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Then Add In a Raven’s claw – Alexis Ravensclaw

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[member=Alexis Ravensclaw]

To build up her witches, the ground work had to be done. A firm foundation to support the weight of the witches would be needed. Petra lined up several students to learn the ways of Dathomirian ways. Trials awaited those that were taking on Petra’s path of knowledge. Of course trials were in place since the birth of the clans. It was placed on a higher standard than the clans had.

Petra had a list of who she wanted to learn things correctly in her eyes. It did not matter what their rank was in the world. All would be call forth to be judged. That is why the outsider who had become one among the Witches was called. Petra was going to get to meet Alexis for the first time.
Alexis was going to meet with one of the Elders an honor for certain. This meeting however also made Alexis wonder if she had gotten herself in trouble with all of her offworld excursions.

She had no concern that she was not in the right place, but the wavering between the lines of whether she belonged to the darkness or to the light had gone on too long. Perhaps the Elder would help her see the path that was before her that she looked upon and only saw confusion.

She walked along with a purpose to get to the meeting place and to meet Elder Cavataio. As she approached she could see the woman waiting, she hoped that she had not waited long.

"Elder" she nodded and tilted her head down to acknowledge the Elder of the Clans, "I am Alexis, you sent for me"

[member="Petra Cavataio"]
[member=Alexis Ravensclaw]

“Yes my dear… but first, Petra is fine when addressing me. Outside of this meeting, yes the formalities of properness would be welcome and rewarded. However, the path for this moment will be taxing and better to be relaxed on all other matters.” Petra warmly stated to Alexis. Trials and training needed the focus and not if a person was called the proper title or role.

The older witch continued after giving a nodded back to Alexis for her greeting. "I am calling all on Dathomir to come to me. I have many reasons upon reasons for such an action, and the simplest reason it a calling to strengthen and better the witches and jai of this world. As you are one from another world and travelled since than to other worlds, you have seen what is out there like I have. So I would say offering a chance to expand your knowledge and strengthening in Dathomirian magic wouldn’t be rejected, right?" Petra gave a pause longer than normal breaks with her speaking. It was a pause for thought and insight. Thus came the inward reflecting question, "Do you feel like you are ready for the journey, dear?"
[show] The @mention is blinky still [/show]

Alexis nodded, "Yes Petra, thank you" she listened as the Elder spoke to her it was true she had come from another world drawn to Dathomir a gentle tug upon her that made it impossible to ignore.

Would she welcome it, "I would welcome the opportunity to learn more" Was she ready? Was she. Alexis paused to think for a moment, training was not to entered into lightly it required dedication, and thought. Was Alexis ready?

"Yes Petra I am ready for such a journey" Alexis knew that she needed training, everyone should continue to grow, and when not growing sharing.

[member="Petra Cavataio"]
[member="Alexis Ravensclaw"]

Since Alexis was coming into the way that many witches were born into, there was a choice to be made. It had no negative outcome for training. However there was one regarding how others would view her. So Petra asked, “Alexis, which path do you want your journey to go down… The way of Allyan and rejection of evil for the light or the way of Nightsisters and embrace all that you are?”
[member="Petra Cavataio"]

She was uncertain and that was bad but as she thought about who she was and what she wanted it would seem the path became clearer, more defined.

"I will choose the path of the Nightsister" She could still garner some good from the choice and still maintain that level of pushing the boundaries on what she could learn and how she could use it. She'd remain true to herself. She looked at the Witch Elder not seeking her approval, but more of the acceptance that she had made the choice.
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