Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There Has Been A Return

I was active on this site back in March-Mid Summer and have decided to come back after watching The Force Awakens. I am looking to get back into things and get active again. Could someone tell me of any important things that have happened and that are going on right now? Thanks!

(Looking back at my characters... just ehhh... I may just have to make a new character and start fresh. Though I still hold some attachment to the characters I already have, so I'll just put them on hold in case I ever get an urge to use them again.)
Oi, I remember you! Welcome back. :)
I can't tell you much about what has happened since you left (I haven't been active much lately), but I know that the One Sith and the Republic have been in a war for awhile. It was probably going on when you were here last. It's, uh, it's been going on for a long time now.

Besides that I can't really think of much. Hopefully someone else can help you out with that.

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