Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Them Debts (Jared Ovmar)

The Moross Crusade reminded Ahani of the good old days. Thrown in a ring for others' entertainment, she tossed herself into Demonsgate with a gladness born of familiarity. The fight. Combat and the aching thrill of victory washed into her bones like the sulphurous sky of her first ring. Her opponent had fought until she could take no more, the lack of a finishing blow was a spiteful wound to Ahani's pride.

She sat in her provided quarters with her boots kicked up on the table, a deathstick steaming between her fingers. A Handmaiden was pulling a brush through her hair, Ahani sucked in more of the lethal ixetal cilona poison and with a rush of dashing, stabbing colours she felt the twinge of her powers decline.

Not enough. It never was anymore. The doses had become as ineffective as a blow of incense in a recently housed tomb. "But. . . but but but but but. . . . but now. No. Now, no. Why is now part of no when it can be used as a positive?"

Her body going slack in the chair, Ahani let the Handmaiden continue her work braiding the woman's silver hair. Ahani craned her face to look up at the woman, whose lines and wrinkles denoted an age Ahani wouldn't feel but ought to have. Looking into her aging descendant's face was a skewed mirror of the impossible path her life had taken since her days raising her daughter Dalia and son Yuca. The ripples of the Force blistered across her eyes. Ahani shut them and threw a hand over her face.

The elderly House Najwa Handmaiden tugged at Ahani's hair. The Sith Lord bit her lip.

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
[member="Ahani Najwa"]

There were many ways one could describe Jared Ovmar, many, many ways and yet there was only one word which always and eternally would permeate from his inner workings. Said word was far too explicit for the current audience, but you could approach it with ‘Schutta’ or alternatively by simply calling him a jerkass.

This specific characteristic once again emerged inside of him when he could clearly feel the inner turmoil radiating from the Sith Lady. A good man would have offered her solace, a great man would have waited for a more opportune time to come knocking.

Ovmar was neither and so he entered the quarters, simply stating the following while stepping foot in her domain.

Knock, knock.

Debts had to be paid.

No one said they would be paid with kindness.
At the sound of the man's voice, Ahani threw up her hand and launched every piece of weaponry and small ephemera not bolted down into the air pointing by the door. "Ffftth. Not finished. Keep braiding." Ahani's glazed silver eyes rolled over to peer at the figure in her doorway. Her cheeks sallowed, mouth working as the pieces in the air showered to the ground. The Handmaiden kept up her braiding, tying it off and stepping aside.

Ahani's feet threw off the table and she stumbled to her feet. "Knocking. Knocking. The Mentalist is knocking at my door, but which one? Which one are you more interested in Ovmar?" She felt a surge in her stomach and washed it down with a drink from a tumblr of amber brew.

"More to steal? More to bleed? No. Yes. No. Not that. . . I'm sorry what is it you wanted? Do you sit down? Do people conduct conversations seated nowadays?" She dragged on the deathstick until it ceased its function and tossed it in the air. With a puff of dust falling to the ground, it disintegrated before Jared's eyes. The tatters of her damaged mind had wrecked further since the day [member="Jared Ovmar"] met with her on Annaj. Stabbing jets of other mens' consciences ripped into the frothing burrows left in her grey matter, a continual excision by the plague of past lovers.
The Admiralty
[member="Ahani Najwa"]

Ovmar yawned, the furiously flying facts evaporated in front of him.

Such was the way of the Galaxy.

It didn’t really seem as if the Sith Lord was all too impressed with the sheer madness the woman was displaying, he didn’t even bat an eye, but perhaps that was more the displaying and postering of a personality, a bolded name re-affirming his stature in purpose and statement.

He revealed a cigarette and lit it up, taking his time to take in the quarters, taking in the handmaiden, taking in the Lady in question and simply waiting for her to finish stringing words upon words upon words along in a fine mixture of sentences.

Then he finally spoke.


It wasn’t made clear what he meant with that. Quite what? There was a lot of Quite in this situation and not enough clarification to make sense of it, but Ovmar didn’t allow that to hamper his stride and he breathed in some of the smoke, enjoying the sensation before blowing it out again.

Got a debt to settle, miss. You ready to get your mind sorted out?
"Miss? What've I missed?" Ahani cocked her head to the side and walked over to [member="Jared Ovmar"]. She pushed at his shoulder with the fingers of her left hand, "You're not a hallucination." She left her hand on his shoulder, grounding herself with the contact of skin on cloth.

"I gave you Metus' bastion. Of course I want my payment. Give me my mind, if you can." Her eyes burned, the milk of her addictions draining the lively silver from the irises in exchange for a dim and ruddy red. She licked her lips and rubbed her neck with the back of her hand. "What do you need me to do?"

[member="Jared Ovmar"]

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