
The current monetary funds the Inari Shogunate has in its Honden (Treasury) is as follows. The Honden's location is unknown, and no one other than Shogun and her bodyguards know where it is. The Honden is circular in structure, with the most inner core vault possessing the Ryo, while each subsequent room possess the Bu, the Shu and the Mon. Between each room, there are thick, 50 centimeter thick hadrium walls and an elite group of security droids which are controlled by the minds of fallen Samurai.
- 200,000 Ryo
Located in an entirely separate vault in the center of the Honden itself, the are 20 large, hadrium chests which hold 10,000 Ryo each. On each chest, there is a highly advanced electronic lock and is magnetically secured to the floor of the Honden: it should be noted that the chest has an independent power generator in case power is lost. The electronic lock system has three main security systems in order to protect the chest.
First, the chest is locked inside of a separate safe which can only be unlocked by placing Kitsune's hand inside of the chest. The security mechanism of the safe scans the biological signature of Kitsune in order to verify that it in fact her hand and is still living by taking advanced scans. - Second, in order to even input the one hundred character code for the electronic lock of the chest, Kitsune must place her ceremonial katana inside of the lock.
- Finally, the one hundred character passcode must be inputted within one minute. Kitsune is the only one who possesses this knowledge.
[*]4,000,000 Bu
- Located within the inner core of Honden, there are 100 immense, hadrium chests which hold 40,000 Bu each. On each chest, there is a highly advanced electronic lock and is magnetically secured to the floor of the Honden: it should be noted that the chest has an independent power generator in case power is lost. In order to disengage the magnetic lock onto the floor, Kitsune must place her hand on the lock as well as input a fifty character passcode within thirty seconds. Then, in order to open the chest, Kitsune must place her sword inside of the lock.
20,000,000 Shu
Located within the Honden, there are 500 gigantic, hadrium chests which hold 40,000 Shu each. On each chest, there is a highly advanced electronic lock. In order to open the chest, a twenty character passcode must be inputted within fifteen seconds.
2,000,000,000 Mon
Located within on first room of Honden, the 1,000 Mon are strung together on an armorweave string to form a bundle, and 1,000 of these bundles are placed within large, hadrium chests. In total, there are 2,000 such chests. On each chest, there is a highly advanced electronic lock. In order to open the lock, a ten character passcode must be inputted within five seconds.
On board a secured vault on the ISS Mikoshi, Kitsune, as the Daimyo of the Yokai Clan, currently has the following personal funds:
- 10,000 Ryo in one large hadrium chest
- 40,000 Bu in two hadrium chests
- 80,000 Shu in four hadrium chests
- 2,000,000 Mon in bundles of 1,000 are placed in sixteen hadrium chests.
In the current economy of the Inari Shogunate, the amount of currency in circulation is as follows:
- 190,000 Ryo
- 3,999,960 Bu
- 19,920,000 Shu
- 1,998,000,000 Mon
Note: this is purely OOC knowledge that your character would absolutely NOT know unless informed directly by Kitsune.