Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Zaadja Race Job (LOtF Mission)

It was early in the morning. Timir had just arrived at the race courses first pitstop and beginning, just as the local owners were making there final adjustments and preparations for the grand racing event, that would prove the hallmark race for years to come for the Zaadja course. Gearheads, Racers and greasemonkeys far and wide would be coming to the event, but for now all was still as of yet quiet as the course had not yet opened its doors.

Very few stirred about, but Timir swiftly entered the pits and garage, where all of the various racers had prepped and parked there vehicles the previous evening. How exactly did Timir get in so swiftly? The security at the place was deplorable what with only one nightwatchmen and employer overseeing the pit entrance, who just so happened to be dumber than a box of rocks and lonely Rodian who ignorantly let Timir pass when Timir handed him fake identification and believed a quick lie about how he was the targets personal engineer coming to inspect and work on his ship.

Timir silently shuffled through the still dark and closed docks and pit-bays searching for his target's vehicle.
Timir then muttered through his comlink: "I have entered the pit-bays and docks what will the targets ship look like?" @[member="Lucien Cordel"].
Lucien Had awoke early that morning in order to arrive at his box within the race track.He took his seat ,A high backed plush seat that served as a stark contrast to the benches provided, His head rested Lazily on his arm. Two guards stood beside the door and a waiter stood silently behind him. on either side of him were chairs of a slightly lower standard to his own however they were still more than comfortable.He was to be joined by two guests.

He was just about to rise and collect a drink when Timir updated him "Very good Mr. Orso very good . Give me just a moment and I will give you all the details I have ... " He lifted his left hand and a datapad moved into it, He looked through the details on the racers and found the targets " The target goes by the name of Argo the swift he has a home built red monstrosity parked in space 2B ... Oh and a second Task I need you to swap his water for alcohol it will add to the set up, I need to go now I am about to receive guests you must not contact me again or they will suspect something, If you need more help contact the race coordinator he is channel 6 " As he finished speaking his guests arrived; the chairman of Zaadja's planetary bank who also happened to be Luciens personal friend and the Loan shark who also happened to work for the bank. The chairman took his seat and waited for the race to begin The loan shark was chained to hers, she had a habit of running when things went bad.

Lucien turned to the chairman "Champagne my friend I have a feeling we are about to come into money" Lucien grinned. The loan shark just sneered as the gentlemans glasses were filled.Bellow them the stands were beginning to fill up.
Timir skulked through the hangar bays, it was there, on the furthest edge of the bay near one of the ports, he had finally found the impressive beast of a vehicle.

It was then, in the quiet, Timir went to work. Timir would begin by draining the vehicles fuel, replacing it with a highly corrosive and volatile agent that would erode through the vehicles mainframe, even after filling it completely, Timir also doused some of the material on to the vehicles various ports and hull, which would weaken it substantially. Argo would also be in for a deadly surprise, for when the mysterious liquid Timir had used reached the ships fuel cells and ignition chamber-BOOM- no more Argo the Swift, just Argo the Smoldering.

Timir then, sort of setting up a fail safe, sliced into the machines computer systems, where upon Timir ordered that all safety measures designed by Argo to initiate would all go into virtual overide.

Timir also set it up so that once ignition had been set there would be no way to retract it, the system would simply bar the pilot from handling any steering mechanism or pulling to a stop, the Zaadja race was notorious for its dangerous obstacles as Timir had found out, so with no means of pulling to safety, Argo would crash and burn.

As the icing to top it all off, the Skakoan, as per orders, replaced Argo's personal water with one of the strongest and most vile of alcoholic drinks: Boga Noga, a terrible, toxic hutt liquor that was more commonly used as engine flush, Timir put just enough to knock him out, however, Timir trumped this and added two more containers worth, just enough to completely poison and kill Argo.

Timir, upon slipping out of the bay towards the stands muttered to himself in Skakoverbal: "He has to be a Jedi if he could ever wish to survive any of that, the Boga Noga should take care of him from the start."

The skakoan, hearing voices and the lights powering up, sped out to the tracks first check point. @[member="Lucien Cordel"].
Lucien looked out over the assembling racers. They had come like flies to a corpse. He stood up and walked to the front of his box. Below him thousands of people clamoured for the race to begin Lucien cleared his throat and began to speak his voice thundered over the intercom "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the fourth annual Zaadja Grand Prix ... I don't think I need to remind you of the risks involved in this race but you should know the grand prize sits at three thousand galactic credits and a chance to race in the galactic grand race" As he finished the crowd erupted into applause.

Argo climbed into his pod his water bottle sat unused at his side. The race began and the racers thundered off Argo started well racing ahead of the other racers until he was required to take a sharp corner the wheel scraped and sparked but the craft wouldn't turn He through his weight to the side in an attempt to throw the craft round the corner but the craft just upturned and hurtled into a wall the craft began to smoke.The crowd gasped "Stop the race" boomed the voice of the coordinator.

Lucien rose "Chairman stay here guards bring the loan shark" He said pulling on his coat he rushed down onto the track "What has happened?" He asked feigning alarm. The geonosian stammered clearly shaken by his near death experience "The craft it would not respond the wheel... the brakes ... the ..." Lucien interrupted him "Engineer please investigate this racers craft" he said pointing to timir. Lucien moved over to the craft and picked up the bottle dark liquid poured from the cracks within it "This doesn't look like water "Mr. coordinator please have this water tested"
Timir, taking the cue of Lord Cordel rushed over to the scene in as panicked an air as he could muster, which wasn't very much at all. Timir rushed to the vehicle as the injured and shaken Geonosian racer was carted away by the EMS.

Timir attempted to scav his way through the near mangled wreck, but it seemed his material was working too well as the ship fast corroded, the ship was totaled, no proper examination of the wreck could be conducted. As well Timir noted the rapidly declining state of the vehicle as it edged its way to complete obliteration.

Running at a hysterical pace back to the crowd and Lord Cordel and his associates Timir shouted with his loud metallic voice: "Run you fools! The ships about to go up and take us all as well as the retaining wall with it!" Timir reached the others and ushered them to safety. @[member="Lucien Cordel"]

((OOC: I accidentally voted on the thread, thus just 1 star!)) :wacko:
Lucien followed The rest of the group into the pit stop, as the craft exploded outside. He addressed the group "This is now a police matter, Lieutenant Please escort the racer his pit crew and the loan shark up to my box then inform the public that the stadium is under lockdown" He turned and left the pit stop with a pair of soldiers the rest left with the lieutenant he turned and called back to Timir "Timir come with me and you as well My Lord chairman" Lucien only needed to fabricate a case against the loan shark and all would be well.

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