Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The White Wolf



Somewhere on the outskirts of a mandalorian city, a group of brothers and sisters bonded through their war for freedom lived in a village, built and ran by themselves. The village was built into the side of a mountain a top a large waterfall that led to a lake below. Deep in the mountain, there was a cave. A behemoth of a man sat in this cave, it was clear by the bookshelves and small wooden table that this place had been built over time and frequently visited. But only used by one, the behemoth of a man, bald and broken of skin like his brothers and sisters. Like the White Wolf himself, only the massive bald man's cuts were not as deep, they were more frequent. Another man entered, not quite as tall or as muscular. But not smaller by much, he entered the cave in silence. Walking over the man, he wore a red cloth over his right eye. Covering a grievous wound he had received in his past life, not all that different to the White Wolf or the Behemoth of a man himself. The one eyed man stopped beside the bald headed man, looking over the man scrolls the older and larger man had wrote in his time. Tales of the White Wolf and the Behemoth himself, the one eyed man dropped a holographic recorded on the table in front of the behemoth of a man. "What's this?" The behemoth inquired, the one eyed man simply took a step forward and pressed a sequence of buttons that allowed an image of the White Wolf to appear on screen, in the nearby cities space port. "I saw him in the space port. Today, not five hours ago." The bald man sat forward, the hologram cloaked half of his face in a yellow glow. He seemed to focus on the image in front of him and nothing else, he was captivated. His concentration was intense. His stare was something nobody could look straight at, he was a man feared. Even amongst his brotherhood, and now one his oldest brothers was before him.
"Astrian Callus, the White Wolf. A fierce warrior of legends old, he is your brother Gius. He is my brother, he took us from our home. He free'd us, all of us and then he left us all to rot. Yet, he now comes back to us." The bald behemoth sat back in his chair, his lip curved into the most subtle of grins. "Find out what he's doing here and report back to me, soon." The bald man seemed captivated by image before him. Someone he held dear to him, someone's who's past was as much his as it was his own. The White Wolf and the Behemoth, back together again.


City Streets:

The White Wolf had his arms folded over the balcony, observing the city life of the mandolorian people. It was, interesting. The many walkways and the strange people passing by, however something felt odd. As if eyes were on him, one moment it was the busy day and the sound of others going on with their lives. Then silence, and only one others motions could be heard, the one eyed man; gius. Stopped beside the White Wolf, leaning over the balcony as well. "Welcome to Mandalore." The man spoke, a full smile on his face. "I'm sure your stay shall be rather, interesting..." He said, this time turning himself to face Astrian. "And you are?" ...
The one eyed man offered the White Wolf his hand. "Giu-" The White Wolf grabbed the one eyed by his wrist and pulled him to him. "Gius Stormbow, the snake." The snake, the one eyed man. These were the names, the snake's smile disappeared and turned into a stern stare. "Astrian Callus, the White Wolf." The snake spoke, his face was stern and his free hand was reaching for a blade. "Before you get to that blade I'll have this one through your heart." He warned, a long vibrosword in his grip between them, pointing right at his heart. "You wouldn't, not after everything we've all been through." He said, his face was stern, he wasn't afraid of death. "I left you all there to rot for a reason, why could you all just stay dead?" The White Wolf could sense the anger pouring off of the snake. "Because we're like you Wolf. We're survivors."

The White Wolf snorted and pushed the snake away from him, who as soon as the blade was out of range took the dagger from its sheath. "Survivors huh? You won't be surviving for much longer if you don't get out of my way snake." The snake gripped the blade tightly, reading to leap forward. "....I can't go back without you, the Behemoth won't be pleased." He warned, the White Wolfed chuckled. "Oh, the behemoth? Well you can tell the behemoth to go kark himself. I have no business with any of you, and if he sends anyone else. I will kill them, and then I'll come for him." He warned, the snake sighed. "At least tell me why your here Wolf, I need something to report back to him..." The White Wolf bit into his lip and his stern stare remained. "I'm here for Beskar armour of my own design to be crafted, I heard this place has a master smith. The best on mandalore they say, so; that's where I'm headed." The White Wolf explained, but as he did a wide smile illuminated the snakes face. "Oh that's just priceless, oh my that's wonderful! You see, us survivors. Our brotherhood, that you left. Our brains run at a very high capacity, the best blacksmith on mandalore is amongst our ranks." The snake said, the smile on his face growing as the White Wolfed sighed heavily. "Kark!" He exclaimed, putting the vibrosword back into its sheath. "Come on then, take me to the Behemoth." He commanded, walking towards the snake whom turned on his heel and made his way down from the balcony. "Right this way, wolf." The White Wolf followed behind in silence until they reached the village.


