[member=Alexis Ravensclaw]
To build up her witches, the ground work had to be done. A firm foundation to support the weight of the witches would be needed. Petra lined up several students to learn the ways of Dathomirian ways. Trials awaited those that were taking on Petra’s path of knowledge. Of course trials were in place since the birth of the clans. It was placed on a higher standard than the clans had.
Petra had a list of who she wanted to learn things correctly in her eyes. It did not matter what their rank was in the world. All would be call forth to be judged. That is why the outsider who had become one among the Witches was called. Petra was going to get to meet Alexis for the first time.
To build up her witches, the ground work had to be done. A firm foundation to support the weight of the witches would be needed. Petra lined up several students to learn the ways of Dathomirian ways. Trials awaited those that were taking on Petra’s path of knowledge. Of course trials were in place since the birth of the clans. It was placed on a higher standard than the clans had.
Petra had a list of who she wanted to learn things correctly in her eyes. It did not matter what their rank was in the world. All would be call forth to be judged. That is why the outsider who had become one among the Witches was called. Petra was going to get to meet Alexis for the first time.