Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There are those that are blind

[SIZE=12pt]There were things that Leilani had to do and part of that was at times to be debriefed by her handlers. There had been changes and she understood that she would have someone new to report to.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There were times that she enjoyed this job that she had it provided her credits, and credentials that were often difficult and expensive. But it also cost her things to. Things that could not be bought, things that had been part of her upbringing, things that she slowly gave up to do a job.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was currently grooming the Jedi Hawk Solo for information. That was the only thing she had to report on, she wondered was it enough. She had hoped to be able to talk more with Aleister Grey but he had disappeared at the ball.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was now waiting for another opportunity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She did miss Avalon right now, he knew her only as another Zeltron could and that gave her comfort that someone knew her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She walked slowly now through the pockets of people they were her discussing orphans, refugees, war, and the need to continue aide for the war torn worlds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled when they looked at her, oh a zeltron did you hear their world was overrun with Sith. Yes. Something to use to her advantage in time.[/SIZE]

[member="Renato Sarkin"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

Renato stood his back to the wall quietly speaking to two other men one on each side of him their backs to the crowd. While other groups discussed war, hunger, and famine the trio seemed to be talking about something else entirely.From a distance just another click of people talking aout who knows what. Anyone within earshot would be able to pick up bits and pieces about various projects, deadlines, and financing.

Occasionally Renato would look past the two other men into the crowd and then look back. It was about the third time he looked that he noticed the Zeltron woman working her way through the crowd. A simple quick glance followed by a smirk before resumming his current conversation.
Leilani moved through smiling, nodding. She did not know who she looked for but certainly they would know her, and now that she had circled the room she made her way towards the balcony. The heat was overwhelming she had been told that the only way to reach her contact was to be at parties, and other events such as this.

For a brief moment she wondered if perhaps the contact wasn't here, how would she know. An hour or two of bumping elbows should be long enough, if nothing happened by then she would go back to her hotel rest her feet and look for the next party.

[member="Renato Sarkin"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

Renato continued speaking to the same gentlemen working out the various tasks that were next in the multitude of things on his calendar. After about another hour the two gentlemen could be seen raising their glasses to Renato with a nod before stepping off. Sipping his drink Renato pushed away from the wall to mingle.

After spending a few minutes talking to a senator from a planet who's name he paid no attention to and a General from some other planet he never really heard either Renato passed by the balcony glancing towards it out of forced habit. Smiling Renato saw the Zeltron he had noticed making rounds earlier. After grabbing two fresh glasses Renato stepped out onto the balcony.

"You are wishing the party being out here all by your lonesome."

Renato chuckled.

"Ok so maybe it was not that much of a party until you showed up but I wouldn't recommend mentioning that to our host." "Socialites tend to get a little uptight about status and reputation."
[member="Renato Sarkin"]

Leilani turned caught a bit off guard she had been day dreaming, as some zeltrons do. She had been lost in the music dreaming of a handsome prince to whisk her off her feet, and tell her how much he loved her, and that she would never have to work again as a spy. Yes a lovely dream.

Leilani looked at the glasses, and then back to the gentleman joining her, "I find many of these gatherings quite...taxing." She reached over and took a glass from him she raised the glass to her lips and took a small sip. "I won't tell the host if you don't" She smiled at him inviting him to speak with her further.

"Don't you find that the conversation is generally a bit on the droll side?" She studied him, he was a good looking man, his presence was not overwhelming and his manners were polished.

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

Renato smiled sipping from his own glass.

"Well that would depend on the topic as well as the conversationalist." "I find it is generally the person and not the topic that determines how droll it may be."

Renato stepped up close with a coy smile bringing himself within inches of Leilani.

"The again I would think someone of your history would find interest in any topic one may be willing to speak about."

Looking Leilani up and down Renato smirked just before reaching out and putting a hand on her hip and leaning in close to the opposite ear with a whisper.

"Yes I know who you are and why you are here." "The game as changed just play along and make it look believable." "If you are looking to be reactivated that can be arraigned."
[member="Renato Sarkin"]

She did not move, nor did she tense up as that would send a message that he was making her uncomfortable. Was she uncomfortable? Not yet. He was talking about her history, she at that moment assumed he meant the history of her home world, and not of just she herself. All the while her eyes stayed on his face, his eyes the way his lips moved when he spoke,.

Her body was relaxed waiting, when his hand gently set upon her hip she smiled softly at him. As his lips neared her ear she could feel the warmth of his breath upon them, the soft whisper. The look of intimacy.

She smiled and nodded just a tiny bit when he whispered he knew who she was, and why she was there. Oh did he now, his informants were good, observant at least that said something for them. The game had changed well now how much had the game changed.