As the two walked side by side towards the village, the White Wolf observed the village itself. It wasn't on any maps, it looked rather worn and had defences. It was more of a castle than anything, built into the side of a mountain. It was a beautiful site, but as they walked down the pathway to the village. He couldn't help but study the massive fall that led to a lake. He couldn't imagine that even his kind could survive those rocks, not all of them were as tough as the White Wolf anyway or the Behemoth for that matter. However these thoughts were stirred and forgotten as many familiar faces hid behind the castle like walls of the village. "May I be the first to welcome you to our humble abode Wolf, I'm sure there are some here anxious to see you." Astrian eyed them, these faces he knew. Faces he had tried to forget, memories and places and feelings he had tried to forget. "I don't care, I'm here for one thing and one thing only. The blacksmith." The snake snorted as they walked and remained silent as they entered. "Open the gate!" He called and a few moments passed and the gates opened, both the White Wolf and the snake entered and they made their way up towards the mountain. "Try not to draw attention to yourself Wolf." He muttered, in the centre of the village there was a large case of steps buried in the ground that led to a hutt, which had a secret entrance which then led to the Behemoths cage. However, three men stood at those steps. All three familiar to the White Wolf, three men he wishes he could leave behind in his memories.

The Behemoth:

The Behemoth, a mountain of meat if you ever saw one. Standing his full height of 9'2, the man is a master of Juyo and an expert in soresu and a talented tutanamis user and long lost brother of the White Wolf.

The Lion:

The Lion, known as this for his ferocity with Jar'Kai and his swiftness in battle with duel blades. He is an athletic and agile opponent standing at 7'11 and almost always bested other's in sword to sword combat but was never efficient with the force.

The Eagle:

The Eagle, known for his finesse with a blade in makashi and shien he was a incredibly physical fighter standing at 7'7 who implemented force body as the only power he used, adding to his augmented abilities and supporting his less powerful physical capabilities.

The Behemoth made his way down the steps and passed the Lion and the Eagle. "The White Wolf returns to us." The Behemoth smiled widely as he made his way down to the White Wolf, the Lion and Eagle following in tail.
The White Wolf stood his ground as the Behemoth came face to face with him. "Behemoth." The Wolf nodded, and with that the Behemoths smile deteriorated. "Wolf." He spoke, the spite, hatred and most of disappointment rolling off of his tongue. The Lion and Eagle stood both were their hands on their sheathed blades, "Boys, no need for that. It would be rude of us to kill a guest on our doorstep." The Behemoth spoke, his eyes narrowing as his hand slipped up to his back; taking the handle of a massive blade on his back. The White Wolf eyed the Lion and Eagle for a few moments before allowing his gaze to fall on the massive man in front of him, the behemoth. "Right, wouldn't want to have to leave you for dead a second time either." He commented, shoving passed the Behemoth and getting closer to the Eagle and Lion. "I'm here for one thing, and one thing only Behemoth, and that's your blacksmith." The Behemoth raised an eyebrow, but before he could speak the Lion was already up in his face. "What on earth do you want with our blacksmith Wolf?" He almost spat in the Wolf's face. The Wolf almost let out a low growl of words; "Get out of my face Lion." The Eagle, the Snake and the Behemoth stood watching, all three with worried looks. "Or what Wolf? You going to put me down, like I did to your sister in the arena?" The Wolf could take a taunt, but the Lion took it a step too far and with that, his eye twitched. "...Wolf..." The Snake tried to take a step closer to calm him down, but before he could the Wolf had slammed a fist of powerful force energy into the chest of the Lion, which wasn't designed to kill. But, it sent him off his feet and flying upwards and twisting. He landed in a heap a few metres away, the rest were silent. Fear on their faces, all but the Behemoth who stepped in before the Wolf did anything else. "That's enough, leave him be Wolf." He rested his massive meaty hand on the Wolf's shoulder. "Come with me, we have much to discuss." He proposed, the Wolf nodded in silence as the Eagle and Snake ran to the Lion's slowly rising form.

