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Approved Melee Weapon Thera Glaive

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Melee Type:
  1. Polearm
Size: Very Large





  • Classification: Glaive
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Heavy

  • Through a new infusion process Barricas Oil is chemically bonded to the metal alloy during its creation. This ensures the weapon is able to defend against lightsabers as well as blasters, without the concern of it wearing off.
  • Unlike it's predecessor, the Thera Glaive utilizes Malabast instead of Durasteel. This vastly increases the weapons durability by pushing its resilience against energy and kinetic based attacks to the maximum.
  • To increase it's cutting power, an Ultrasonic Vibration Generator was added within the glaive itself. The glaive now vibrates with enough force to be able to slice through armor, flesh, stone, and durasteel with ease. In addition, its edge can also cause horrific gaping wounds and dismemberment. OOC Note: As always damage if any is determined by the writer.
  • Rancor Leather was added to the hilt of the weapon both increasing grip for the wielder, and overall durability in these areas.
  • Due in part to it's design the wielder is also able to stab and cut with the blade protruding from the pommel.

  • Saber Proof.
  • Great Durability & Cutting Power.
  • Reach & Ease of Momentum.

  • Heavy.

For all adapting is a necessary part of life.

In many cases nature forces a biological change in creatures which either adapt or die. This fact is no different in the Draelvasier. This warlike species of conquerors founded the Bryn'adul Empire and led them on a war of annihilation, setting whole portions of the galaxy aflame. But as the war began to progress the Draelvasier continued to run into conflict with technologically advanced races, that held distinct advantages even over their unmatched skill in biotech. It was clear that something had to be done, something had to change if they were going to adapt and overcome to these new challenges.
For Rakvul, Warlord of the Bryn'adul this realization weighed heavily on his mind. The more the Empire expanded and fought new nations, diverse species he came into possession of the technology they left behind. While in the past it had become customary for the complete destruction of all technology, as the war began to turn against them, this positioned softened. After all, to effectively destroy your enemy understanding them can often lead to the keys of victory. To this end, Rakvul began to extensively study and dissect the tools of war utilized by their opponents. While their complete technological reliance made them weak, there was something to be gained from understanding their ways.
Rakvul began to intimately understand the various tools of war they used in time. It was in this understanding came the idea for what would become a new, powerful weapon. The Barad Glaive was an incredibly popular weapon utilized by the Draelvasier on nearly all battlefields. It was perfectly designed to allow each wielder to maximize the use of his innate biological gifts in combat. It was created through the infusion of Barricas Oil to Durasteel. This process was effective but led to a critical weakness brought out by the oil itself, when strike repeatedly in battle, the oil could be worn away.
That had to change.
The very first step was to change the base metal utilized in the weapon's creation, Durasteel wasn't enough. Instead, Rakvul chose to utilize Malabast for it's vastly increased durability. Next he began an exhaustive series of experiments to change the infusion process. Through this experience he eventually discovered a new method that completely infused the Barricas Oil with the Malabast. This unique combination pushed the weapon's durability far beyond what was thought possible with its predecessor.
Lastly, he tapped into his acute understanding of his enemy's technology for the final addition. An Ultrasonic Vibration Generator was added inside the weapon. The final product far exceeded expectations; the weapon's cutting power was greatly increased. It allowed the wielder to cut through things its predecessor simply couldn't and increased the amount of damage dealt to their enemies through the horrific wounds it left behind. Lastly, the hilt was wrapped in Rancor Leather to increase the wielder's grip, and the hilts overall strength.
Unfortunately, the weapon wouldn't see widespread use as it's development came during the fall of the Bryn'adul Empire. Rakvul named the new creation the Thera Glaive in honor of Keldothera Ankha, a Baedurin General who fell during the war. Now finding himself the leader of his own Bryn'adul Remnant, he rolled out the weapon for widespread use to all forces. It wouldn't be until his reunion with Chieftain Tathra Khaeus and his introduction to the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate that he would share the new weapon with all.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new, modernized glaive for the Draelvasier.
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Thera Glaive
Modular: Yes
Material: Barricas Oil Coating Malabast Rancor Leather Hilt Ultrasonic Vibration Generator
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Very cool sub again! I have some concerns about this, because, the opponent decides about how the attack affect them. Because of this, I would like to ask you to reword this part.
The glaive now vibrates with enough force to slice through armor, flesh, stone, and durasteel with ease. In addition, its edge also causes horrific gaping wounds and dismemberment.
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