Kaggak, or rather Durotar as he had renamed himself since he had left the Imperial Red Guard, laid back in his chair. This nondescript bar, in this nondescript hallway, in what should have been the most famous space station in existence, was a happy enough refuge for the nine foot tall Vong warrior. His long-bladed scimitar was comfortably propped up beside him, in only half of his Red Guard-issue power armor. He'd begun the process of painting it jet-black to match the phrik of his sword, but red still showed through, as if the metal was bleeding.
The former Guard sat, lonely and sad, with a mug that sat in his huge hands like a flute filled to the brim with a mix of Corellian whiskey and some kind of sweet alcohol he couldn't place. Whatever it was, it was getting him drunk enough to get maudlin and pensive, like drinking usually made him. Some small part of him wished for a friend, or maybe a pretty girl, to pull him out of this state of total depression.
But who could?
The former Guard sat, lonely and sad, with a mug that sat in his huge hands like a flute filled to the brim with a mix of Corellian whiskey and some kind of sweet alcohol he couldn't place. Whatever it was, it was getting him drunk enough to get maudlin and pensive, like drinking usually made him. Some small part of him wished for a friend, or maybe a pretty girl, to pull him out of this state of total depression.
But who could?