The Behemoth and Wolf entered the tent at the top of the village. "I never thought I'd see you again." The Behemoth admitted as he unlocked the door to the hidden cave. "I never wanted to see you again, I tried my best to leave all of this karking nightmare behind." The Behemoth merely grunted in reply as he pushed the massive door aside for both to enter. "I didn't know you and your people were even here. I heard about a talented blacksmith that knew how to forge Beskar, I was just going to force them into making it for me. But I have the design with me." The Behemoth stopped at his desk, sitting down. "You and I are as much Mandolorian as those people in those cities. We're just different, we live like true Mandolorians and you will have to earn that Beskar, like a Mandolorian." The Behemoth explained, he wasn't going to let this stranger to the Mandolorian ways run off with their gear. "Are you karking with me Behemoth?" He replied, anger in his voice. "...What would I have to do?" The Behemoth smiled at his brothers anger, but remained silent for a lengthy moment. "You would have to complete our peoples trial. Every man woman and child can come asking for Beskar and get it free if they wish it if they complete our trails." The Wolf sighed, always with trials. "And what may said trial be?" The Behemoth remained silent for a lengthy second once again, making the Wolf wait in between sentences. "Each persons trials are different, however the core of it is to aid the brotherhood and to be accepted as one of us." The Wolf trembled, become accepted? He had better chances of beating the Behemoth in single combat than he had gaining acceptance. "Alright, seeing as there's not much I can do right now. I think I'll head off, find somewhere to rest my head for the night." He spoke, half turning around as the Behemoth spoke. "No, we have many beds. Stay for the night." He offered, the White Wolf's reply; a nod.

The Next Day:


The Cat: A beautiful woman, strong and proud and a excellent fighter. Her most note worthy abilities being alchemy and telepathic abilities. She is also quite physically capable and quite flexible. She is 7'8 in height and can pack a heavier punch than most of the men in the camp.

The White Wolf woke up, bare and weaponless. Even with a cloth vest and underwear, felt naked without his weaponry. Climbing from the bed he had been directed to the previous night by the woman who lived here. He heard that her husband and brothers once lived with her here, and now he occupied one of many empty beds. Collecting his gear he made his way down into the kitchen area where the woman seemed to be cooking something, the Wolf's nostrils filled with the smell of well cooked and prepared food for the first time in a long time. "Sit down, and eat." She spoke and without a word the massive man sat down, she wasn't entirely small herself. Nobody in this village was normal, they were all bred of the same program he was and only now was he starting to recognise her. "...Cat." He replied, the women turning around and bringing a full tray of food with her. Her beautiful red hair falling behind her; "I'm surprised you remember me. After all, you did leave us all for dead Wolf." The Wolf took a knife and fork and began to eat. "It was that, or fight all of the ones I was worried about letting into society one by one, I wasn't willing to take that chance." Cat nodded, looking up to him as she ate. "Oh, don't worry. I understand why you did it Wolf. But, you couldn't have at least taken some of us with you? You were our leader back then, and you abandoned us. I understand why, but it still hurt us all." She explained, Wolf sat forward in his chair. Their eyes linked as they spoke; "Regardless, I'm not here to redeem myself Cat. I'm here to go through the trials, get my beskar and leave." Cat nodded in response, as if understanding. "Ah, I see. So you didn't come here intentionally? Well, I had hoped you had come back for us, that you would apologise and beg to be brought back into the fold. But you've made it very clear how little you care about us.." She said, getting up from her spot. Leaving half a meal behind she stormed off and out of the door, slamming it behind her and almost pulling it off the hinges. "Well...that went well."
The Blacksmith:

