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Public The Zinder Summer Festival Is Here!.... (soon!)

Matches have been found!

(Remember, if you aren't happy with a match, type unmatched. I tried to do the best I could! Anyone without a match or did not make a profile but were interested in joining the thread, please feel free to join the public thread when it goes up!)

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria and Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast

Aisha Garon Aisha Garon and Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr

Marselia Urstalis Marselia Urstalis and Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Valery Noble Valery Noble and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua and Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Secenva Secenva and Brehg Sha Brehg Sha

Phobos Phobos and Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

Ran Serys Ran Serys and Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Drewick Tivak Drewick Tivak and Frea Sheplin Frea Sheplin

Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki and Yuri Kineroth Yuri Kineroth

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn and Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Sha'ri Sorkh Sha'ri Sorkh

(Brief write up of the dates/activities below, discuss with your partners what you would like to do! Hopefully you all have fun!)

Activities at the Summer Festival on Scarif!

  1. Beach Concert! - The biggest beach concert of galactic history is happening with big bands, techno music and even foam machines! It shall be a great time to dance, listen to thumping music and enjoy the beach during the evening and at night! Who wouldn’t want to see that romantic sunset with the best tunes of the month playing on stage live! This is available to all who have a Zinder membership account! A brilliant chance to bump into someone and have a chance to truly connect. Open to those with or without matches (Drinks available from the pop up bar, costs of drinks not included in the Zinder trip!)

  1. Lunch at the Pop up bar - A pop up bar that is serving the best local food and drinks is built at the beach location on Scarif! The perfect setting for adventurers who seek out new foods, drinks and company! This event is open to those who are single and those with matches! Come to the pop up event and have a chance to meet your future partner! Enjoy the food with a date, enjoy some drinks together and watch the waves crashing on the beach with a luxury beachfront location for this pop up! (Prices of food and drink are not included in the Zinder trip!)

  1. Walk the beach! - Take your date on a stroll on the beach! Enjoy the great views that Scarif has to offer in the Summer! The lovely sun on your skin, wear protection and develop a great tan to showcase to all your jealous friends back home! The beach has a variety of activities during the day in terms of sandcastle contests, volleyball, swimming in the sea and the perfect sunbathing spots! Come enjoy the glorious sun and take in some amazing sights!

Do your own thing! - Beach themed, plenty to do there and if none of these take your fancy please do what your characters want to do!

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