Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The was a while in the making

Life has taken one hell of a turn. In four weeks I happened upon an apartment to myself (which I signed the lease to yesterday), I became employed (even worked Thanksgiving without holiday pay or overtime), I somehow managed to find a girlfriend (much to the dismay of my daily self-pity sessions), and I lost the motivation to post regularly...

The last one is where you folks come in. This is not a goodbye. In fact I fully intend to interact with discord on the regular, especially my fellow FO mates. However posting with Sentiri (or any other Chaos character) has not been enjoyable for me for awhile now. And with so many things now clogging my schedule, I must give something up. This is that thing.

Like I said, this is not goodbye. There is a high probability I will be back with a vengeance in the future. But for now, I must officially cease posting obligations.

People this effects:

@FOSB: you didn't need me to tell you what to do before, you still don't need to now. Have at it, and make our Intel group the only one worth its salt on Chaos.

[member="Sage Annel"], @Soeht: Please continue without me in the dom. I will not be posting again, feel free to write me out.

[member="Marzena Choi"]: This should not prevent you from writing a response to our thread. I'm sure a few months from now I'll get you a post :p

[member="Natasi Fortan"]: I will still give counsel, even when you think you don't need it. Or when you admit you do want advice and don't listen to anything I say. And everything in between. But my post count will not influence the FO for sometime. Sincerest apologies, but I have faith you will continue to do amazing work for the faction.

[member="Captain Jordan"] @Bounce: you know where to find me.

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