Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Winds of Change [Vaulkhar]

It was very strange being home again, much had changed since she had 'left'. There was not really anyone around she knew from her childhood except for Grand Master Heavenshield, the other masters had gone or killed. It had grieved her to hear of the Master Ru's death, one of the Jedi she had admired the most, such a strong brave woman who fought alongside her mother in the days when they came here to set up and establish. Master Gan, her old teacher, had gone too, vanished by the sound of the rumours.

Abaigeal stood by the window of her quarters in the Temple, looking out across the gardens lit by the rays of the morning sun. In the distance the cry of local avian, calling to each other for clarity of location and assurance that are present. They fly through the deep cutting in the rock return to their roosts to fed young.

Many Jedi walk the grounds below on their way to training or missions or meetings, duty never standing still, not even for a moment. But there is one walking slowly, alone and she watch him for a moment, having not seen the man before had not caused a question in her mind, she is 'stranger' here to most, save those that might recognise her surname.

She turned away from the daydreaming, and readied herself for the day. Abaigeal had not been issued with Jedi robes yet, nor was she going to ask until told, it just did not seem right somehow, not yet anyway. There is still work to be done for her to call herself Jedi.

A loose pair of black trousers and white T-shirt would do for today, brown boots worn and saber clipped to the belt. She left the Temple via the side entrance and into the gardens following the shade and the manicured lawns until she saw the young man ahead, still alone.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached him. "It is a fine day", she began, "I see you have decided to take advantage of it early".

Sorry took a little longer to post then expected
Since receiving the okay from the Grandmaster to take up residence at the Temple and begin training underneath his former enemy, Jericho, Vaulkhar had made many attempts to familiarize himself with the Temple grounds and the planet of Voss itself. The past years he had traveled to many planets, fought many battles, and enjoyed the sights each planet produced for him. But the former months had not been easy upon him, spending a few days prisoner, and others on the run, his curious nature had been all but squashed beneath the One Sith. But Voss and the Silver Jedi had changed that.

Each morning he would awaken early, right at the crack of dawn and undergo a relatively similar schedule everyday. Vaulkhar would eat whatever he could find before going about early morning exercises and meditation. After his brief training sessions, he would walk the grounds of the Temple, trying his best to memorize everything he could, while also taking in everything else. It was difficult due to his blind nature, but the force was his guide and it aided him greatly in his wandering.

One such morning, only midway through his exploration, he was suddenly approached by an unfamiliar figure. Turning about, he peered upon her through an empty gaze. From what he could make of the stranger, it was clearly a female. This was the first time he was ever approached by anyone since his arrival upon Voss, aside from the Grandmaster Thurion, and he was unsure of how to respond. Remaining silent for a moment, he decided to continue and observe her for a short time longer. She lacked the common robes of any Jedi, similar to he. This could mean many things, but it could also mean quite literally nothing.

Vaulkhar himself was garbed in a simple black vest, loose around his form, but fit to his height. He wore similar pants of both color and make. They were robes for training and exercise, that was clear. They also managed to hide away his form for the most part. He was pale, with long black hair kept in a tight ponytail. He was also clearly blind and stood around only 5'11.

With a shrug he decided to speak.

"I spend most mornings this way. The best way to strengthen's one self is when there is no distractions, or at least I believe so." He shrugged again and grinned like a child. "Might I ask, who might you be, stranger?"

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
She smiled, "I think distractions provide a better opportunity to further your strength, better than being alone, as they provide a test. But solitude is a gift not easy found as a Jedi, to be with ones thoughts when you desire it".

It was now she noticed his eyes, pale and indicated his is blind. This did not worry her in the slightest, considering her father is the same and she knew well enough he could 'see', through the force. "My name is Abaigeal E'ron, .. Jedi Knight", she said the title with some degree of pause.

"And I do believe I may be distracting you from your contemplation but may I have your name before I leave you to your solace". She asked walking beside him as they strolled, the shade of the trees passing over them as they proceeded setting a cooler feeling on their skin. She turned to regard him as her force awareness allowed her to sense a cloud of darkness around him, although waning it seemed. Abaigeal would not judge this, it would be wrong of her to do so considering her blood, which would taint her within the Order regardless of the heritage of her mother. At least that is what she believe.
"While it's true that it does provide a more difficult setting, which helps quicken one's own ability, I personally don't feel the need to quicken my learning. I was foolish enough to take the easy way once, not again."

The blind man smiled at the rather cryptic wording, which she likely could tell just by feeling his force signature. The dark side was a fast an easy path to power, power that could dwarf even the most powerful Jedi Masters, if they could not keep their cool in the face of adversity. The same adversity the Sith and Dark Jedi thrived within. The mention of the term Jedi to him brought a moment of pause, one that made him stumble slightly whilst walking.

"I am training to become a Jedi myself. And no, you aren't distracting me. I walk the grounds early for a lack of distractions, yes, but it never hurts to converse with strangers. Especially when you're new to an area and alone."
Vaulkhar grinned, once more cracking a small joke at his own misfortune and discomfort with where he was currently in life. The question of who he was caused another pause, though only inward at this time. His first name was something he could give away with relative ease. He wasn't a powerful Sith, nor did his father take any pride in him and mention him to others. For the most part, he was just another John Doe of the galaxy, but one who also happened to be Force Sensitive. But if he did not and she, or others he met found out later, it would only come back to haunt him.

"I er..." He paused, running his hand through his hair while scratching at the back of his head. "I'm Vaulkhar. Vaulkhar Zambrano."

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
"It seems both of us are learning a new path", she conceded, "An easier path?", this could only mean one thing but the question remained. "I do not know your past, but I believe you are correct, the harder path lay before us both but is no less weaker as most will believe. Especially those that follow the darkness". Her own musings she understood and many have differing views of this.

Abaigeal noted his slight hesitation when asked for his name. And with right as the name fell from his lips. She stopped and stood still, her eyes remained fixed directly ahead along the cut grass that lay before them inviting them to continue along the soothing green carpet. "Zambrano?", she replied as if never hearing of the name. Her heart pounded in her chest, pumping the anger through her veins boiling the sith blood. It was now she turned to face him, studying his face more carefully.

"You look nothing like your father or your brother", she stated with even tone, but the underbelly of her words has heave with disgust. Kaine looked nothing like anything worldly, deformed and twisted with years of the decaying darkness.

"What or who brought you here?", she asked point blank, and she would not be apologetic for her words. Abaigeal still holds the want for revenge for the death of her mother, this is what drives her to become more then what her old path had dictated, and she still has much to learn. The pain is still very deep and raw.
sorry this has taken so long to reply to.

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