Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The World's Best Cantina (No Fighting......Yet)

Carden was board yet again so to ease his problem he went to a Cantina supposedly one of the best. He went there not for the drinks or the ladys but to rest. Carden walked into the fancy Cantina, and sat at a booth alone in his thoughts again, thoughts about his father. When the lady walked and asked Carden if he would like a drink Carden replied "no I dont drink." Then Carden resumed his spacimg off. By starring at the entrance way of the Cantina.
Cantinas like this flourished when the patrons were kept happy. Alcohol exchanged hands with careless regard and faces bearing elation were a random occurrence. At either side rested gambling tables where human and Rodian alike would enjoy themselves in merriment.

As he continued onward a glimmer of interest wore on his visage as he saw Carden enjoying himself. His ignorance would surely be his undoing, he didn't know what fate he was about to be met with. Still, there would be no violence, no combat, not yet.

Trial by fire forged his senses, he knew well not to engage in combat needlessly, and in public.
Carden Lorps
Walking into the cantina wearing full armor, Mirta strode up to the bar. She took her helmet off, her brown hair cascading down her shoulders. She clipped her helmet to her belt, sighing as she ordered a ne'tra gal. She had noticed another person who looked like a mando but made no attempt to talk to him. She just wanted to relax for now.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden noticed Maleus walk in. Well if he is here I guess we could talk. Carden made a motion for Maleus to sit across him. "Hello Maleus, it's bee n a while." Carden said while taking his helmet off. "Welcome to one of the best Cantina's on Coruscant. " Carden said to [member="Maleus"]
Looked on with an air of anger. It was apparent he was aware of Carden's treachery, and now he wished to converse, truly this man was either bold, or he was fool.
"Have you forgotten what happened?"
He'd pry his ravenous cloak open around his chest-line to reveal the horrendously scarred pectoral muscles that framed his once lean body. "Do you remember?"
His fingers slowly traced the incline of the counter-top that he bartender was issuing drinks at. The metallic clanking his appendages made was a cacophony of noise. His fiery eyes brimmed with hatred as he looked ever so closely into the boys soul.
"I haven't forgotten.."

Mirta Krayt
Carden Lorps
Carden jumped back against his seat... but then d down "woah woah woah Maleus that was your own doing. I remember and I haven't forgotten, and I am sorry for what I said." Carden said calmly to the Sith while observing his scars on his mid body area. Then thinking of how the sith could have easily ended Carden's life that night if the Jedi hadn't shown up. Just then a frightening look went across his face.

Maleus unsheathed the metallic hand from within the manifolds of his cloak. The robotic ligaments twirled with disdain as he flexed his forearm. "You're a coward. You hide behind the shadows of others. My associate tells me you have a bullet with my name on it?" A comical laugh rippled from the ends of his lips.

"Or is it that you only say such things when you're surrounded by your allies? Could it be that you fear me? Or is that you don't trust yourself enough to mean what you say? Where are your brash words of triumphant now? Where is your heroic resolve now? Do all of these sensations flee you as you cower in my shadow?"
A sliver of red flesh protruded from the holes in his canines. He'd drag his tongue across his lips as if he had just found a savory meal. "Care to go somewhere more private so we can settle this mutual dispute?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]

Mirta Krayt
"Heh mabie I am a coward ha, I had a bullet with your name on it but I made a mistake. I cower to the likes of you? Hehe. Ok fine we could go somewhere private do what do you have in mind?" Carden asked the Sith [member="Maleus"] "if im a coward then your a bigger one. let me ask you something. Why do you not strike me down you had many chances?" Carden asked Maleus with a calm tone.

Carden got a little nervous when the Sith asked if all these sensations flee you as yoi cower in my shadow. "Maleus I do not fear you. I simply respect you enough not to act upon my words. Now as I have said I'm willing to go to a more private place to continue our conversation. "
Damn this kid.. Maleus grunted to himself. He did have in fact many opportunities to take this child's life, but circumstances provided that he do nothing. The child's fear was evident though, and perhaps that would suffice.
"You respect nothing, you go across the world professing your importance over me and my associates... I suggest you tread lightly in the future because if you step on my toes again I will respond in kind."

With that he rose from his seat and attempted to leave the Cantina for good.
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Well that was normal "hey Maleus what is up with all this tread lightly crap every time ...ohh tread lightly kid or else. Oh and do you want to talk in a more private place send me coordinates and we can discuss there any place of your choice I will be there, hell im taking a big risk even letting you pick the place to meet. Oh and if your leaving don't let the door hit you on the way out." Carden said to [member="Maleus"] with a laugh. Oh crap what have I gotten myself into now. Carden covered up his fears of death with jokes and other ways to cope.


Don't make me bite you...
As switch made her way into what was apparently the "world's best cantina", she walked headlong into a figure clad in a dark cloak. Mumbling and hail-hearted apology, she made her way to the bar, claiming an unoccupied stool.

