Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There is no failure in the force, there is only the force itself. (Training for Jareth)

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Location: Iridonia, Far away from Civilization.
Objective: Open your eyes, Tarika is a force user, duh!

Landing on the planet of her birth Tarika glances around at the elegant nature of the rock barren wastes of Iridonia, this is where she used to play when she was young and the very area that tempted her to make herself in the image of the darkside, boy has it been a long time since she set foot not only here, but Iridonia too.

Grinning as she wore her usual tunic that has the same appearance of a Tsuni rebel of a far away planet that no longer exists, her eyes glitening majestically in the light of the scorching planet, and her focus and attention being on what she is here for.

The only weapon she has on her being her saberstaff safely clipped to her belt, yet thats not her real weapon, her true weapon... the darkside is strong with her this day, she can feel it fueling her, but also nipping at her.

(sorry Jareth, idk if it will allow me to tag ya, so will link ya through our mail.)
Location: Iridonia
Purpose: To learn the force

*Jareth stepped onto the barren surface of war ridden Iridonia. This was a harsh land, the brutal conditions made Jareth feel immediately uncomfortable. That being said, he had a goal in mind: he must learn the force no matter what he had to go through, and if the light side Jedi were nowhere to be found then learning of the dark side would be his only option. Time was of the utmost importance to him.*

Jareth: *to [member="Tarika Sadow*"] "So this is where you were born? I was always fond of your species; however, this landscape seems rather harsh to grow up in. Still, it has a strange beauty to it, but I digress from the matter at hand. You said you might be able to help me in using the force, correct?"

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Watching him walk up she sighed and as soon as he spoke she flexed her fingers out so they were not only crooked but also pointing directly at him, the force pooled into a mighty beacon of darkside energy as she allowed it to fuel her, and stored excess energy into her reserves,

Without a word her eyes turned cold and she sent a strand of spark from both of her middle fingers straight at him, if it hit it would hurt..alot, he wanted to learn the force.. fine with her, but it would be his choice to be a failure, or to survive it.

Tarika was trained for more spark than what she is using now, yet she has no desire to turn him from the light.. nor does she hunger to kill him. No this isn't personal, its her own personal kindness that is fueling her to even train this lightsided welp in the force.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth was not adept in the ways of the force yet: not even close. What he had learned was purely the very most basics he could discern from what he had seen from others in holo books. He had yet to even construct his own lightsaber. As he pondered what learning the force may bring and let his words hang in the air, Jareth was struck by a strand of what appeared to be force lightning.*

Jareth: *In a fit of pain* "ahhg"

*His muscles were tightening, teeth clenched, arms pinned against his sides. This was altogether an unpleasant experience. He needed to re-evaluate how he acted around the other. Perhaps he seemed impatient? From all logic that he could muster she seemed unhappy about something he said. As the pain subsided he spoke up.*

Jareth: *still in pain* "I didn't mean to come across as impatient or disrespectful. I apologize if I came off as rude somehow, I was only curious about the training. You have shown me amply that you are capable of using the force."

[member="Tarika Sadow"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Grinning at the words she chuckled and sent another painful shock at him then stopped and walked with a haste around to where she would be able to see his face.

If you want to train in the ways of the force you will need to know and understant pain, as well as become immune to it.. she said in a more authoritive and powerful, but also low tone as if she were inside a temple that allows even the lowest voice to echo out.

The force, even the lightside is a living, breathing essence. its what binds us, and gives us the strength and courage we seek to defeat even the more god like individuals, and trust me when I say you may be forced to defeat a god who uses the force to kill, and enslave. she said and then observed his face.

I ask you this now, will you fail and die.. or will you survive to know greatness?

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Another agonizing jolt of lightning hit him. He was starting to wonder if she brought him here to die, but then why would she go to the trouble? She had many other opportunities far less involved. He heard her words, still recovering from the second wave of pain.*

Jareth: "No matter how great or small my deeds. No matter how famous or infamous I become. I can tell you now: I will survive."

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Grinning at this she nodded and then stepped back from him, a sign of trust, and an offer of equality for now. It was the biggest reason she trained.. to survive. In the fringes of space its all that matters, its what you wake up to.. and its what you fall asleep to. there is no religion in the fringes, there is only survival.

Reminiscing for a moment on her experience in fighting the rakata, in storming a well armed fortress, and in her surviving.. she smirked at him and then relaxed her own body while allowing him to rise. for now he would need water, and some rest.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth stood. He was, for a moment, still tense and hurting somewhat. That soon changed, he could feel the change in her demeanor and was somewhat at ease, though still ready for anything. He sat down and pulled out a small water holder and took a sip from it. He tried not to drink an overly large quantity, yet the great heat of this place encouraged his thirst heavily.*

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Watching him she walked over to the makeshift table and seated herself, the heat from the day was not that bad since it was still mid morning on the planet, but it was still vicious to someone who had not grown up here.. she knew he had to be dieing of thirst, taking out a bottle of water from a pocket of the table she sipped some and then put it back.