The White Wolf had searched around the village for little more than an hour. But, the Snakes eyes remained trained on him at all times. It was clear that the Behemoth and his crew; those who he had assumed ran the place, trusted him in the slightest. Not that it bothered him, but he'd be a fool not to remain cautious and keep his guard up at all times. However, the White Wolf continued on his self-proclaimed and directed tour. Then, the all familiar sounds of the clash of metal ringed in the Wolfs ears, they were all too familiar, though he knew it was the fury of a blacksmiths steel. It could not be mistaken for any other. The White Wolf made his way to the blacksmiths, opening the door. The heat of the anvil and fire and the sweat of power was overwhelming, "Oi boy, the White Wolf cometh? Karking brilliant.." The bearded man spoke, his emerald eyes jolting up at the White Wolf. "Good to see you too, Ravage." The White Wolf spoke, a small grin on his face. If anyone, he was glad to see Ravage. "So, what can I do for you Wolf?" The White Wolf looked about his smithy, impressive sets of work. Including beskar and other raw and rich materials. "I'd like to acquire a suit of Beskar. I've been told I'll need to pass some sort of trial, is that really necessary?" The large bearded man faced him with sad sunken eyes. "Yes, how much of this trial do you know of Wolf?" The Wolf stood at the slightly smaller man's side gingerly, all too aware of his situation. However, not of the details of this trial. "Honestly?" He started, looking about the room once more for any sort of hidden device, the area felt almost medieval. As if, on purpose. A veil. "I don't know anything about it." Ravage nodded, his fears were coming true. "Sit down Wolf." He offered, pushing forth a chair for the Wolf to sit and one for himself. The Wolf complied, sitting down as Ravage did himself. "Each trial is different, you have to kill something. Prove yourself to the community, prove yourself to you. It varies I'm afraid, though with the Eagle, the Lion and that passive aggressive monstrous behemoth of a man in charge. I doubt yours will be an easy task." The White Wolf kept his curses internal as he thought deeply. "So, I'll be going on a suicide mission?" He asked, his expression bursting with self related anger. He should have known, it should have been obvious. "I'm afraid so, I'd imagine they'll pit you up against something ridiculous, this planet has its fair share of strange creatures." The Wolf nodded in agreement, "Yes, I'm quite aware of that." Ravage shook his head solemnly. "Not to the extent you'd need to be to survive it Wolf. If you want to live, you're going to have to train yourself. Harder than you've ever trained before." The White Wolf stood up, almost offended. "I am a Master Templar, one of the most renowned warriors among us. I am su-" Ravage leaped to his feet in response. "No, this is different. Just like the people who live here in this village, everything and anything the Behemoth will pit you against you will be bred to kill." The Wolf nodded. "I'm more than prepared." Ravage sighed, "I hope you're abilities match your confidence." The Snake arrived on scene, interrupting the conversation. "Wolf, the behemoth requests your presence." The White Wolf looked to Ravage one last time. "See you soon."

In The Following Hours:
The White Wolf awaited the behemoth outside his tent. The Snake had arrived on scene, and taken him from Ravage's smithy to the Behemoths tent, he waited, anxiously. Then, the Snake reappeared outside of his tent. "I'm sorry this is taking so long, th-" The Wolf growled and slammed the Snake aside. "Out of my blood way Snake.." He spoke, entering the tent. Both the Eagle and the Lion stood up in their place, the Behemoth standing with his back turned to the whole group. His focus held in the clutches of a scroll he held. "You were able to wait longer than I expected, I can admire that." The Behemoth spoke, turning to face the Wolf himself. "Down boys." The Behemoth spoke, gesturing with his right hand for them both to sit down. "Wolf, did you ever at one point think the people who took us could of possibly been experimenting on things other than us?" The Wolf thought for a moment, would did the Behemoth mean? Was it a genuine question or was he simply being cryptic? Who knew. The Wolf reached out with telepathy, however he found nothing but a blank canvas of emotionless concentration. "It's possible, yes." The Behemoth nodded with a grin. "Right answer." He spoke, he threw the scroll across the table that separated them. "Read it." He ordered, the White Wolf didn't like being ordered. But, regardless; he would read it. "Alright." He picked up the scroll, looking over its contents. "...Strill?" He looked over the diagram, it was a design. Materials, ingredients. The beast none as strill. A mandalorian beast. "I don't understa-" The Behemoth chuckled. "You don't get it yet, the facility was here. You were born and raised here, you were a mandalorian. We are mandalorian, you a-" The Wolf shook his head. "I'm not a mandalorian, I respect the mandalorian culture and ideals. But, I'm not one of them." The Behemoth reached across the table, placing his hands on it firmly. His eyes full of sorrow, "But, you could be. All you have to do is to leave your past allegiances behind, all of it. Be one of us, come home." The Wolf slammed his fist into the table, it splintered and shattered. "No, never!" He shook his head, his jaw twisting in disgust at the very notion of it. "Then you leave us with no choice Wolf, you will complete the trial before you or die." The Wolf sighed and let his deep yellow eyes fall on the Behemoth. "What do I need to do?" The Behemoth grumbled, slipping his palms across the table. Then, he began.

