Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Thel Kaan

Thel Kaan
The Freedom Fighter


Age: 36
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.90 Meters
Weight: 85 Kilograms
Force Sensitive: No


Decades of relentless sun exposure have marked Thel's dark skin with blemishes, uneven tones, and freckles. Deep lines around his eyes and forehead etch an older appearance onto his face. His hair is short on top, with the sides crudely shaved, as if cut with a dull knife or by an Acklay. Thel's facial hair is similarly neglected, either wildly overgrown or poorly trimmed. This apparent disregard for self-maintenance stems from harsh living conditions, though he tries to maintain basic hygiene when possible. Thel is tall, with a lean, muscular build, typical of someone who has spent years doing manual labour. Minimal fat indicates many days without sufficient food while toiling in the mines at Orax. His skin is a canvas of scars, each one a testament to a past marred by abuse, varying in shapes and sizes, each telling a haunting story. Callouses cover his broad hands, making his handshakes feel like rubbing against sandpaper. Tattered and dirty clothes cling to his frame, a stark testament to his hardships.


Life's most valuable lessons often come during times of struggle. Thel has faced his share of hardships and carries these teachings into every aspect of his life. One crucial lesson he learned is that nothing in life is given; everything must be earned. Thel knows that liberating the oppressed is a task he must undertake himself, using any means necessary. His methods are extreme, often causing friction with allies who are less enthusiastic about the cause. An indomitable willpower propels him through obstacles, pain, and inner conflict. In battle, frequently undermanned and underequipped, Thel leverages every advantage, relying heavily on guerrilla tactics and psychological warfare against both civilian and military targets. For him, the ends always justify the means, regardless of the extremity. Strong detest of oppression, particularly slavery and slavers. A life of suffering has eradicated any sense of humor he once had, replacing it with a cold, steely stare and a matter-of-fact way of communicating. Thel's unwavering resolve and strategic prowess make him an exceptional leader for the Militant Front, inspiring loyalty and guiding them through fierce battles.


Willpower: Thel's determination is nearly unmatched. Anyone standing between him and his goals is in danger. His relentless dedication to the cause often borders on fanaticism, earning him both admiration and fear from allies and enemies alike.
Leadership: A born leader, Thel has rallied many to his cause. From his rebellion in the Orax mines to his ongoing fight against Sith tyranny, his unwavering commitment inspires others to risk their lives in the battle against oppression.
Tactician: Though lacking formal military training, Thel has adapted to the conflicts he faces. Outgunned and outnumbered, he excels in guerrilla warfare, focusing on wearing down his enemies' resources and morale.


Self-Sacrificing: Thel's obsessive dedication to ending Sith tyranny often drives him to the brink. He is willing to die for his cause, leading to decisions that can seem rash or reckless, though he never endangers his Militants needlessly.
Paranoia: In Thel's world, trust is a rare commodity. Surrounded by enemies, his deep-seated distrust of outsiders makes him a difficult ally or partner, isolating him from potential support.
Uncompromising: Convinced that his extreme methods are the only way to liberate his people, Thel struggles to work with those favoring diplomacy. Labeled a fanatic by other rebel groups, his tactics have not only made him a public enemy in Sith territory but have also sparked opposition from within the rebellion.
Human: In a galaxy of monsters and space wizards, Thel's humanity often leaves him at a disadvantage in a fair fight. To survive, he relies on unconventional strategies to level the playing field.


The Good ol' Days

Thel was born on Exocron to a family of subsistence farmers, who had worked the same land for generations. At the time of his childhood, Exocron was a sparsely populated planet, far removed from the bustling trade routes and the technological marvels of the core worlds. Life there moved at a slower pace, dictated by the cycles of the seasons rather than the pulse of galactic politics.

From the moment he could walk, Thel was immersed in the fundamentals of farming. His earliest memories were of his father's hands guiding him through the delicate process of planting seeds and of his older siblings teaching him how to tend to young sprouts that would one day sustain them. Life as a farmer on Exocron was a constant battle against the elements — droughts that could last for months, blights that could devastate an entire season's crops, and occasional predatory creatures that threatened their livestock. Yet, in these difficult times, Thel learned the importance of cooperation and community. The farmers of Exocron, though spread across vast distances, were bound together by shared struggles. Families would come together to help one another during harvests or when a neighbour's crops failed.

Despite the hardships, day-to-day life on Exocron was simple and peaceful — a quiet existence that Thel would come to miss later in life. The farmers lived largely isolated from the turmoil and politics that plagued the rest of the galaxy. When new governments took control of the planet, the farmers remained mostly unaffected, their focus on the soil beneath their feet rather than the shifting powers above. For them, it didn't matter who ruled the stars as long as they could continue to cultivate their crops and care for their families.

