Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Blessed are the peacemakers
Voss, lakeside.
He blinked.

He took the time, to observe everything, and simply- take it all in. He took a deep breath inward, and looked outward. The water was blue, and the frothy tops of the waves crashed against each other. It was tranquil, like no other. He leaned forward on the bench, his gray eyes drifting outwards to the blue expanse. His eyes danced around for a moment, before he leaned forward a bit further, letting his head roll forward. He pulled his head back, adjusting his hair, pulling back the golden strands of hair to rest behind his ears. Fingers tapped together, small tattoos resting on his knuckles. He had a lot of those- tattoos. Not much that you could see, however. He preferred to keep them personal. Besides, a Jedi with a lot of tattoos (besides the species that typically tattooed themselves, such as Zabraks) was off-putting to some. He leaned back, after adjusting his hair.

He could see why the Silver Jedi had taken Voss as their home planet. Expanses of plains, a nice locale. Good climate. And the world ease. More so than other places he had been to. He could compare it to Tython, in a way. Blinking, Tracyn again took in the scenery. And waited on the bench. Waited for whatever may come after [member="Rasu Gan"] came. If she did, at all. After all, a brief message over the Holonet was hardly something to rely on. Maybe she'd seen it, maybe she'd been too busy, or maybe she ignored it.

Either way, Tracyn remained there, patiently waiting. Patience was something that Rasu may have found interesting about Tracyn. How patient he was now.
It was not often that the Shi'ido received an invitation, and she would never have expected one such as this to come from a man like Tracyn. However nothing held her attention at the temple so the woman made the decision to embark outside, taking in the wonders of the planet's landscape. How long had it been since she had truly explored the scenery? Rasu did not know, although it felt almost exhilarating to be out among the native flora and fauna, taking in the sights and smells that now seemed so foreign to the Shi'ido.

Continuing at a leisurely pace, Rasu was completely unaware of the passing of time, taking every opportunity to pause and observe the scenes unfolding around her. How the light captures a lone flower, resting alone, isolated from the rest of its siblings, or taking in the violent yet elegant dispute that now force two Mawvarr males to clash as they fight over a mate. It suddenly dawned on the woman just how lucky the Silver Jedi were to have inhabited such a place. A place packed full of beauty and history.

However her mind slowly returned to purpose of her outing, and her heart leaped in embarrassment and alarm, as her pace quickened, taking longer strides as she hurried to the meeting point. The bench grew in size as the figure seated also became clearer, and before long, Rasu quietly seated herself next to the heavily muscled man, silently and subtly taking in the sheer hulking form of tattoos and scars that made up the male Jedi before her. Quickly averting her eyes away, she smiled as she extended her arm to shake, however changed course at the last second, and instead brought the man into a warm, receptive hug. She hardly knew the man, but both were Jedi and she was determined to bond with this man before the sun had set. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, @Tracyn. I've heard so much about you over the years." she said, leaning into the man's shoulder softly.
Blessed are the peacemakers
It was hard to turn off certain things in one's mind, for example, Tracyn was inherently aware of everything going on around him. The birds, the animals squabbling, the passing couples enjoying the setting sun, the bird watchers, the aliens and their distinct smells and sounds, all swirling around him in a sort of screaming, numbing sound and visualization. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to block it out, trying to focus on a single thing before he felt a coming migraine. He leaned forward slightly, before a voice cut through all the white noise that surrounded him. He failed to sense her, the powerful Jedi presence near him.

The touch registered with him first, the sensation of hands on his lightly clothed body. He felt attacked for a moment, before remembering that he was no longer on a battlefield, and if someone wanted to kill him, they'd have done it by now. Besides, it wasn't a bad touch- he felt rather secure and joyful by it. He blinked for a moment, considering all his options in case this was an assassin of some nature, before he turned. And there she was. Her gentle eyes that held no intent of murder or harm, but rather pleasant company and conversation. He should have been expecting her- but a focus on protection and combat had made him forget about her momentarily.