"We've been hunting these mutated super strill and putting them out of their misery, however there is one left. A larger, faster and tougher beast. It's skin, impervious to blade's and such things." The Wolf pondered for a moment. "What about sabers?" The Behemoth, Eagle and Lion looked among each other. "We don't have any, we don't know how to build them." The Wolf scoffed. "Brilliant.."
In The Mountains:

The White Wolf and his prey, he had been stalking this beast for a little more than an hour. Learning its patterns and hunting tactics. He had watched it pick off a group of travelling merchants. It made him think of himself, how it waited and watched and cut them down swiftly. With precision and artistic design, he admired it. They were all animals, after all.
He was coming closer to the creature now, it looked incredibly mutated it's body was a woven mess of tar black dead skin and grey scale covering its body, its natural brown hair had grown into a spiky mane at its back, almost like that of a hedgehog only it looked old and withered, thin and dead. Horns, massive horns. Some how, the mutations had caused the skull of the creature to morph into an antler like form above its head, there were massive gaps of dead flesh and open, untreated wounds were the other legs were meant to be as only four remained on the boy. All with strange and greatly enlarged claws that ripped through the skin and twisted the bone. It's mouth was a monstrous thing to look at, twisted and deformed into a vicious creature.The White Wolf felt it was only fair to put it out of its misery, but that would no be today.

Today he would study it in combat, he would fight it. Understand and it, train in the abilities necessary to kill said beast and come back and slay it. Take its head back to the village, the Behemoth said not to return until he had the creatures head. He didn't understand why, but he did not wish to upset the chances of his retrieving this Beskar armour. It was like a warriors wet dream, he was about to make his move.

The White Wolf leaped forward from the trees toward the massive creature, its body twisting to him. The Wolf had recently discovered something known as a Cardio Muscular Package and now took them regularly. He now had triple his already massive strength, his strength only now being matched by the Behemoth. He imagined he would have to fight him at some point during this trial. For now, a battle awaited him and both beasts were aiming all they had at the other.

The Battle:

The large mutated beast grew in close proximity of the Wolf, whom was charging forth at blurred speed. He had made speed and strength his apex abilities, slamming into the beast with the might of 12 men like him, the speed of many and the anger of a child being torn away from its mother. The Wolf roared, slamming into the beast with his vibrosword, the blade itself did not serve a lot of damage. However, the shear power of the attack had ripped the steel from its handle and sent the mutated monstrosity stumbling back into a defensive position. It's a good thing he brought more than one, three blades. He took another from its sheathe on his back. Now slowly circling the beast, holding the blade in his right hand and empowering his left with the force. The creature backed up into the remains of an old building, its large buckling back legs knocking down rubble. Then. it turned its front legs and charged, the White Wolf allowed a stream of white lightning to exit his palm and slam into the beasts face and eyes, causing it to blink for a moment and duck its head slightly. Intending to ram its antlers into the Wolf, however this would happen if it were anyone but a master of the force.