As Thel approached adulthood, a deep longing began to take root within him — a restlessness that grew with each passing year. The routine of farm life, once a source of comfort and stability, started to feel like a tether holding him back. While working the fields or tending the livestock, Thel often found himself gazing up at the stars, his mind drifting far beyond the boundaries of his home planet. He had heard stories, whispered tales passed down from his kin and neighbours, of life beyond Exocron. He often wondered if he would ever get the chance to see these distant worlds for himself, to step beyond the familiar horizon and into the vast reaches of the galaxy.

Darkness Comes to Exocron

Destruction. Death. War. The oldest traditions of the galaxy had once again descended upon Exocron, this time at the hands of the Sith Order.

Thel was tending to the crops, his mind drifting to thoughts of the distant stars, when he noticed dark shapes descending from the sky, blotting out the stars and moonlight. His heart froze. The attack was swift and brutal. Red energy beams rained down from the ships, incinerating everything they touched. Though the Sith's primary targets were elsewhere, stray blasts from the orbital bombardment struck much of the farmland, igniting widespread wildfires. All Thel could do was watch in horror as his family's farm, the land they had nurtured for generations, was engulfed in flames. The crops that had been their livelihood turned to ash in an instant, and the sturdy farmhouse that had sheltered them crumbled under the relentless assault.

Thel, at the outer boundaries of the farm, was spared the worst of the firestorm, but the rest of his family was not so fortunate. He sprinted toward the house, desperate to save them, but the intense heat forced him back. He could hear the screams of his father, mother, and brothers as they called out for help, trapped inside the burning wreckage. But soon, their voices were silenced. When Thel called out to them, there was no answer—only a devastating silence. For the first time in his life, Thel was truly alone.

When the fires finally subsided, Thel wandered through the charred remnants of his world. Nothing was left but grief and hatred. Knowing he could not survive on the scorched land, Thel and his surviving neighbours set out on foot toward the nearest settlement. But there was no refuge there. The Sith were waiting. The villagers were captured, bound, and forced onto one of the Sith ships. Any protests were quickly silenced by the butt of a rifle.

Thel and the others were transported far from Exocron to a desolate planet called Orax. The journey, the farthest Thel had ever been from home, was a blur of darkness and despair. Upon arrival, they were forced into slave labour in the vast, lifeless pits of Orax. Every day was a struggle for survival, and Thel's only thoughts were of escape and the promise he made to himself: that one day, he would make the Sith pay for all they had taken from him. But for now, he was a prisoner, trapped in the cold, unforgiving depths of Orax—a far cry from the life he had once envisioned beyond his homeworld.

Ascend From Darkness

After what felt like years of hard, backbreaking labour, Thel's body was exhausted, but his resolve had only strengthened. His spirit was now fueled by an unrelenting desire for revenge. The once peaceful farmer had become a man driven by the need to reclaim his freedom and avenge the loss of his family and home.

The conditions on Orax were brutal. The miners were given just enough food and water to keep them alive, but never enough to grant them strength. The oppressors maintained a tight grip over the slave workforce, but Thel began to notice cracks in their control. He saw how the other prisoners, once broken and resigned to their fate, started to listen when he spoke. They saw a leader in him, and so a leader he became. Together, they plotted a rebellion—a desperate, all-or-nothing attempt to seize control of their fate. They knew the risks, but Thel's unwavering determination inspired them to fight back.

On the night of the rebellion, Thel and his inner circle struck. They attacked and overpowered guards who had grown complacent over time, using the tools of their labour as weapons—pickaxes, mining drills, anything they could wield. Their greatest advantage was the element of surprise, which they used to devastating effect. The guards were swiftly subdued and executed by the escapees.

But escaping the mines was only the first step. They needed a way off Orax, and they found it in a fully loaded cargo hauler preparing to leave the planet. The ship was stocked with mining supplies and freshly extracted minerals. With much of the security forces unaware of the uprising, Thel and his group reached the hauler with minimal resistance. Among the rebels was someone skilled in piloting, and they successfully launched the ship into the skies above the open pits of Orax. This vessel was more than just a means of escape; it was their first victory against the Sith, a small yet significant step toward reclaiming their freedom.

After escaping Orax, Thel and his rebels navigated to the smugglers' haven of Faldos. There, they discreetly sold the stolen cargo ship and its valuable mining supplies to various black-market dealers, exchanging the ill-gotten gains for weapons, provisions, and smaller, faster ships. The profits from the sale provided them with the resources to establish their fledgling rebel group. They began recruiting new members and laying the groundwork for their fight against the Sith. Thel's rebellion was no longer just a dream; it had become a reality, fueled by determination, resourcefulness, and the very tools they had wrested from their oppressors.
This new rebel group would come to be known as the Militant Front.


To be continued...

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