Siel'shii Velthra
Location: Dathomir Wilds
The Wilds were often a place of solace, a place where Siel'shii could escape from from whatever troubles plagued her. It was a home that provided shelter from all the turmoil boiling up inside her. Often, it was the heated tensions that brought her here, the waters that were her emotions filled to the brim that threatened to overflow at any moment. Today was different. A far more daunting foe challenged the witch today, bringing with it it's own set of challenges. A particular flower was in bloom, a rare occurrence, since it could only be cultivated every ten cycles. If her calculations were correct the blossoming plant would have come to full maturation this day, only to lose its beauty within the week.
The precise location of the flower had yet to be discovered, which was a challenge of its own. Thankfully, Siel'shii knew exactly what she was looking for. A pale green stalk, raising roughly four meters in the air. The unfurled bloom would present a vibrant array of blue and orange hues, laced together in intricate designs that one must see to fully comprehend. Complex patterns adorned the flower in a raised texture. They resembled something akin to an insects wings, if that insects patterns had been taken and intertwined with another to produce something fantastically twisted by nature. It was a design that could only be explained by intricacies of life itself. There was another distinct feature that the flora had, the stench. It carried a smell of carrion, of death. Once she was close, there would be no mistaking the pungent smell.
Light filtered in from the tree line above. Lively shadows were cast along the ground, becoming actors themselves on a small scale. Gnarled trees arose from the dampened soil, bringing with them their own unique set of distinct features. Other, more thin, trees protruded from the ground. They wrapped around the others in a thorny pose, consuming everything they enveloped. Smaller flora spotted the ground, a variety of mushrooms and other fungi. The more temperate part of the forest had long been passed, as Siel'shii had found herself in the swamp.
Siel'shii was lacking her signature black as night gown today, considering where she was at. Had she been content with only searching the woodlands, it would not have been a problem. However, she 'hated' getting her nice things ruined, and this environment was not friendly, even to those who came well prepared. In place of her usual, the woman was garbed in form fitting robes and complimented appropriate footwear in the guise of boots. Even here, she would have preferred to have her feet barren of such confines, but the difficulty of the terrain and her task took precedence over feeling that connection today.
Limbs were brushed aside as her way was made throughout the swamp, carefully treading throughout the condensed surroundings. Siel'shii was close. She could feel it. What little she knew of of the Force outside of her traditional practices was not needed to sense this, but it did pick up on a vague presence. One that was unfamiliar, which brought some small concern. Due to her lack of training, it felt faint, but it was clear that whoever was nearby was much more potent than herself.
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