Iridonia, a place of immense heat.. but also serenity within the force She stated as she looked upon the vast landscape, and then allowed the planets echo to embrace her.

There are only two types about the force she said as she watched the heatwave turn the body of land into a steam pocket There are the jedi, the so called saviours of the galaxy, yet their own ignorance is the very thing that makes them just as corrupt her voice quickly changing to one more able to be a mentor, a sorta nurturing aspect Then there are the sith, the very defilement of the force.. they think they are the thing that is powerful enough to protect the galaxy yet they wish to destroy the republic and the jedi.

She chuckled mockingly at this Both are not only blind, but also ignorant. How can you protect but also destroy.. this is what both do she instructed and then paused for a moment.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth listened intently. Every word she said made sense except, why was it that the sith and jedi both fell to these paths of mutually exclusive corruption? Those who try to defend, to be the so called "saviours" don't even help those most in need. Then the Sith, so many turn to the Sith for power. Power to save, power to avenge, power to eliminate... And yet they shirk their own feelings when they become Sith. It is ironic really, as both Jedi and Sith abandon their true feelings.*

Jareth: "Is there no other option? How can all be ignorant. Are there really so few that can protect?"

[member="Tarika Sadow"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Listening with intent she smirks as she hears his questions and then thinks up the best response I assume the Jedi try their best to maintain order, and protect those that they think need it.. but the way they do it is..wrong she replied to him and then turned her attention to the padawan.

Their ignorance is not seeing the sith as people rather than a threat to their..system, but what they don't understand is that by hating the sith.. they show their own inability to accept, and forgive.. so therefor the light they seem to wanna cast around is tainted as well. she offered, and then took another sip and stood.

Follow was all she said, it was not a command, nor a request.. and she would not ask again.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*Jareth pondered the statements as he followed her. He could not help but wonder what was next. More lightning perhaps? That seemed to be more of a test of fortitude though. Perhaps it was something else, but he would soon find out.*

[member="Tarika Sadow"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Walking away from the table she concentrated and pooled the force to her, her body acting as a beacon for the influence and raw energies of the dark side.

Stopping some distance away from her shuttle she turned around and looked at him I take it there are some things you wish to learn, some special abilities and skills? she asked as she stood there.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Chuckling at his statement she stood there for a moment and studied him.

Alright, well we will start with the basics for now she said as she looked around and eventually found a round stone Every force user has core skills, some are skilled with TK and others are skilled with sorcery, lets see which you are.

She turned to him and gave the command Levitate this stone

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
[member="Tarika Sadow"]

*Jareth calmed his mind and focused on the stone. He had felt the force before, and even used it to a basic degree. Now was the time to let that fact shine. He felt the force flowing in his body, the rock before him was the sole object of his mind. He knew that he could do this. He looked on to his work, but found that the stone had not budged. It wasn't that it did nothing, it just didn't do more than shake a bit. For all his concentration.*

Jareth: "I've done stuff like this before, I will try once more."

*Jareth went through the process once more, yet the stone still had not levitated. A look of confusion had appeared on his previously determined brow. He had done things more impressive than levitating a rock before without even meaning to, so why was it that he was suddenly impotent?*

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Smirking as he failed a simple exercise she walked over and stood in front of him, not close but close enough to help consul him on it.

Like the force, this rock is able to be commanded of and it will obey.. all it takes is concentration and focus this time she adopted more of an instructors tone of voice and continued Let us try this then, close your eyes and allow your mind to calm itself, allow it to grow steady and relax.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
[member="Tarika Sadow*"]Jareth calmed down again. He let his mind move into a state of deep concentration. He had learned a technique from an ancient martial art known as mokuso, or empty mind, and utilized that concept to clear his mind. He was now kneeling hands clasped. His mind was at ease.*

Tarika Sadow

Future Mandolorian
Watching him she stepped back a few steps and then spoke Allow your mind to drift, allow it to find its own path through your metaphysical state.. feel the flows of the force, and reach out for it she instructed, this could be difficult but it should help him to grasp the energies of the force and call upon the power of the lightside.

[member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
*He listened without thinking and allowed his mind to search within his being for the power of the force. Where was it? The intricacies of the mind were like a labyrinth. He began to see things around him, all constructs of the mind. There was a world within his mind that he know walked through. He saw a light, somewhere near to him, was this the force? He reached out to grab a hold of it: his body was engulfed in light. He could feel a small amount of the power of the force within his own body start to flow, but somewhere in the shadows of his mind, out of the corner of his eye, there was a darkness that darted about just out of view. He was not drawing on much power in the force now, but there was some subtle flow as he connected to a part of the force within himself*

[member="Tarika Sadow"]

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