RIP Carlyle Rausgeber
"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
The world of Zarnathea has for millenia divided itself into two castes, the Nar'iin and the Vax. The two are of the same species, the Qu'un but are different. The Nar'iin function as modern galactic citizens, albeit slightly xenophobic, while the Vax have embraced the tribal lifestyle, and have refused to evolved their lifestyle past that stage. This has, over the centuries, made the Vax prime pickings for slavers, and even the Nar'iin, who use their primitive cousins as manual slave labor. In more recent times, the First Order has used Zarnathea's slave markets to procure more engineers for its shipyards, and mines.
When several Vax tribes united, and declared war upon the Nar'iin government, the First Order shrugged, and the government swatted the reberls away with the use of antiquated Galactic Imperial equipment. Despite decades of conflict, the Free Vax, as they are called, can no longer be ignored. Little over two weeks ago, the Free Vax pulled off their most daring action yet, a raid in Nat'ran, the Nar'iin capitol. The raid saw the executive of the Zarnathean Officer Corps killed in the fighting, and forty thousand slaves from the slave pens liberated. The raids also shook Nar'iin society, with more liberal elements rioting in the streets for reform. The Nar'iin governments lack of ability in combatting the guerrillas, and quelling unrest has upset the First Order who fearthe possibility of losing labor assets. Not wanting to lose one of their suppliers of slaves, the First Order has deployed a fleet to Zarnathea to ensure the system isn't intruded by any weapons smugglers or possible allies to the Vax. This has been followed with the intervention of the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps, who have been deployed to assist Nar'iin forces in destroying the threat. The Free Vax, who have previously asked all Galactic Organisations for help, have rekindled this call with the arrival of the First Order in force.
This is pretty much put up as an expression of interest. If you wanna go and help our wonderful cause level villages, massacre civilians, sign up right here.
Or if you're in favor of helping these savages, I look forward to meeting your scrawny behind on the battlefield.
When several Vax tribes united, and declared war upon the Nar'iin government, the First Order shrugged, and the government swatted the reberls away with the use of antiquated Galactic Imperial equipment. Despite decades of conflict, the Free Vax, as they are called, can no longer be ignored. Little over two weeks ago, the Free Vax pulled off their most daring action yet, a raid in Nat'ran, the Nar'iin capitol. The raid saw the executive of the Zarnathean Officer Corps killed in the fighting, and forty thousand slaves from the slave pens liberated. The raids also shook Nar'iin society, with more liberal elements rioting in the streets for reform. The Nar'iin governments lack of ability in combatting the guerrillas, and quelling unrest has upset the First Order who fearthe possibility of losing labor assets. Not wanting to lose one of their suppliers of slaves, the First Order has deployed a fleet to Zarnathea to ensure the system isn't intruded by any weapons smugglers or possible allies to the Vax. This has been followed with the intervention of the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps, who have been deployed to assist Nar'iin forces in destroying the threat. The Free Vax, who have previously asked all Galactic Organisations for help, have rekindled this call with the arrival of the First Order in force.
This is pretty much put up as an expression of interest. If you wanna go and help our wonderful cause level villages, massacre civilians, sign up right here.
Or if you're in favor of helping these savages, I look forward to meeting your scrawny behind on the battlefield.