Switch had the presence of mind to keep a respectful buffer zone of one stool between her and a female Mando to her left. You never knew the mindsets of people who sat alone at a bar, and it was rude to assume they'd appreciate company. She also took note of a familiar young man in armor over at a booth.

Carden, huh? See him a lot these days...

Directing her eyes forward again, Switch didn't need any service just yet. She'd wave someone over when she decided what she wanted.

[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Maleus"] [member="Mirta Krayt"]
As the sith walked away Carden decided to get up and walk towards the bar between the two ladies one that he remembered as [member="Switch"] and the other he did not know but she was wearing Mandolorian armor. Carden decided to introduce himself to the Mandolorian . "Hello my name is Carden...Carden Lorps at your service." Carden then waited for the lady to answer. [member="Mirta Krayt"]
Mirta got her drink, then looked up to the person in mando armor as he walked to her. She took a sip and turned, setting it back down. He introduced himself as [member="Carden Lorps"]. She reached her hand out, faintly smiling as she said "Pleased to meet you, I'm Mirta Krayt."
"Well welcome." Carden said accepting her hand. "Why would a battle trained Mandolorian be in Coruscant's best Cantina?" Carden asked with a smile. He rarely talked to Mandolorian's some of them annoyed Carden. But this one seemed fine. Carden wished he had his normal cloths because some people mistook him for one of those power hungry Mandolorian's, that side with the infamous Death Watch. Carden hated that about them, but for all the bad things about them. At least they are a organized military with efficient training.

[member="Mirta Krayt"]
"I like to call it relaxing, but I might ask you the same question. Unless you aren't mandalorian." She said with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Mirta took her drink in her hand, lifting it to her mouth and taking a sip of the sweet drink. She studied the man, looking over his armor.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
"To be honest I am not your typical Mandolorian not part of your army, my father before he was killed, was a Mandolorian. I decided that I could just have it, so I grabbed his armor, and money then left I let the authorities figure out the rest I just try to find who killed him. Relaxing this place is. As for why I am here I usaly hang in bars and cantina's just to take a break from..." Carden's voice trailed off wow who would have thought of a Mandolorian relaxing how nice, well Carden couldn't complain if he had a job like that he would do the same thing. Then Carden looked back at the girl wondering what her next reply was going to be.

[member="Mirta Krayt"]


Sin's luminous bright blue skin glowed as he walked down the crowded Coroscaunt streets, why a Sith such as himself would want to be in a place as crowded and polluted as Coroscaunt? It was a mystery to him, a mystery he didn't really have much concern for, he wasn't one of the Jedi, he wasn't into the destiny stuff, he just tried to lead a good life, at least as good as it got. He double checked the holster around his waist, in it was a Blaster Pistol, just a standard one, nothing overly special.

From the corner of his eye, a sign caught his eye "The best cantina on Coroscaunt" they technically had no right to say that, there could be better places than that cantina, the urge of curiosity tugged at Sin as his feet moved forward, he needed to figure out what the hell was so good about the cantina.

He walked in, it didn't look like anything special to him, he walked over to the bartender and ordered himself a nice and cold drink to halt his thirst, the only noticeable pair looked like Mandolorians, nothing more than bounty hunters, 'if this did turn ugly it could get interesting'. Sin thought as he took a sip from the drink.

[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Mirta Krayt"]
Carden noticed a shady character walk into the Cantina. But he didn't really pay attention to him he could be trouble if anything Carden was not going to confront the person. He always somehow end up on the end of a blaster or saber, so he tried not to go to the person and just stayed where he was eyeing him and continuing his conversation with the woman that was a Mandolorian keeping to himself as much as he could.


[member="Mirta Krayt"]
Where there was a party with potinual to go very wrong, Xalen made it a point to be in the middle, he walked into the party as some of the women gave him winks and the bartender made his signature drink. "Ah, it is good to go where everybody knows your name." He stroked through brushing off the Cantina girls; he really didn't want to pay for entertainment tonight. He grabbed his drink and tipped the bartender and saw a group of people just hanging out, probably trouble so he made his spot next to Switch. "5 to 1 the little boy gets shot." He smirked at his bet, but if guns broke out he wouldn't be too happy as this was one of his favourite cantinas.

Carden looked at the newcomer, he seemed a bit off and he sat next to Switch huh mabye he knew her. Carden looked at him. He didn't seem too handy with a blaster. "Hey pretty boy." Carden said with a laugh to [member="CaptainXalen"] "whats your name, you seem a bit off for some reason mate." Carden said politely. I wonder why his pretty face hasn't been hurt, haha mabye a fight will happen but not yet. Why should I only have the fun mabye a few others will be willing to join in on a fight later. Carden thought. Then he looked at the newcomer again waiting for a reply.

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