The Wolf dropped down into a crouch, and brought about the blade in a two handed diagonal sweep. Cutting into the beasts armored belly, upon collision sparks were sent off in every direction as the beasts body crushed and twisted the blade. The Wolf was smooth in his motions, back to his feet with the damaged blade in hand. He held the blade to his left, bringing his left arm back and holding the blade at chest height, he awaited the beast to turn and face him as he drew it closer to him. "Come on.." He taunted the beast as it roared viciously at him. "Force, your ugly." He commented as the beast charged him once again, with increased brain progressing power added to the Wolf's already renowned intellect, he was able to determine a likely weak point, the fur area. The Wolf used the force to leap into the air above the creature and flipped his body in the air, grabbing hold of one of the creatures antlers to bring him back down upon its back. The creature roared in the confusion as the Wolfs blade hammered down into the beasts fur covered back, and to the Wolf's relief he found bare flesh and not scales. Slashing and hacking, he held to the creatures antlers as he pressed the rest of its body down under his weight. However the creature was not a fool, it was a hunter and a survivor. It used its superior upper body and charged forward, the Wolf busy holding on and slashing away only had mere seconds to pull away and leap to the side as its massive hulking form came to a sudden stop and jolted him forward, slamming into the antlers yet dodging the fall off of the mountain cliff entirely. The beast came towards him, hovering over him like a crow over a dead man. The wolf felt, like a dead man.

The White Wolf used the power of telekinetic force in a panic to save his life, pulling two of the abandoned blades with the force towards the large, ugly face of the beast. Ramming both blades into its thick skull with the power of the force, both blades crushing under the momentum of the force and the bone of the creatures skull, however the attempt was not entirely in vain, the blades caused massive cracks to fracture the skull and send the beast into a shriek of unparalleled pain. The Wolf was quick to his feet, using his elevated speed to his advantage. He leaped in with an uppercut to keep the beast occupied, twisting his body and wrapping his unoccupied arm around its lower jaw. Pressing the palm of his hand under its neck and allowing his fingers to seep in between its teeth, his other hand grabbing on to the top of the creatures jaw. Using the force and his augmented strength, he yanked back the creatures mouth and crushed the creatures skull under the weight of its jaw and his own body, its body buckled and tumbled down the cliff. Pulling the Wolf down with it, both allowing monstrous shrieks of fear to leave their mouths before they fell.
Whispers, Shadows, Twisted Figures of pain. The Wolf could not discern the voices, all but one of the voices were but blurs, voices in the wind. "Wolf? You're going home now. With us." The Behemoth and others, phantoms. Dragged the Wolf back to the village. His body, healed. However, his lost time had not gone unnoticed, things stirred in the village. Many wanted the Wolf dead, many wished that the Behemoth put his head on a spike. But, the Behemoth was silent in their angst and awaited the Wolf's consciousness to return to him. The Lion, Snake and Eagle were outside. Each as anxious as the other, each and every person in this village was bred to kill, a riot was nearly on their hands. There were some on the Wolf's side, eager to let him leave, others on the side of the Behemoth. They wanted him to stay, or he would die.

The Wolf is wakened.

