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Approved NPC The War Hogs (Elite Commando & Black Ops Unit)




  • Unit Name: The Galactic Alliance Navy Elite Commandos Unit, "The War Hogs"
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Classification: Commando, Special Forces, Black Ops.
  • Description: This is a specialized, small group of battle-hardened commandos and special forces. They do not wear traditional commando armor, instead opting for a more customized and individualistic look, which can cause them to not appear as "polished" or "professional" as other forces. However, the War Hog badge makes them very distinguishable and recognizable, no matter what else they are wearing. They are known as being more rough-around-the-edges, but they always get the job done. They are considered by some to be the best of the best. Known for their tenacity, skill, and intensity, the War Hogs have earned for themselves a respected name and reputation throughout the Galactic Alliance Defence Force and their allies. They are often assigned the most difficult and specialized assignments due to their high mission success rate. However, some of the higher ups are beginning to grow weary of them due to their tendency to forge their own path and think outside the box, which can make them more difficult to control or micro manage. They are known for being an especially stubborn group, which could be a negative factor depending on the mission assignment given them.

Unit Badge:
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Each member's personal equipment and load-out is unique to their characters own skillset, appearance, etc. There is no standard set of equipment for the squad itself. However, the squad does have some valuable assets at its disposal (Click on the images to view submissions):
  • Combat Function:
    • Offensive special operations to further the Galactic Alliance's interest
    • Engage in important and strategic missions and assignments in the midst of war or other military operations.
    • Pursue high-priority targets and missions that are considered "off-books" with no connection back to the Galactic Alliance. These assignments are considered "Black Ops" with no support or recognition of their existence if caught or compromised.


  • Small-scale operations
  • High-priority targets and objectives
  • High adaptability to live circumstances
  • Doesn't look like Alliance Forces in appearance.
  • Ability to operate completely "Off Grid"
  • Ability to Function outside the boundaries of traditional military restrictions or guidelines
  • They are a small squad.
  • Large-scale operations.
  • Unpolished behavior
  • Obeying direct orders that conflict with their values or code.

Commando units have always been a prominent part of the Galactic Alliance and its predecessors. Around 50 years ago, General Farrow decided to develop a "Black-Ops" Commando unit that would be able to pull off missions and assignments that, in many cases, should not be tied back to the Alliance. He approached a recently disgraced captain who was nicknamed "Fang", and shared this concept with him, seeing if there was any interest on his part. Fang was the perfect candidate for such an endeavor as he was a brilliant warrior who had been removed from leading his own unit due to suspicion of war crimes. Although it was never proven, his reputation had been ruined. Fang agreed to lead General Farrow's Black Ops Commando Unit, and he called them "The War Hogs". Farrow ran the unit under the radar for years, and the unit proved to be invaluable and a highly effective asset for the General and the Alliance.

During a high-scale conflict with the Sith, The War Hogs got their opportunity to shine for all to see when they single-handedly disabled the Siths Capital ship from within. Unfortunately, it came at a high price, as Fang and two other members of his team were killed in the process. After this, the unit was praised for their heroism and fully legitimized within the Galactic Alliance Defence Force. Farrow found another captain to fill the void left by Fang, and the team was rebuilt and continued to operate under his guidance until his death ten years ago.

During this transition of leadership, another general named Phris obtained oversight of The War Hogs. At this time, a young Jedi Guardian was brought onto the team named Traden Avarice Traden Avarice . The team continued to operate effectively for another decade, as some members were killed, others retired, and eventually Traden became captain of the War Hogs. Although the crew has seen many changes throughout the years, their reputation has continued to grow and mature.

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Ylla Caeli'runa

Traden Avarice Traden Avarice

Evening! So, something I noticed here. They seem to be a squad from the wording of the submission rather than a full blown army, however it seems that you've used the Lore Army template rather than the NPC Combat Unit template.

I believe it'd fit better as a combat unit with the numbers you've got down and the wording. This would mean changing over and adding the information to the template I've linked above.

Would that be something you'd like to do?

Ylla Caeli'runa

Traden Avarice Traden Avarice

Hello, sorry for the delay here! This looks nice, I only have two edits I'd like to suggest:

Links | Please link the updated GA faction page as well as your character bio here, rather than tagging yourself. Please also update the GA link in Affiliation.​
Template Mixing | Would you mind removing the Headquarters, Goals, and Reputation fields? Those belong with the Army Lore Template. If you'd like, you can always move the Flagship/Starship III up to Equipment since it's their home base.​
Feel free to tag me once edits are complete or if you have any questions/concerns!
Under Review Traden Avarice Traden Avarice

I understand why you'd want to link to an article you can easily update, but I checked with the Admins and other Codex judges, and unfortunately this is not allowed. Codex submissions have to go through the approval process. Using an article that you can update without approval circumvents that process. You could, for example, add equipment to the article that your unit is not allowed to use per Codex rules, and we wouldn't know about it. For that reason, no Codex content can be in article form, per admin decree.

Please change it back and tag a judge when you're ready for another look. I promise to look at all edit requests ASAP, so the submission can still stay up to date through official channels.
Traden Avarice Traden Avarice

I believe that should be fine, as long as it stays just a roster. As I look over the assets you've added, I have a few other questions.

  • For Unit Availability, you've marked Rare rather than Unique. This would mean that there are multiple War Hogs units, which becomes a problem with Unique assets like Mr. Cuddles. You've also described the team as if there is only one throughout the sub, so unless I'm missing something, I would change the availability to unique.

  • The person you're asking for permission to use the Snapper-class Transport hasn't logged on since April, so I don't think you're going to get his permission. Pending permissions are not allowed in approved Codex subs. However, the Snapper-class lists the Galactic Alliance in its Affiliation, so you don't actually need separate permission to use it (since this is a GA unit). You can delete the mention of the Snapper-class from the Permissions section.

  • On the other hand, the Ferret II-class ship is Closed Market and doesn't list any faction in its Affiliation, so you do need to secure permission from the submitter in order to use it in this sub. If you cannot secure permission, it can't be used here.

  • Currently, the B.O.B. is a completely empty submission except for a picture and an intent. It's not yet approved, so it can't currently be evaluated for whether or not it fits Codex rules as an appropriate asset for the team.
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