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The Will and Testament of Carlyle Edrich Rausgeber


[SIZE=18pt]Death, death is only the beginning....[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Carlyle Edrich Rausgeber.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]FACTION: The First Order.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]RANK:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Fleet Admiral.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]SPECIES: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Modified Sentinel Droid[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Four.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None. Though he demands the use of male pronouns.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Six foot, four inches.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] One hundred and eight kilograms.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]SKIN:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Although he has no skin to speak of, his chassis is a polished, white colour.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]FORCE SENSITIVE:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] As a droid, Carlyle cannot use the force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]+All Machine, No Man: Carlyle is no longer bound by such constricting organic necessities, as brething, sleep, hunger, thirst and defecation. Carlyle is a droid, and can essentially operate on the same task for hours, if not days if necessary. Although it would cause some[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]-Ion Weapons: Although he is no longer susceptible to the wounds and issues which afflict a human, Carlyle does however have a problem with regards to ion weaponry.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]-A Human Touch: Carlyle misses more than anything else, the small things about humanity. The gentle caress on a cheek. The warmth of embrace, and the taste of fine food. As it sits now, despite his happiness at his survival, he is rather glum when it comes to his current predicament.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle’s chassis is a painted and polished white colour. One which resembles the old uniform he wore, which was inspired by First Galactic Empire weapons director, Orson Krennic. The droid is human like, and the large black visor, almost constantly projects the Fleet Admirals stern face. The droid has no legs to speak of, and is rather draped in a cloak, which trails down to the floor. His chest is constantly adorned with his rank insignia. [/SIZE]A large, flowing cape adorns Rausgeber’s back, and follows him wherever he may go. Although Carlyle may no longer feel its swoosh behind him, he most certainly does enjoy the striking presence it announces.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle Edrich Rausgeber was born on Avalonia, the son of a government bureaucrat and mechanic. He grew up, with a keen interest in history and strategy. His father, Augustine was a Human Resources manager at the Avalonian Broadcasting Corporation, while his mother worked independently as a mechanic, the first of the three Rausgeber children.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle’s childhood was a middle class one. He enjoyed his studies, and made friends among his classmates, although he could usually be found horsing around with the middle child, Halford. Although, as the years woree on, and Carlyle began to increasingly read about historical figures, he became more and more dedicated to his studies and work. The writings of Ackbar, Thrawn, Piett and Hux adorned his bookcase, along with tomes of Galactic military strategy. Carlyle more than anything else craved the feel of a uniform, and the adoration of a military triumph.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]At sixteen, Carlyle enlisted in the Dosuunian Navy. He graduated with distinction three years later at the age of nineteen with the rank of ensign. His academy days were years he would look back upon with nostalgia, throughout his life. Carlyle love, lost and made many friends in his career, including one Ranulph Gudderian. Gudderian became Rausgeber’s confidant during the tumultuous academy days, though they were unfortunately split up after graduation. With Carlyle posted on the DNS Hero, and Gudderian on the DNS Carnivore.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rausgeber, despite the successes he had achieved, and the academy days yearned for more. He found his work became stale. He was little more than an over glorified taxman. One whom collected the tariffs from traders, and only passingly chased away pirates, or saw any military action worth anything. He found his career boring. And craved the adventure. There were times he felt, where the only thing which made his life bearable, was the fact his nephew Ignatius looked up to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]However, Carlyle’s worries about his career abated, when the First Order arrived. The First Order arrived on Dosuun, battered and beaten from their encounter with the Galactic Alliance. When they arrived, the local military was torn. Some wished to open fire, seeing the actions of Aram Kalast as abominable, while others felt that this was the chance they needed. To throw off the shackles of the weak, ineffective government.

Rausgeber fell into the latter category, and welcomed the First Order conquerors with open arms. He had personally felt betrayed by the current regime’s lack of progress in the faculties of wealth distribution and a general lack of interest in pursuing a doctrine of interventionism. He felt that as a rather well off world, Dossun had a mandate to secure the Galaxy for the all sentients, and make it a safer place.

