Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Value of those that Got Away

Location - Conglomerate Prime, Lower Levels
Objective - Locate the Info Broker (By any means necessary)

- Walking out of a bar was a monstrous sized Mandalorian, adorned in the famed armor. With each step there was a tremors that echoed through the leveled city and the sound of something being dragged was close behind those steps. The sound of a heavy liquid dripped in the moist interior of the lower levels of the hive like city that kept its citizens safe from the crazed robots that wondered the wastelands outside the city. No one would be able to see it now, but the armor that the Mandalorian wore was once black. Now though, it was splattered in crimson blood from the massive fight he just got into. This planet was ran by his company, but due to years of little care for the lower levels many of the criminal elements here were not policed. The company only cared about the processing of raw material into transportable containers and shipped off to whoever bought it. The living conditions of those that did not work for the Trade Conglomerate was not cared about. Thus they did not get the protection of the Corporate police.

- The towering monster that just killed everyone within the bar was the CEO of said corporation. Jaster Awaud. He was not in the mood for small talk, and he was on a mission.

- Others within the lower levels avoided the hulking mechanical monstrosity, even though he was dragging a struggling Rodian out of the bar. He was also covered in blood of several different species that called this lower level home. Struggling to get out of the cybernetic gauntlet that was grabbing the back of his collar. Jaster stopped and picked the starved Rodian and slammed him against the wall. Glowing yet dark red from the Mandalorians T-Visor eclipsed the Rodians blue eyes and reflected the red back at him.

- A Deep gravelly robotic voice came from the Helmet as he held the individual off the ground against the wall. "Where is the Crystal?"

- The Rodian tried to smile, "Right, now I remember Master Awaud, THAT Crystal." He rested his hands on the Mandalorians arms, but Jaster did not break eye contact from the alien. "Ya, I remember hearing that it was sold to a friend of mine, he has probably sold it off by-"

- Jaster grunted and put more pressure on the Rodians neck. "WHO."

- The Alien struggled and tapped on Jasters arm, and some pressure was lifted though he was still lifted off the ground. He coughed a little, "Ravinda, thats all I know." The Mandalorian lifted the blaster from his holster and pressed it against the Rodians head. "I told you everything, I thought you were gonna let me go."

- The Old Man behind the visor just continued to look closer to the Rodians face. "You should have thought of that before you stole from me." Jaster pulled the trigger and the body went limp. He let the body fall to the ground and turned to go look for this individual and walked off down the alleyway. Jaster thought for a second, they still had to be on the planet and that meant he could still get to them before they could get off it. It was a massive trade hub, but it was his trade hub. He would get that crystal back.


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