His eyes flutter for a few moments before they fall in line with the beaming eyes of the Behemoth, a massive man. Full of reasons to kill him, watching over him. How peculiar, "Why did you come here?" He barked, anger steaming from his nostrils and bleeding from his scars. "We have lived here PEACEFULLY for years, and now...this." The Wolf slowly raised to his feet, choosing his words carefully. "I don't want to be here. I didn't intend on coming here, I didn't know you were here. This is not my fault." He spoke, his posture took on that of the defensive. He looked ready to pounce. "Not your fault?!" The Behemoth got to his feet, standing a little taller than the Wolf, grabbing him by his collar and ramming him into the wall. The Wolf was taken completely off guard, the stance was a bluff. "You LEFT. You left us all! You left me and the Lion for dead, the explosion didn't kill us Wolf. But its clear that a part of you died in that facility, you used to be one of us. Our leader, and then you abandoned us!" The Wolf smacked the Behemoths hands from him and pushed him back down into his chair. "You were sick, you all were. You would have blindly followed the people who had taken us without me, I led you all to the light outside of those halls, but I saw you all. You enjoyed the killing, the sport of it all. You had fallen down a darker path than I could have imagined, and now? I have fallen down that path and it is because you and these people haunt me. I HATE, you all. I don't need to explain myself to you!" The behemoth's expression had twisted into a smug smile. "Of course, you blame everyone but yourself. You liked it too, you liked it more than us. But you wanted more, you're so blind Astrian. You are a fool, we have left that life behind yet you have drowned yourself in the blood you have spilled. You were weak, and we were strong. Accept that." The Wolf roared in frustration, grabbing the Behemoth by his throat and pulling him towards him. "Liar..!" He protested, using the full force of his strength to throw the Behemoth through the cabin walls of wood, thousands of splinters snapping into his back as both tumbled down into the open of the village, everyone could see them. Both groups of rioters and all three of the Behemoths top men. Both came crashing down into a tumble, however the Behemoth was already at his feet, using the power of the force and launching one of the large chunks of wood at the Wolf before he was even to his feet, the wood took the Wolf to the ground once more and before he could react the Behemoths foot was keeping the Wolf firmly on the ground. "You have no idea how long I had been waiting for this, many of our brothers and sisters have died because of you and now is our time to avenge them! Now, everybody shall watch as crush the traitor." However, whilst the Behemoth had spoken the Wolf had been allowing the force to empower his strength and he was able to throw the Behemoth off of him. "Look at you all!" The Wolf taunted his spectators, "You watch, gawking like primitives. Like animals!" However, one of them broke from the crowd carrying two blades. Ravager ran to his side, throwing him a blade. "I'm with you, Wolf." He held his own blade, the Lion, Eagle and Snake all rushed to the Behemoths side. The Snake delivering his blade, "Everyone! The Ravager has turned his back on you now too! How many more of us will turn on us before we learn that the Wolf must die?! Those of you who wish to end this, stand with me." The Wolf looked around as the majority of them gathered to the Behemoths side. "And, those of you who wish to leave this place. Those of you who believe you deserve something better than this hollow existence, stand with me and put an end to this sack of meat and all who foolishly stand with him!" Few joined the Wolf, but he had an old friend at his side. Nobody attacked, it was the Wolf who delivered the first blow, each of them were carrying metal blades, metal gear and trinkets. He allowed his mind to focus on that as his right hand shot forward, lightning bursting from his finger tips and shooting into the crowd that stood before him. Not a single one of them had ever felt suck pain, or knew how to defend against it. However, the Behemoth powered through it along with a few others. However a few were killed, and others were lying on the ground, soaked in a pool of pain. The Behemoth tackled the Wolf and both were sent down and about a meter away from all the fighting, the groups engaged each other. It was clear the behemoths side would prevail. But, they would head the Wolfs call once he took the Behemoths head.

The Behemoth attacked first, but the Wolf was quick to parry. The blades shrieked under the weight of both combatants might, the Wolf had a masterful technique, however the Behemoth was sluggish and rusty. The Wolf was quickly able to disarm him and slam his blade through his chest, blood dripped from the Behemoths mouth. His face twisted with anger as he grabbed the Wolf by his throat and threw him aside, he fell to his knee's. "Wol-" The Wolf did not allow him to speak as he wrapped his telekinetic grip around his throat. "You do not speak, I speak." The Behemoth choked, his eyes lingering on the Wolf. "I'm going to kill you and then, I'm going to burn this village to the ground and everyone here with it." Sadness fell upon the Behemoth as a tear fell from his eye on his final breath before the Wolf crushed his lungs and let him die. His body slammed on the ground and the Wolf turned to the fighters. "ENOUGH!" He roared, the fighting stopped and they turned to him. All who stood now where the Ravager, Eagle and Lion. "I have defeated the Behemoth, and now I intend on burning this village to the ground!" The Lion and Eagle looked at each other. "No! We'll never bow to you, traitor!" The Eagle ran up behind the Ravager, thrusting his blade through his back and into his heart. "Noo!" The Wolf screamed, anger overwhelming him and the darkside flooding into his viens. He unleashed the power of the sith, the power of force lightning from his hands into the two remaining combatants. They were both sent flying backwards and into the ground. Their screams filled they air as the lightning caught onto the wood of the village, the village had begun to burn. The wound would be left for dead, and the Wolf would leave them behind again. Only now, he was the one who had pulled the trigger. It felt better that way, he had left his ghosts behind him.

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