There was a bloodless coups, and in its wake, the military corps of the Dosuunian army and navy were offered a choice. Join us, or be discharged. Seeking adventure and thrills, Carlyle chose to join. Although initially distrusted, Carlyle was offered the rank of commander and a corvette, the FIV Raptor.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rausgeber’s career within the First Order did not start immediately. His rise to infamy and fame was not immediate. In fact, for eight, long, hard years, Carlyle did nothing but run anti-piracy patrols, the very same detail he had in fact been given in the DNS. However, Rausgeber saw the rise of his compatriots like Ranulph Gudderian, and strived to become like them. Determination and strength of character, lead to Carlyle’s promotion to captain. From there, he was on the up and up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle was now transferred from petty fleets, to assisting in the First Order’s expansion throughout the Outer Rim. His work, netted him the interest of Tanomas Graf, and the two held a brief, yet successful partnership. Rausgeber had a helping hand in the design of the imperial-x model star destroyers, and latter the establishment of advanced drydock facilities on Hoth, and then assisting in the suppression of a revolution on Zarnathea. These actions were important, but not on the same scale as what was to come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]As the One Sith fragmented, destroyed by the Galactic Alliance, it’s remnants constructed a terrifying weapon, the Omega. The powers of the Galaxy briefly came together, beneath a banner of unity and a need to destroy the weapon. Rausgeber found himself flung into the command of a sizeable fleet. Rausgeber’s command, along with that of his colleague, Fiolette Yvarro, saw themselves focussed upon by the One Sith commanders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]During the battle, Rausgeber’s prized vessel, the FIV Vindicator came under heavy fire, and had a hypermatter reactor rupture. Carlyle ordered the crew to abandon ship, but remained aboard, in a belief that a captain went down with his ship. And go down it did. The Vindicator was left helpless beneath One Sith fire. But it was all too late. Although they had managed to destroy the Vindicator, the weight of the First Order’s resolve crushed the Sith, and the sacrifice of the Vindicator, among with many others, destroyed the Sith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The experience left a deep seated psychological scar upon the Fleet Admiral, who upon his return to Dosuun spent three days wandering the Vindicator’s husk, identifying bodies, and helping the First Imperial Medical Service carry husks to their tombs. For Carlyle, who had not yet experienced the true horrors of war, it was a sobering experience. One which saw him become wary of death, and become acquainted with the horrors of war. Although he would always shrug it off to colleagues, the Battle of Castamere changed his psyche. However, his strength and loyalty during the battle earned him a promotion to Commodore.

Rausgeber became a more reserved commander as the years went by. His role was largely that of support, with Carlyle often providing fighter and orbital assistance to First Order forces during the Ssi-Ruuk-First Order War. Rausgeber’s service would not be truly brought to the front, until the Galactic Alliance-First Order war.

Carlyle was present during the incursion onto Kaeshana, and in fact, was the first officer on the scene to request that the Alliance leave the system. However, as history would show, the Alliance wouldn’t, and a bloody, exceedingly asteful conflict ensued. Carlyle’s defence of Kaeshana was successful, and saw the routing of a numerically superior Galactic Alliance task force, as well as the humiliation of a navy which for too long had rested upon its laurels.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle was soon after, promoted to the prestigious position of Admiral. However, the Battle of Kaeshana was not without its loses. Ranulph Gudderian, Carlyle’s closest confidant and friend, perished when a Sith Lord pulled his star destroyer down, as he attempted to secure the skies for the First Order’s relief effort. Additionally, Rausgeber’s sister in law, Mathilda, a relief worker on the planet, was vaporised by a GADF bombing run on her field hospital.

