The Horror in the Darkness
- Consume Essence: When the crystal is installed into a lightsaber hilt, it begins to draw on the hatred, anger, fear, and any negative emotions from the target, thus making the wielder more powerful.
- Crush Opposition: The crystal once added to a lightsaber hilt and the lightsaber is activated, it begins to sap the willpower of anyone within a radius around the wielder. The radius, from point of origin (wielder), is roughly five meters in circumference. This ability affects anyone within the radius, foes and allies alike.
- On the Offensive...and the Defensive: The blade is thin, making it swift in action both offensively and defensively. The crystal is hotter than traditional crystals, making it possible to cut through most materials easier and has a strong effect on lightsaber resistant materials.
- The Force, Suppression, and Nullifiction: Certain Force abilities, like suppression, or nullification actions can render the crystal obsolete, sapping the two Force abilities from the crystal.
- Unstable: The crystal being synthetic in nature, it possesses a high risk of fracturing and failing when being used over long periods of time.
In her pursuit to create her unique lightsabers, came the concept of another personalized crystal; aptly named the Witch's Curse. Back in her lab once more, she went to work creating another synthetic crystal that too turned out to be silver in color, with swirls of purple dancing about inside. Next came the addition of adding special properties to the crystal; and for that she looked to the Dark Side once more, opting to use Consume Essence and Crush Opposition, to feed on darker based emotions and sap the willpower of her enemies.
The process was difficult to add the Force abilities, as if they sought to deny her success repeatedly. Not to let frustration rule over her, she strove forward to get the crystal in form, which she did.
Out Of Character Info
To create a synthetic crystal
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Technical Information
Darth Moskvin
Alchemized Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal
Synthetic carbon-based materials, Dark Side
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