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Approved Species The Xoli Kaikruts-guns

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Xoli Kaikruts-guns
"Once you start making life through science, then it becomes very hard to accept natural evolution"
  • Name: Experiment TF-66/79bg, the Xoli Kaikrunts-guns (trans. Children of Industry)
  • Designation: Strand-Cast + Clones
  • Origins: Hidden Laboratory of the The Trade Federation
  • Average Lifespan: 900 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems)
  • Description:
The Xoli Kaikruts-guns were the result of many scientific advancements and experimentations with cloning, genetic engineering, and bioengineering conducted by the Trade Federation within a relatively short timespan ranging from 880 ABY to 889 ABY.

Designed to pass the limitations of a singular clone army and the genetic warriors of the Sith, the
Xoli Kaikrut-guns were genetically modified organisms grown from multiple genetic sequences centered around a prime clone template with the intention of enhancing the abilities and skills of the species from which they are derived.

As a consequence of employing a prime clone template, every
Xoli Kaikrut is genetically indistinguishable and maintains an identical physical appearance regardless of the genetic material that is introduced into them.

Creation of the species was accomplished with the aid of several cloning technologies such as the Splicer rig, Spaarti Cloning Cylinders, Clone Vats, Re-engineering and the overall assistance of the Paradigm Besh Model of the AN-X1 "Paradigm" Genetic Matrix, in order to squash negative mutations and enhance desirable gene sequences.

Xoli Kaikurt were designed with inspiration from the Neimoidian Hive Structure, allowing them to function within a unique Hive Mind system for the purpose of exchanging information among all members of their species.

This facilitates their ability to effectively carry out the duties delegated to them by the Trade Federation Overseers. Through the integration of the Hive-Mind structure and Flash Pumping, they are able to address any vulnerabilities typically associated with this technology, guaranteeing that each individual meets the required intelligence standards.

Xoli Kaikurt exhibit various advantageous traits due to the presence of the Hutt Gene in their genetic makeup. Unlike typical bio-evolutionary species, they do not possess a skeleton; instead, their body structure is supported by an internal mantle, facilitating muscle movement and overall body shape. Their skin demonstrates resistance to nearly all chemical substances, with only the most corrosive agents posing a threat.

Additionally, their slippery body texture makes them challenging to grasp. A slimy coating serves as protection against chemical burns and heat, while their immunity to numerous poisons and diseases is well-documented. Remarkably, they have the ability to regenerate lost body parts in case of injury.



  • Breathes: Type I, Type II, Type III Atmospheres
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.84 Meters (9'4")
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Brown and White
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions:
    • The Xoli Kaikurl are an aquatic species with broad flat heads, rather tiny eyes, and long drapping mouths. They control things with their mass of tentacles, allowing them to use a multitide of computers and devices. Their unique physical features enable them to navigate both underwater environments and land environments with ease, utilizing their tentacles to manipulate objects and interact with technology. Despite their unusual appearance, the Xoli Kaikurl are incredibly intelligent and resourceful beings, using their advanced technological skills to thrive in the galaxy.
  • Races:
    • The Xoli Kaikurt were created from the prime clone template of a Gree (Species) and therefore there is no diversity.
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
  • High Resistance to Diseases and Poisons
  • Highly Resistant to Mental Powers
  • Excellent financial and mathematical skills.
  • Considerable Navigators, Technicians, Inventors
  • They are capable of vast calculations neccessary to cross the intergalactic void
  • Long-Life Span
  • Can Survive in Type I, II and III Atmospheres
  • Advanced Growth for Rapid Populations
  • Re-Engineering - the subjects also gained a strange Force signature that made them feel "wrong" or unnatural to Force-sensitives, and which made them frighten non-sentient creatures, such as banthas.
  • Susceptible to Clone Madness
  • High Corrosives
  • Mental Instability.
  • Emotionless
  • High Maintenance for Creation to ensure Proper Intelligence
  • Hive-Mind


  • Diet: Primarily Omnivorous
  • Communication:
    • Xoli Zurr Way:
      • Useing inaudible pulses of energy in wavelengths that were not perceptible to human eyes for communication
    • Xoli Murr Way:
      • A spoken language which is a strange combination of alien tongue and droid binary code, IE: Xoxca 00011001 Murda.
  • Technology level:
    • The Xoli Kaikrut-guns exhibit a high level of technological advancement, incorporating numerous cutting-edge technologies available to the Trade Federation. They receive all newly developed technologies from the Trade Federation's Armory prior to their release to the public.
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • As a result of their intense concentration on mathematics, science, and engineering, Xoli Kaikrut-guns tend to regard concepts like Religion and Beliefs as insignificant and hold a sense of contempt towards those who adhere to such unverified theories.
  • General behavior:
The Xoli Kaikrut-guns can be viewed as a collective hive-mind species, much more preferring the company of others of their kind than other sentients. They are known to form tight-knit communities, within the starships and laboratories assigned to them by the Trade Federation, often working together to achive common goals and protect one another from potential threats.

These creatures thrive in groups, finding strength and comfort in numbers. Despite their preference for their own kind, they are not hostile towards other species and can coexist peacefully as long as their claimed dominion is respected. They have been deeply instilled with a strong sense of allegiance towards the Trade Federation, often regarding the organization their 'paternal' figure in a way, unwilling to betray them even with the greatest of promises and rewards from opposing factions.

In the realm of education, the Xoli are known to focus on disciplines such as sciences, finance, and mathematics, positioning themselves in competition with the Muuns and the Givins. While they do not neglect combat training, which aids in protecting themselves from adversaries in business dealings, their strengths lie more in administrative roles rather than direct combat.


The Xoli Kaikrut-guns came from the result of many scientific advancements and experimentations with cloning, genetic engineering, and bioengineering conducted by the Trade Federation within a relatively short timespan ranging from 880 ABY to 889 ABY under then Director Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . A team of the galaxy's finest scientists and engineers were carefully selected for the monumental mission of creating the perfect species.

This extraordinary endeavor aimed to develop a genetically modified creature that excelled in intelligence, loyalty, mathematical abilities, navigation skills, and an array of other essential financial competencies to ensure the Federation's dominance across the galaxy. The team worked tirelessly, pooling their expertise and knowledge to ensure that every aspect of the new species was meticulously crafted to perfection.

Although the early stages were plagued with mutations and genetic defects as a result of so much gene splicing. Some were too week to even stand, while others exhibited violent tendencies that made them uncontrollable.

Despite such setbacks and delays, the team remained determined to see their creation through to perfection. Several years had passed, as they painstakingly analyzed and adjusted the genetic code of the
Xoil Kaikruts-guns, striving to eliminate most of the flaws and weaknesses.

It wasn't until the Krevaaki Sith Lord Ohois Qhut'eol was brought on board, that real progress was made and after countless trails and errors, they succeeded in creating the first batch of clones that met their exacting standards.

The recently perfected clones were celebrated as a remarkable feat of scientific accomplishment, showcasing unparalleled intelligence and steadfast allegiance to the Trade Federation. Through the utilization of Sith Magic, they excelled in all essential tests and tasks assigned to them.

The first batch was perfected, and so the second batch was made using strand-casting techniques to enhance them even further, causing the creation of a rather strange hyrbid of cloning technology to ensure a positive outcome.

In 900 ABY, the Trade Federation of Planets embarked on the mass production of the second batch, which was subsequently disseminated throughout the galaxy via specialized colony ships. These ships efficiently transported the batch to numerous oceans and bodies of water scattered across the vast expanse of the galaxy.

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