"You as well, Miss Gan. And I won't pretend that all that you've heard has been pleasant."

[member="Rasu Gan"]
His body seemed to tense upon her touch, but as his eyes turned to rest on the Shi'ido, her own alarm vanished as well. These eyes, that must have once contained so much anger and aggression, no only held a sense of calmness, and compassion. She had to admit, this was not the man she had expected to find, and in such a scene. The man she had pictured would not have found himself sitting on a park bench surrounded by this rather beautiful environment. However she was glad to be wrong; her first impression of the man was in fact a good one.

"I am aware of these certain stories Tracyn. Please don't take offense when I say, that I was thinking of declining this gracious invitation due to this rumours. However I'm glad I dismissed that idea, these tales have you all wrong." she said with a smile, hoping that the Jedi would not dwell too long on her words, for fear of offending the man.

"Anywho," she began, trying to divert the conversation, "how have you found Voss?"

Blessed are the peacemakers
A look of somber admittance crossed Tracyn's facial features before he turned back to [member="Rasu Gan"], his gray eyes shifting back to meet the Jedi.

"As much as it pains me to admit, those stories are not necessarily untrue in some aspects. I wish it were different, Miss Gan."

He spoke quietly, a soft spoken man even for his features and his reputation. He rubbed his face for a moment, gathering his emotions into a tightly controlled place within himself. No use undoing what he had been trying to do.

Diversion. He knew the tactic, but didn't mind it.

"It's a beautiful place. Though I think the company and the people make it very beautiful- I don't feel conflict here at all."
She smiled, allowing her relief and joy to flow through her gesture. Finding herself feeling slightly awkward in her current position, she brought about the courage to shuffle, only slightly to better take in the sight of this massive Jedi Knight. Her smile only grew as he expressed his own thoughts on this dear world, and it truly filled her with pure happiness.

"I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your time here, Tracyn." she began, looking out across the lake and the golden plains behind it. How peaceful this scene was before. There had been a time, of course, where one would not have been able to journey through this area at such a relaxed pace as the two Jedi had, but the Silver Jedi had sorted this out during the primary colonization. Her little Order of Jedi were growing and had done so much for the fragmented galaxy already.

"Although you're just lucky that you've missed out on the major conflict that seized this world." she said, remembering the darker times of the initial conflicts that had arisen on the planet during the first few months after their arrival. She was sure that a Jedi such as Tracyn, would have fitted in well in such a scenario, although this was what the rumours would have indicated.

"Sorry, trailing off a bit there." Blushing she continued, "So why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Help me put some of these rumours to rest eh?"

Blessed are the peacemakers
"Rumors put to rest?"He found himself biting his lip, ignoring the subject of conflict. That was a touchy one. For one thing, he liked to avoid conflict as much as possible, but then again, it was what he excelled at as a Jedi. He turned his head to take in [member="Rasu Gan"], the same way she was observing him. She was pretty, intelligent, and had a fierce determination about her that he had never encountered before. He leaned his head forward, smiling and looking back out towards the water.

"I used to be a Mandalorian, but before that, I was a Jedi padawan...I was Ori'ramikad, meaning that I was among the best soldiers they trained and equipped."He tapped his knees."I was a bit of a bastard. I helped kill Velok at Yaga Minor, along with the numerous other Mandalorians that helped there. Anyway..." He folded his hands behind his head, letting out a deep sigh."And then I met my wife, Asha. I think you might have met her once or twice. Anyway. She convinced me to join the Jedi, after finding me bleeding and broken. I sort of wandered into a cave on Tython to more or less bleed out or find some inspiration to keep on fighting."He flicked his eyes back over to her."And I did die. I did some awful things. I hurt my friends. I think I killed a few people. I remember almost killing Darth Vornskr. I remember, distinctly, the sensation of victory before he stabbed me with my own blade."His face grew somber and mournful."I fell into a lake. And I don't think you'd believe me if I told you how I survived."

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