She tilted her head just enough to where when she turned her head their lips could have brushed, she smiled stepping closer to him she whispered back to him. "I like games, and as for reactivation" She brought her hand up her fingertips touched the bottom of his jaw lightly, "what is the pay, and benefits these days?"

anyone watching would think they were making plans for an intimate evening, after all zeltrons were known for their love of pleasure.

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

When she mentioned pay and benefits Renato's hand softly danced up Leilani's back from her hip until he took a soft but firm grip on her hair pulling back just a bit his voice still a whisper but with a slight edge to it.

"Your family has served us well in the past Miss Paaie." "Do not think you can use that as leverage." "You are an asset as long as you are useful and when you are no longer useful........"

Renato's head dipped slightly as he heard foot steps leaning in planting a soft kiss on Leilani's neck as a female voice behind him giggled and a male voice chuckles saying something about the spot being taken.

Renato let his trailed off comment hang in the air sure she knew what the last part of it was before speaking in a low whisper once he was sure the other couple had left.

"Just because the Galaxy thinks us all dead does not make it true." "Our society is not an being that can be killed or stopped." "It is an ideal, a way of life." "As long as one of us still lives so does Imperialism." "For now we will let them believe what they will."

Renato released his grip on her hair his finger tracing her jawline his gaze dancing across her form as he took a sip of his drink.

"If you wanted to stay out you should have stayed to ground." "Like all good patriot's when the time was right you resurfaced." "The person you are looking for is not here." "However I can tell you where to find who you are looking for."
She moaned softly but was it pain or pleasure only his ears would tell him exactly what it was, or perhaps it was the delicate little smile on her lips. His fingers tracing long her jawline only caused her to tilt her head slightly giving him the opportunity to trace down her neckline.

She held firmly to the glass, "you aren't the right person, how absolutely dreadful we could have such a good time together" She brought her glass up taking a small sip.

She had not moved yet, she should have stepped away once the couple disappeared but she couldn't help it she liked the touching, "Point me in the direction I need to go then"

She smiled this time, holding her glass with an elegant hand, fingers at the base delicately placed.

[member="Renato Sarkin"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

Renato closed his eyes for a moment his free hand clinching to a fist. He had spent too much time this close to her. His mind screaming fething Zeltron's as his body urged him closer. Renato missed his other attire specifically the mask he normally wore that helped prevent such things. Leilani's soft moan did not help either. Lucky for him her comment was just enough on the wrong side of his temperment to snap him back to it...... for now inexplicably lashing out in the force as his mind cleared. Renato's hand snapped from her chin to grasp her throat pushing her against the railing forcing her upper body precariously over the edge.

"A good time together?" "Your kind are nothing more than party favors and even less make it back from those parties to tell about them."

Renato pushed into Leilani hard an edge to his voice bordering on malice dropping barely above a whisper.

"You will go to the edges of deep space where there is a Cantina with a reputation for making the lower level of Nar Shadaa seem as safe as Theed Palace on Naboo." "I am sure a smart girl like yourself can figure out which one I mean." "Ask the bartender for a Dragon's Tail Ale with a sleeping Gamorean chaser."

Renato growled yanking himself away from Leilani towards the door back into the building. As he slipped out of site the two men he had been speaking to early appeared into view making sure he was not followed.
His hand was on her throat before she could utter a word or another sound, she could see it in his eyes for a moment there was a hint of experience with Zeltrons and then it turned into insulting her.

Party favor? Her kind? Really, well that would cool off anyone to be so lowly thought of but then again she knew that many of her kind lived only for a party. If she were of such thoughts why would she be here. This sudden change of sensations stopped her though, reawakened that moment where she asked herself did she really want to do this?

As he practically spat the words of where she should go in her face without anything else he released her and retreated. She smoothed her clothing. She stood there shaking her head even as his protection moved to keep her from following, like after that insult she would follow well he certainly thought too much of himself to think that she would.

She kept control though and walked back into the gathering through another door she did not look around for him, if he thought her so lowly she would not bother. She headed for the door, she had a destination now.

Except she wondered now if this was what she wanted, she walked slowly towards the spaceport thinking of the path before her and the split it was preparing to take. She could still go to Nar Shadaa that was not making a commitment to the life. It was..speculating yes that's what she would call it.

A few days later she arrived on Nar Shadaa and headed toward the Cantina.

[member="Renato Sarkin"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Leilani Paaie"]

Renato stood in a group of people sipping from a glass listening to a few old war stories from some soldiers as if he had never stepped onto the balcony to begin with. It was just another conversation that never happened at yet another event among many other public appearance on the nobles calendar of events to attend. When the night was over and the guests began to leave Renato slipped out into the night headed back to his ship for a few hours sleep before the next party, the next meeting, and the next stage in his plans.

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