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Approved NPC Theodore Beckett

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Jarred Ketzloff

The Immaterial Has Become...Immaterial



  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance:
    • 6'1
    • White/Tan
    • Black Eyes
    • Black Hair
    • Suit
    • The few people that have met Theodore and lived say he has a sort of mysterious vibe.
    • He walks like a normal person (haha...idk) He walks with a sense of purpose, a straight line.
  • Name: Theodore Beckett
  • Loyalties: Jarred Ketzloff Jarred Ketzloff
  • Wealth:
    • Middle Class
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
    • Stealth
    • Mastery of unarmed combat
    • Proficiency with firearms
    • Multilingual
  • Personality: Extremely loyal to Jarred Ketzloff...if only for credits, Beckett followed Jarred's orders. Becuase he was not directly in the chain of command, Beckett was ordered by no one other than the chancellor himself. A serious man, Beckett had no humor and considered it wasteful of ones time.
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
    • Professionally trained assassin
    • Average in open field battles or invasions
  • Stealth - Nothing sticks out about Beckett, therefore he can easily blend into a crowd and lose any pursuers.
  • Expert Marksman - While he prefers using his dagger, Beckett is expertly trained in all types of firearms.
  • Combat - He likes to make it personal, therefore when carrying out the dirty deeds of his employer, he usually kills up close with a blaster pistol or his vibroblade.
  • Multilingual - For both his profession as the Chancellor's assistant and as an assassin, Beckett is multilingual able to pick up conversations in other languages and speak.
  • Piloting - While Beckett is familiar with ground vehicles, he has no knowledge of piloting any type of space vessel.
  • Lonely - Unknown if he has any friends or family, Beckett is not known to make friends. His calm calculated manner can sometimes frighten anyone he meets.
  • John Doe - While he has multiple fake aliases and intergalactic passports, his real name, birthdate, homeworld and other information are unknown, making him a man of mystery.
  • Retaliate - Used to killing from a distance, and killing more administrative individuals, if caught in a situation where the target can fight back, an issue may present itself.
Almost everything is unknown about Beckett. What is known is kept in a confidential datapad accessible to only Jarred himself. When the Zweihander Union was formed, Jarred searched for a personal assistant that would do both the dirty works of a normal bureaucracy and the day to day workings of an organization.


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Jarred Ketzloff Jarred Ketzloff Hey there! Nice little henchman you've got :D

Just a few things to edit and then I'll be glad to approve this along;
  • In Out of Character Information, I've found your image for you - right here. This is better than the IMDB page because the IMDB page does not have this frame on it as an image.
  • In Out of Character Information, in Permissions, you've linked to the N&Z Umbrella Corporation but I don't see anything on their storefront that permits you to use their nonaffiliated closed-market submissions.
  • In Physical Information, in Appearance, could you please get a bit more descriptive? How does he walk? How does he move? What's something that people notice about him? What are some markings who might make someone recognize him? These are just examples and suggestions.
  • In Social Information, in Loyalties, please link to either Jarred's member account, or a character sheet.
  • In Social Information, in Notable Possession, NZ-BG.400 Tactical Blaster Pistol is closed-market. Permission to use it must be added to the submission. Ditto to the NZ-SV2.45 Anti Material rifle.

Please tag me back when these edits are made :)
Jarred Ketzloff Jarred Ketzloff

Thank you for the clarification! For next time, to avoid a touch of back and forth, I recommend adding this to the permissions and mentioning that you're the person listed there - it'll save you at least one edit/reply requirement :)
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Credius Nargath
Boardmember and company CEO: Ben Craig Granting full and universal permission to use Company subs par regular codex and factory rules of having a mention in manufacturer.

All edits check out, approved :)
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