Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The way of the Warrior or was it Guardian.......

Xander sat in the back of a shuttle descending to one of the Temples on Shri-Tal. He was not exactly sure why this planet instead of on Voss but then again it was really not his place to ask questions. He simply did went where he was told and did whatever was needed.

Starting down the ramp once it landed Xander took a look around nodding to a few Jedi and other Padawans around before pushing forward. He chuckled as he could swear he could here some line about letting the force guide him down the path he was destined to travel. He had been hearing that a lot lately. Almost as if it was an ever present motto of all those around him.

He was so lost in thought that he was not entirely sure how far into the temple he had gone in his task of seeking out [member="Matsu Ike"] for whatever reason it was he had been called. He had hopes it would be to get in some formal of Saber training.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

The large temple of Shri-Tal's moon was well As Matsu showed some of the padawans while going from the different towers a functional place. They had fixed it up and as the different sects had moved in and helped them control the sithspawn that had taken up residence in the tunnels throughout the world and moon, she had done as promised and brought to them more information... Plus they had a cave full of crystals if you wanted to save going through sith space to create a saber this was the place to come as she rose up from the central tower spire's lower section. The ships arriving brought her attention and she moved letting the twin sabers on her hip clink together before her disc saber could be seen while she offered a grin on her face. "Welcome padawan." The smaller jedi master bowed her head and pressed her hands together.

Image Credits:
Name: Thi-Rd
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Catia
Language: Guru
Average height of adults: 2m
Skin color: Differing Shades of Green
Hair color: Hairless
Breathes: Type I, Underwater
Able to Breathe Underwater
Regeneration: Slowly and with enough time and energy they can regenerate a limb or part of the body. A toe would be faster then a leg however
Weaknesses: Spongy Body: Their bodies are a large biomass able to retain water and slowly convert some to oxygen but it also means they can ingest and quickly spread poisons throughout their body.
Distinctions: Hermaphriditic Solid Biomass Body
Average Lifespan: [In standard years]
Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races).]
Estimated Population: [Is it common throughout the galaxy? Only found on a single world? Only being of its kind?]
Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]
Communication: [List common communication medium]
Culture: [Describe general culture]
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]
Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]
Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]
Xander smiled giving [member="Matsu Ike"] a bow.

"Thank you for the warm welcome Master."

He eyed the sabers.

"Should I be worried?"

Xander was not one to shy away from a fight but it seemed from the way Matsu approached the fight was right smack dab in the middle of what he though was a Jedi temple. He guessed appearances could be deceiving in this as well as many cases. Who knew being a Jedi would be more treacherous waters than the town he grew up in.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu looked at him curious for a moment and then at her sabers as she spoke. "Oh no no no we are safe here in this small city but the crystal caves are a different story. I won't lie and say it is safe but we have been able to cut down on some of the sithspawn down there." She motioned with her hands though and the massive temple they had was around them and it went down from the surface with the large canoly of the jungle and carved barriers to keep things out. The spires going above. "Welcome to the twilight sepulcher an ancient jedi temple we have repaired and fixed up. It might not be as precious as the one on Voss or as neglected at Vaynai but it has some of the best innovators in the order and is where we're able to work to produce new equipment and technology that can help the people." She was moving to motion him through while walking. "We also have some of the most diverse creatures for training against. With the work we are doing here I only get away sometimes. That is why I asked you here but also because it is best to practice force and saber skills in a more practical way... if I just told you and offered little beyond else the lessons would not be worth it."
Xander followed [member="Matsu Ike"] as she spoke mentioning about the temple and some of the details surrounding it.

"You mentioned Sith Spawn?" "Who or what are Sith Spawn?"

He paused for a moment.

"Admittedly I got into a lot of fights as a child." "I am curious though as to why not training the application of saber forms in dueling circles?" "I thought using the local wildlife as practice violated pretty much everything you guys stand for?"

He stopped for a minute as his facial expression changed to only what could be described as a face palm.

"Yeah I probably should not have said that." "Forgive me Master some times my brain does not quite engage before my mouth does."

He started walking again.