The deaths of these two individuals particularly sprung Carlyle to action. He became embittered, and driven to see the war to its conclusion. To make sure sociopaths like Cathul Thuku and Jaius Sovv did not rule his Galaxy. As apart of this, Carlyle designed a new, cheap and affordable military facility designed for use on recently secured systems. The project netted Rausgeber praise from Central Command.

The Admiral served dutifully during the Mustafar and Skor campaigns. His mixture of zealous hatred towards the Jedi, and the pragmatic military drive which secured him the Battle of Asmeru, made him infamous within Galactic Alliance military circles. But the Battle of Skor would see to it, the end of Carlyle’s stellar run of unbeatability. The superior, “human” wave attacks used by the Silver Jedi Order, who had surprisingly enough decided to assist the Galactic Alliance, made Rausgeber fume with rage. He swore revenge on the Silver Jedi, swearing they would pay for their insolence.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Skor, the Galactic Alliance pressed ahead, and attempted to cut off First Order supply lines to the recently secured Mustafar sector. The Galactic Alliance boldly assaulted the Ison Corridor, as apart of a broader counterattack against the heavily fortified Anoat Sector. Anticipating an emboldened GADF, Rausgeber ordered his forces into hiding, in the nearby nebula, where they waited for Alliance forces to push through, in a single file. The First Order then pushed out of the nebula, lead by the FIV Malice, which proceeded to wipe the floor with the Galactic Alliance’s forces.

The humiliating defeat made Carlyle a hero of the Anoat Sector. By closing off the Alliance’s assault there, Rausgeber single handedly saw to the end of the assault on the Anoat Sector, and impacted the reinforcing of GADF incursions in multiple theatres. The bravery of the men in the Ison Corridor was a massive victory for Central Command and the First Imperial Army. Carlyle was lauded for his tactical thinking, and well executed manouvere. For his work, he was promoted to the lauded position of Fleet Admiral.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Despite the victories at the Anoat sector, and his arguable redemption, Carlyle was not happy. The peace with the Galactic Alliance, which was subsequently signed angered Carlyle like nothing else. They were hollow words. He feared the Alliance would return when they eventually began to fall apart, and try to attack again to retain some credibility. He knew that this was would not end here, and felt it was cowardice not to prosecute the conflict further. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Despite these disagreements, Carlyle would continue to lead fleets, and assist in the administration of naval affairs. Rausgeber was promoted to the illustrious position of Sector Commander South, putting him in charge of the naval defence of the Anoat, and newly occupied Barkhesh sectors. Despite the paper work involved, Carlyle would still remain a staltwart military commander, and regular when it comes to crushing the enemies of Supreme Leader Ren. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Towards the end of his life, Carlyle grew close to a volunteer from the Chiss Ascendency. Her name was Tamm'orr'nuruodo, or Morro if one were to use the basic. The Chiss commander became quite infatuated with Rausgeber, and although, he was oblivious to her feelings in the romantic sense, he continued to hold her in high regard as something of a pupil. The two formed a close, banter filled rapport. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The next major military operation Rausgeber took place in was the liberation of Ossus. For Carlyle, the Ossus campaign was simultaneously a great victory for the man. Carlyle considered the route of Silver Jedi military commanders, who outnumbered and outgunned him, three to one, as one of his greatest victories yet. Using a mixture of the local environment and the superior manoeuvring of his vessels, Carlyle destroyed the Silver Jedi's fleet over the planet.

Although, it would come at a cost. Among his detractors, he was anointed with the title "Obliterator of Ossus", after the asteroids he had bombarded the Silver Jedi's fleet with, somehow pierced the planetary shield, and shield gates, causing mass civilian casualties. Although no charges of war crimes were brought up by Central Command, Rausgeber still felt somewhat responsible for the deaths. Though, to ease his conscience, he blamed the Jedi for building advanced military infastructure over civilian settlements.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle's last major battle, after the Ossus victory was the battle of Tartarus. Although he took more of a support role in the battle, he was once again at the frontlines, forging history and creating a legend of himself. The experience made Rausgeber more paranoid around droids, and begin to advocate, at least behind closed doors, to have the Metal Lords exterminated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle's last major assignment was the subjugation of Zonama Sekot, a hive of Yuzahn Vong treachery and degeneracy. Rausgeber was put in charge of maintaining the blockade over the system, and ensuring nothing were to escape. However, unknown to Rausgeber, the command vessel he was aboard had been sabotaged by terrorists. As the Yuzhan Vong pressed their attack, and the command ship powered up its defences, the reactor ruptured, and caused catastrophic damage.

