Alli smiled, it seems the new comer to the group was of a similar mind. She wanted to meet to discuss new weapons and other products... the though of working with the great Sinear fleet Systems was incredible. She was still surprised they joined the GTG. Alli had her private meeting room, with the best amenities the galaxy could offer. She awaited the arrival of Sasha Santhe, who was said to be on route in person. Another unbelievable thing. She didn't just meet with any company, so it spoke volumes of Baktoid Industries image that they were the ones in this talk. Alli also heard she was quite beautiful. Not that this wouldn't be anything more than business.
Alli waited, making sure the aides knew to let her in right away, and that anything that she could think of the woman needing was literally in the next room. This needed to go perfect, and perfect it shall thought alli.
Alli waited, making sure the aides knew to let her in right away, and that anything that she could think of the woman needing was literally in the next room. This needed to go perfect, and perfect it shall thought alli.