"Please forgive me you were saying Master?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu looked at him while she was nodding her head and stopped. "Alright traditional circles." She looked at him more mischievious then anything while leading the way and the stone became dirt before a large circle with some of the padawans training could be seen and she spoke. "How goes the warm up?" They gave her a thumbs up while moving to the side and Matsu looked at a large set of doors. "Alright stand over there and ready your saber, show me a makashi stance while your opponent appears." She was looking at him and waited before lifting her hand to open the large doors and her bull rancor from Mrrew slowly lumbered out. Larger then when she had gotten him as a baby and loyal to the academy while he stood there. "Now would you be able to face one of these in a traditional battle circle, will the sith or darksiders you encounter wait for you to make a circle to engage them and follow the rules? No they will not, that is why you need to learn how to function without the restrictions of circles. Once you can unlearn that you'll see that the whole world is a weapon to be used and you can do a great many things. That is the beginnings of sokan and using your environment in saber combat. Or you can rise into the air and use the vertical to your advantage." SLowly Matsu was there and rising up to stand on her rancors tusk while it licked at her. "As to what a sithspawn it, it is a creature created by darksiders long ago to hunt and kill lightsiders and other people, living machines or war. A jedi must know how to identify and fight them."
Xander followed [member="Matsu Ike"] stepping into the circle as instructed assuming a Makashi ready stance waiting for whatever it was that cam at the door. When it was a Rancor that stepped out Xander instinctively broke the stance adopting a more fluid and flexible stance watching and listening to what she said.

"Perhaps I was unclear in my question or you misunderstand what I meant." "Allow me to be specific." "While admittedly my knowledge is incomplete Makashi is meant for engaging in one on one combat against another opponent with a Lightsaber." "It would be useless against creatures in general as they don't usually carry lightsabers."

He paused knowing he had probably already stepped over the line.

"The circle is less about restriction and more about overcoming the odds against you." "For example what happens if by some disastrous circumstance you find yourself backed in a corner literally." "In this example the practice of fighting in a circle with limited movement is an asset and not a hindrance."

He sighed looking at her his mind catching up with his mouth.

"Forgive me you are the Master and I am the student." "I spoke out of turn."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

"Should you find yourself backed into the corner... simply change the field." Matsu was looking at him as she stood up there and was hovering and then smiling before she came down. Her body vibrating with the force, the speed of it while the small sigil on her necklace glowed while she slowly dipped her foot into the ground without disturbing it. Slowly Matsu came back to standing there though and motioned while her eyebrows raised. "You have a great deal of spunk which can be good but it can also be bad. I would prefer you speak your mind but not to the detriment of learning. You want to fight in circles and that is fine but when you face a sith sending a leviathan at you and other jedi regardless of which form of saber combat you use it would be the same as makashi here. You need to be able to adapt and remember there is no wall to be backed into because you are a jedi, you have far more options."
Xander simply gave [member="Matsu Ike"] a bow. He didn't say anything further but instead listened and waited. It seem like she was stuck on circles for whatever reason. It only mentioned them as it was the only thing he had to compare well anything within the jedi to use in comparison. It was going to be a very long day from the looks of things. Xander didn't mind long days but he got the impression this one was going to be a trying one.

He looked at Matsu and by proxy the rancor. He waited........................................
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu looked at him and motioned with her hands as she was moving past the rancor and into the larger doors while holding it and leading the way down into the crystal caves as she continued to more in. The amber crystals pulsing while she touched them. "COme say hello, the creatures down here grow within the force crystals and can lead the way towards some of the ancient jedi training ground." She held a small grin on her face while the low light and silence was a good background. "So padawan as I am one to teach you, tell me about yourself more."
Xander followed [member="Matsu Ike"] through the double doors not turning his back to the Rancor or turning off his saber until he was well past it. He listened to what she said but didn't say anything. He was curious as to what and where she was leading him to. Sure he had a bunch of questions but he would save them for later.

It was not until she asked about him that he spoke again.

"Not much to tell really." "Grew up in a rough part of town." "A lot of bullies running around picking on anyone the viewed as weaker or more timid than them." "In my case they an unwise choice."

He paused.

"Then when I got older I got bigger and they left me alone." "I mostly left people alone but I couldn't stand idly by and watch others be bullied." "So when I saw it I took care of it." "One day I bit off more than I could chew and it almost cost me my life."

He smiled softly.

"I don't regret my decisions." "Anyway when I woke up I was told a Jedi had found me and brought me to the medcenter............." "One of yours apparently." "He told me a was force sensitive and he was taking me to a planet called Voss to meet others like me."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu was listening to his story and taking it in while she remained quiet simply watching as the amber creatures moved through the crystal along the walls leading them through past more creatures moving around and into carved sections of the caves where more ruins were and jedi statues. Matsu waited until he was done and was speaking as she looked over most of the temple with a grin on her face mostly in excitement. "This is an old temple, used by the jedi to teach combat, since the caves can provide much in the way of distractions with the crystals, the creatures and the echoes a jedi would have to be able to filter and hear through it to find his opponent blindfolded. A far better place to learn and you can find a crystal that it attuned to you down here possibly."
Xander looked at [member="Matsu Ike"].

