speed Rating: High
- Hyperdrive: Yes
- Hyperdrive Class: 1.0. (Primary) | 8.0 (Secondary)
- All standard features. In addition to extensive detention areas, the Valdier has the whole standard array of shields, communications and systems that are commonly associated with a ship of its size and class.
- Hyperspace Tracker
- Hyperwave Transceiver
- Ion-Scrambler
- Nav Computer Route Astrogation Bypass
- Holonet Relay
- Gemcutter
- Holotrace Device
- Particle-emitters
- Repair Drones
- Sensor Net
- Shroud
- Crystal Gravfield Trap
- ARGH 3D Printer
- Signature Modulator
- Signal Jammers
- Anti-Ion Emission Tracer
- Auto-repair Modules
- Fixed-Signature Tracker
- Baffler
- Energy Dampeners
- Advanced slicing countermeasures, using Bio-hexacrypt.
- Advanced biometric security.
- Enlightenment Quantum Communicator
- Static Jammers
- Thermal Dissipators
- Thrust Thrace Damper
- Trickster Decoys
- Molecular Furnace
- 220-SIG Tactical Sensor Jamming Device
- Long Range Scanners
- Photonic Emitter
- Stygium Cloaking Device.
- Holographic Shell
- Programmable Paint
- Solid Fuel Converter
- Comprehensive stealth suite consisting of a Stygium cloaking device as well as other devices such as a gravitic modulator, Reflec coating and thrust thrace dampers make the ship almost undetectable. It also features a number of secondary stealth systems, which ensure that the ship is difficult, though not impossible, to detect even when the cloaking device is not active.
- A signature modulator and a holographic shell can allow it to disguise itself as another ship.
- Fully functional prison ship. The Valdier is designed to accommodate particularly dangerous or important high-value prisoners and make sure they stay in confinement.
- The Valdier is heavily armoured, well-armed and fast for a ship of its class.
- The Stygium Stealth Array is powerful, but Stygium-cloaked vessels need to decloak to fire. Thus, any time the ship fires at someone, it has to decloak briefly. Chatting on comms, and using active scanning will also cause detection even if the cloak is active. Moreover, the Stygium stealth array is power-hungry, so it cannot be active all the time.
- The holographic shell is not without drawbacks. The systems memory only allows a single disguise, which has to be pre-programmed and canot be altered in the middle of a mission. Moreover, the disguise is only useful at short range. Close investigation or touching will unravel the illusion.
- Small hangar. For a ship of its size and class, the Valdier has a small hangar capacity. This means it must rely more on its defence guns to fend off enemy attack craft.
- While well-armed, the Valdier' is lacking in true long-range weapons, which can be a problem in engagements since it cannot really bombard enemies from afar.
The Valdier is named after Mirien Valdier, the former Grand Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire and former head of Firemane's military intelligence service. Siobhan chose the name to posthumously honour her former lover and sister-in-arms, with whom she was Force-bonded. In keeping with its namesake's profession, the Valdier is essentially a mobile black site. It is used to detain captive Sith, Jedi, terrorists and other high-value prisoners. Its existence is a well-kept secret and only a few members of Firemane's military and civilian leadership are aware of it. Firemane is a megacorp, but has assumed many duties normally associated with the state. Moreover, it is not accountable to any government entity, which means it answers only to itself. Thus it also derives the legal authority to maintain a ghost prison and intern its enemies from itself.
The Valdier has been designed to mobile, secure and stealthy. With heavy armour plating and shielding, it is a tough nut to crack. It has a lot of defence guns to stop attack craft and boarding boarding vessels. It has no long-range weapons, but a lot of heavy ion and turbo cannon batteries to make enemy ships back off. The Valdier only has a small hangar capacity. This further limits the escape options of prisoners who manage to break out, but can obviously also be a disadvantage in combat.
Using a Stygium stealth array and other gadgets, it is designed to be almost undetectable. The Stygium stealth array cannot be used all the time, but it can last for up to six hours at a time. It needs the same amount of time to cool down if it is used for the maximum amount of time. The Valdier also has various other gadgets such as modulators, dampeners and Reflec coating. These ensure that the ship is still difficult, though not impossible, to detect when its cloak is not active. Furthermore, the Valdier possesses an extensive comscan and signals intelligence suite. This allows it to mask its communications, boost its encryption and decryption capabilities, give it hyperspace early-earning detection and improve its ability to detect cloaked ships. The incorporation of an Enlightenment quantum communicator significantly boosts its communications security.
Moreover, a lot of space has been set aside to accommodate and secure prisoners. The ship has been outfitted with beskar cells. Several of the detainees are Force-Users, and so ysalamiri nutrient tanks tend to be set up on the outer walls of their cells. It is worth noting that there also actual doors or gates, so shutting down power to deactivate a force field is not enough to get out. Sensory Deprivation Containment Devices, universal energy cages are also available, as are cells for Non-Force-Using prisoners. All prisoners live under maximum security conditions because run-of-the-mill captives are not sent here.
This means prisoners are not allowed to talk to each other. To facilitate this, their cells are soundproofed. The inmates are held in isolation, so contact with other sentient beings is minimal. Breakfast is delivered through a tray hole. A cell is searched after breakfast has been collected. When this happens, an inmate is placed in restraints and brought to a holding cell while the cell is being checked by an officer. Prisoners are not allowed to wear their own clothes. Instead these are provided by staff. Prisoners are fed regularly, their clothing is clean and kept in proper conditions. However, life aboard the Valdier is monotonous. Solitary confinement can be soul-crushing.
The ship's internal security measures include advanced biometric security, ray shield traps, pop-up auto-turrets and concealed come gas dispensers. The prisoners are monitored around the clock. Most of the detainees were captured by Firemane, but on occasion the megacorp also accepts prisoners from its allies and partners. Some of the inmates have ended up here through extraordinary renditions.
There is an interrogation wing where detainees can be questioned. Cooperative prisoners may be offered a deal and improved conditions, especially if they inform on their comrades. Most of the interrogators are Non-Force-Users, but a few are Force-Users who specialise in cerebral skills such as mentalism and/or Force empathy. The medical staff aboard the Valdier commonly includes a few Force healers as well as medical droids. A contingent of soldiers is responsible for guarding the prisoners and repulsing potential boarders.
The incorporation of devices such as a solid fuel converter, ARGH 3D Printer and Molecular Furnace ensure that the Valdier is pretty self-sufficient. They also boost recycling efficiency. This means that the crew can operate for an extended duration without receiving supplies from external sources, though there is obviously a limit to this. To make escape more difficult, people need to type in a rather complicated code to use an escape pod. The code changes regularly.