Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Welcome Wagon

(I wonder what a 'welcome wagon' in Star Wars would be, actually.)

Greetings, nonetheless. Its a pleasure to be here. I'm planning on scouting the subforums for a while before engaging in any real action. I want to familiarize myself first.

I already have character designs though, and I've sketched my own Star Wars ships before, so I have some personal model designs, as well as one or two based off pre-existing designs (A retrofit for the KT-400 droid carrier, but designed for people/aliens/etc, for example).

I am curious, however, where to post general questions. If nobody minds, I actually have a question right now, permitting.

I've scanned parts of the Starship Creation thread, and wonder where I can post general questions? The classification for fighters confuse me. Fighters in general are between 1-17 meters in length as opposed to the listed 1-50m (the longest example I was willing to extend my search to being the B-Wing at 16.9m). I think of Freighters and scout ships - Slave I is actually a modified scout-class - though "transport class" unfortunately doesn't include scout ships cit. , and would personally classify between 20-50m, instead of grouping all of them and star fighters into a 1-50m group. Fighters serve much different roles than the larger ships like the YT series, Dynamic Class, or D5 Mantis, the size grouping I figure is also different, so I'm a bit confused as to why they're all grouped in to one category. Slave ships are actually bigger, so despite the name, Slave I, is not actually a slave ship. cit. It does get a little messy though as there are a lot of ship classifications that fall between the 20-50m range - I would still humbly ask the reason why the 1-50m range ships aren't separated into 1-20m and 20-50m.

Anyway, I was just intending on saying hello, but I guess I got off topic there. Either way, I look forward to being a part of the community.

Connor Harrison

[member="Rennek_Elsin"] Welcome to the Chaos! Hope you have fun here and keep the questions coming if you need help. :)

Our Factory for starships will help you in creation/submissions:

[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Zef Halo"] are the ones who could help more with this
Connor Harrison said:
[member="Rennek_Elsin"] Welcome to the Chaos! Hope you have fun here and keep the questions coming if you need help. :)

Our Factory for starships will help you in creation/submissions:

[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Haytham Kaze"] [member="Zef Halo"] are the ones who could help more with this
Aha, thank you! (You have many posts. I take it you've been here a while, or are incredibly active) and thank you for the names. That will help. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Rennek_Elsin"] 2yrs 7months. Connor was "created" April 1st 2014. April Fools Day. Don't say a word...

You'll find before you know it you're into the hundreds, and then thousands of posts. You will have times when you're super active, and times when you get a bit of a break, but you're always able to do something here to develop your character or chat with the community about non-SW things!
Welcome to Chaos :)

Rennek_Elsin said:
I would still humbly ask the reason why the 1-50m range ships aren't separated into 1-20m and 20-50m.
This is, more than anything, to keep things from getting too complicated. They would still end up following the same template, still be beholden to the same guidelines.

We have a speed chart and examples for what kinds of armaments and how fast & maneuverable ships from 1 to 50 should be. They are not limited to just the classifications listed below each category in the template, it goes by size instead.


Well-Known Member

Well Greetings and welcome to CHAOS ......glad have you on board.

At any rate when your up and ready hop onto posting on the thread. Be nice meet yah and if you need anything just give out a holler post. And am sure be quite few peep here help yah out....including myself.

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