Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Thel Hahn (WIP)


Thel is a boy in his early teens. He is of average height with a lean, athletic build gained from years of training and conditioning, shaggy brown hair and tanned skin. His expression seems permanently set in a defiant, punkish smirk. His dark eyes are unusually intense for someone so young.


Child Soldier: Sniper Specialist
Laid Back
Nouveau Riche Kid


Child Soldier
Berserk Button: His Mother



"The other children sat anywhere else but near him. Thel didn't mind. He'd lived long enough with his Mother to understand their paranoia was completely justified, which is a terrible thing for one so young to understand."

The son of refugees turned Citizen-Soldiers of House Io, Thel was born on Khemost, the mysterious frozen world chosen by Laertia Io as a capital for her faction. His father, Danithel Hahn the First, was killed in battle prior to his birth. His mother Rebecca befriended and later romanced the Chaplain Neutralizer Percival Io Percival Io , who acted as a surrogate father to Thel for most of his early life.

When Thel was still an infant, Rebecca was forcibly "absorbed" into the Cult of the Brain Demon, a galaxy-wide organization of evil witches who assimilate the personalities of powerful Force Users and perform atrocities in worship of the Dark Side. As a Witch, she became known as The Deluge The Deluge . While both his mother and Percival remained present in his life, Thel picked up on the fact that they weren't on the same page philosophically. Eventually they would find themselves on opposing sides of a civil war fought between uncorrupted members of House Io and the insidious Cult.

For his protection, Thel was spirited away to Kytrand, where he was left in the care of Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl . He never saw Percival again; the Chaplain was killed during the Battle of Khemost. His mother remains alive, but he has limited contact with her due to her corrupted state. Nathan and House Bloodscrawl are his family now... sort of. Thel has grown into a rebellious youth who chafes against the authority of others. He wants to get out there and find his own destiny on his own terms.
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TypeSkillProficiencyLearned FromThread
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
The Deluge The Deluge Mom | It's ComplicatedDon't ask.Backstory
Danithel Hahn IDadRefugee. Citizen-Soldier of House Io. Killed in battle before Thel was born.Backstory
Percival Io Percival Io "Uncle" | GodfatherChaplain Neutralizer. Thel's father figure before Nathan. A great friend and source of calm in the midst of a whole lot of crazy when Thel was growing up. Killed during the Battle for Khemost.Backstory
Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl GuardianHuman Jedi. Patriarch of House Bloodscrawl. Thel's new guardian. Wealthy businessman who owns Bacta Works.[x]
Vera Mina Vera Mina GuardianAdvanced Biot. Matriarch of House Bloodscrawl. Daughter of House Li-Ves. Wife of Nathan. Apparently she's a bloodsucking lawyer.[x]
Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko Great-GrandmaCountess of Khemost. Recently fused with Vera. Weird as hell, much like everyone else in Thel's life.Backstory
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