Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There Is A Disturbance

Greetings, and salutations sweet little ones. So...I come from a very different place, but though "Eh, why the heck not, lets try some Star Wars rp." Im not sure what I wanna write on here, or what is in store for me, but I am sure...Its a force choking. Anyways, I hope we all get along, you can call me Darkside, or Dark. Whichever, or Steve, Bob, Momo, Yoyo. banana, whatever tickles your pickle.

Well, I am still unsure what kind of character I would like to write, where to even begin really. This is a....really big place.
[member="The Darkside"]

It can be daunting at first. With a name like Darkside I would imagine you are looking at creating a Sith at some point. We have Sith and Jedi obviously. Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Soldiers, Pilots, and even a few Politicians. Then we have business owners.

Any concept you could ever want we probably have at least one of.

Connor Harrison

[member="The Darkside"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time here and please just shout if you have any questions at all.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Darkside"]

Yes, it is a very big place that can be overwhelming. I just created my character and started my own stories to get the ball rolling.

There's plenty of fantastic writers here :) I'm sure you'll have lots of fun.
[member="The Darkside"]

Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I hope you find what you're looking for with us. If you're feeling Sithy, I would recommend checking out the One Sith.

The place seems a little overwhelming at first, but you'll be addicted in no time!

Enjoy your stay!

PS: I am going to call you Toby. Welcome to the forums, Toby.

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