"So you want to blindfold me and then fight whatever creatures are down here?"

He had looked around at the crystals along the walls and such. It was a cold and dark place except for the parts lit up by the crystals.

"So this is where you all go to train?" "In the arm pit of darkness and uncertainty?"

He stopped looking at one of the statues for a moment looking for any plague or anything that said who and what the Jedi the statue was. After a minute he turned back to Matsu an even look on his face.

"And exactly how many Padawans have you brought to your own personal playground?" "More importantly how many managed to leave this place Mentally AND Physically intact."

For some reason he felt the need to intentionally emphasize the and part of his question. Part of him wondered if she had brought him to his death out of some sick twisted game. I history lesion was one thing but pet Rancors and dark damp caves were something else completely. Or at least he felt they were.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu looked at him while she found a seat. "Down here... none, my padawans like to explore uncharted wonders throughout the galaxy and we have been around several. Here we have explored these tunnels, padawans come in here to get their crystals with Ilum so far and they leave intact. We have excellent healing technology being developed to augment and use the force." She was looking at him and motioning with her hand for him to sit. "You're so quick to go for confrontation it will be a dangerous thing down the road."
Xander took the seat as instructed twirling his saber in his hand semi-absently though his focus was on [member="Matsu Ike"] as it should be. He sighed at her comment about confrontations.

"I stick to what I know..........or maybe default to it is a more accurate statement." "I know it is something that gives you guys pause." "Which makes we wonder why am I here if it is so worrisome to you all?"

He looked at her his expression was just as serious as it was genuinely quizzical.

"Where I grew up such things were unavoidable and key to survival."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

"I do not know." She said it while sitting there. "When a padawan who is older is found generally they show something special, show something noble to the one who found them... and most of the time that jedi becomes their master because they are there to support and believe in them." She tilted her head back a little. "Me on the other hand, well I have seen jedi fall to the darkside plenty and understand how hard up for members the orders can be. The sith offer much and an easier path in the face or well little else. I just remain teaching those who are wanting to learn and the others who come to be taught. Maybe learn a little more about them."
Xander looked at [member="Matsu Ike"] with a look that was a mix of are you serious and have you been paying attention.

"Master I just told you I have spent my entire life having to fight for everything and still you insinuate the easier path even interests me."

He shook his head.

"I don't know what the game here is Master Ike but I intend to train hard, I intend to train tirelessly, and I intend to fight the same way to defend those that can't defend themselves."

He paused.

"Whether you believe that to be noble or a fool's errand is up to you to decide for yourself."

Xander stood walking over to one of the crystals lightly putting his hand on it. He smiled softly looking at it.

"Any road can be dangerous and I chose not to live my life, however long it may be, in fear."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Matsu looked at him touching the crystal as she continued to sit there. "Very then, we'll see to your training, though I do warn you it will not be as fun." She didn't stand up while letting her pupils dilate as a hand came out. Energy rippling along it as the crystals resonated. "We'll start with the basics or it, shii-cho the first form of saber combat created before even the lightsaber was created and used with blades. It will give you what you need to move into the form you prefer or sticking with it you can surprise many." She waited there with a tight lipped smile. "Now bring up your saber and show me your stance."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Xander paused before turning back around to face her. He looked at her with a smile shaking his head.

"With respect Master you do not know what I consider fun."

Xander removed his saber form his belt igniting it. He dropped into a solid stance and waited. He had already had some training in the form. As a mater of fact next to Makashi it was a form he was most familiar with. The trip to SSC space had been a long one and one with a man who had felt nailing down a solid proficiency with Shii-Cho was important enough he would even tell Xander what the name of the other forms was until he had shown some ability in it.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Understatement sure but the jedi aster remained where she was and allowed her force energies to dance out before speaking and remaining. "Usually this would be done with another student but given how you speak and attitude I cannot in god conscious risk a padawan with you." SHe still didn't move but was letting her attention fall on his stance. "So you'll preform the basics of the form to dodge and deflect with the creatures here in the cave." Her eyes flicked to the strange pale bipeds that clung to walls and were making a face. "Their venom is not deadly it just numbs the body for several hours. I am going to keep them from trying to bite you to get it into your blloodstream and heart but they will still be able to spit it at you. Block their attacks padawan."

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