Carlyle was unable to order a vessel-wide retreat, and wishing not to doom loyal crewman, stayed behind in order to find someway to order a retreat. Commander Morro, along with fellow officers Commodore Wulfgang and Ensign Garrick stayed behind with the Fleet Admiral, until he relented, and ordered them to evacuate. When they reached to the escape pod bay, Rausgeber saw an opportunity, and after making peace with Morro, tricked her into the pod, before jettisoning it. He successfully ordered the evacuation, with an estimated seventy two percent of the crew escaping. However, Carlyle didn't.

[SIZE=10.5pt] The captain finally went down with his ship, ending up in the void over the sentient world. Ironically enough, like so many others he had sent there. For any officer, it would be a poetic end. A good place to end one’s life, and have their legacy become hagiographic memoirs and histories published about them. However, Carlyle Rausgeber’s legacy did not end there. He would not poetically go into that good night. Instead, he activated his plan. His contingency.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]A keen student of history, and having developed some severe paranoia and a fear of death after the Battle of Castamere. Rausgeber worked to save his conscience. For months, he jotted down his daily routine, and the mundanity of his life, before covertly sending it to a slicer in the Core. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The slicer believed he was making some old man’s ideal romantic companion, readying it to be put into the body of some feminine droid. However, he was wrong, dead wrong. After a year of writing down some basic algorithms, Carlyle secretly travelled to the Core worlds, and collected the data tapes of his conscience. The slicer introduced Raussgeber to a technique of neural transfer, which would see memories given over and converted to binary memory, to be used in a droid. After learning the intricacies of the process, Carlyle shot the slicer dead. There would be no loose ends. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Before he returned to Dosuun, he purchased an old Sentinel Droid. Although it was not one which worked during the brief reign of Mas Ammedda, and but a remaking, but it was still an item of import. If Rausgeber were to survive from beyond the grave, Carlyle would make sure it would be in true imperial style. From there, he returned to Dosuun, where he expended countless hours modifying the droid.

Rausgeber expended most of his holidays and leave time to working to add to the droid’s processing power, and changing its internal protocols. The droid was no longer a simple courier. It was far gone from its designation to deliver messages to long dead imperials. It was to act as a vessel. A body. One to hold its masters mind until he could find another body of flesh to return to.

[SIZE=10.5pt]The droid was a vessel which would live and think, and be able to experience life. Of course not in the conventional sense. But in a way which would allow it to function and, when the time came, transfer its own experiences to the new body Carlyle may have grown.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Satisfied with the droid, Carlyle moved it into storage, but added one final algorithm. If the droid were to hear of any news of Rausgeber’s death via the unofficial, yet secretive military sources, it would activate. As the war with the Galactic Alliance warmed up, Rausgeber would spend his off time, updating the droid with his thoughts, and opinions regarding matters of state, and diplomacy, as well as knowledge he held. The last update occurred three days before the First Order fleet departed to Zonama Sekot.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]When news finally reached the droid, it activated, becoming, for all intent and purposes Carlyle Edrich Rausgeber.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Carlyle owns no official vessels as his property. But, he does hold command domain over the following:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]FIV Malice; a heavily modified resurgent-class Star Destroyer[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]FIV Vindicator; Rausgeber’s first First Order command vessel, it is a modified Vanquisher-class Star Destroyer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]None, as of yet….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Bounty hunting? What scum do you take me for? [/SIZE]


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