King of Korriban
Deep Space;
Mid Rim;
On Mission.
Sweat crept over Nejaa's body. In fact, it felt as though his mouth was now the only location not wet from nervous fear. Instead, a parched tongue danced behind white rows of teeth. All of the screens and lights were flickering perfectly, everything checked out. He had run a thorough diagnostics test on the Pride before leaving Republic space and heading out into the wilds, so to speak. It had felt like days already were slipping by at hour mark three, and the continuous buzz of pilots behind him rattled in his ears. Republic troopers, stationed in stealth based craft on a stealth mission. They starships they each maneuvered in looked thin and long, with short wings which sported ample enough looking guns. This had not been the first mission he'd taken with the spear like ships backing him, but this would certainly be different than those other times. I doubt Nejaa even knew yet, though.
<<Kfftt--Master Niynx, are you picking that up on your local scanners?>>
The sudden boot of noise seemed to kick Nejaa in a place less comfortable than expected, and he shook into reality once more. The air felt hot, and his eyes moved quickly from the left to right, like he was looking for something. Hands, just shy of shaking, scrambled for the controls before him and clicked the lever through which he could respond. "Honest truth I-- I wasn't looking, hold on, I'm--..." His voice cut out, and silence resumed for another second. In a quiet 'blip' the scanner screen blinked red, and a small, incoming and flashing dot entered. Followed by another dot, and a third. "Wh-What are those? They're not coming for us ar--" But his answer came before he could finish. Another burst of the intercom, and another ship spat rushed words.
<<Kkffttt--They have a weapons lock kkftt... Weapons lock on me!>>
Nejaa's eyes widened, were they being attacked? There was no way. No way, right? The boy bit his lip and sprawled his fingers like spiders over his control panels. By no means was he an incredible pilot, he felt trapped and useless, all at once in a rush which overtook him. "Break off, assume needle formation--" But it was a bit too late, and the shooting started. A powerful blast rumbled the hull of Nejaa's Infiltrator. Heavy breathing, and frantic movements led him to pull up on the yoke with a sudden heave. His ship spiraled into a spin, arcing up and coming back down hard on the attacking entourage. There were three of them, though they didn't look uniform. For a second, Nejaa refrained from pulling the triggers, just for a second thinking of how much more easy this would be.
The lasers blasted quickly, and on repeat, firing round after round into the hull of the ship just before him. It was not usual that things worked out that well. A panting breath of excitement took pause, and then resumed as he flew through the wreckage of the ship. Each of his pilots whipped around as well, surviving the first wave fully. But they had lost their position in the strafe effort, and now the enemies were behind them. No doubt, they were already locking their targeting brackets on the whole lot of them. Nejaa's eyes looked over every button, trying to think of something he could do. Despite what his training told him, he could not merely trust, and reach out to the force. It felt like he was being choked, and fighting for each breath of air. "Line up, we'll swing back around and take them from behind. Form up ahead, I'll cover your rear. You'll make the turn faster... on my mark..." With a swift swivel of the yoke, and a combination of nimble finger work on the keyboard just ahead of him, Nejaa flung his hull up and around to try and flank the enemy once more. "Scatter!"
<<Kkftffk--No good-- missile lock, they're firin-->>
A single explosion and he caught sight of his third fighter spiraling down the space-scape before detonating a final time. Nejaa's eyes seemed to despise the flames and smoke, gripping his teeth tightly, and grinding them against one another. "Keep up position," Nejaa insisted, and the two stuck to it, finally coming around to the enemy's rear only to have Nejaa sweep in behind them. Everything seemed to be lining up now, and they shot. Quickly, it was clear who the winner would be of this little piloting match, the enemy peeled apart into scrap in little time. There was only one left, but it was perhaps the smallest and fastest of the lot. Its evasive skill was rather impressive, and in a quick turn it peeled back to take aim at the second ship.
He had it locked on, just for a second. It flew right by his laser canons, ready and primed to rip the hull apart. But Nejaa's shaking fingers hesitated, and it got away. A high pitched silence took over his senses for the rest. The rest, where he became useless, letting the small craft take advantage of his pause, and tear apart the next of his men. He was letting it happen, though every noise of explosion seemed to cut deep into him, bleeding out his morality. Gulps from that dry mouth, gulps which surely carried no liquid content, yet they were sucked down all the same. The intercoms on his dashboard blazed with activity. Questions and demands, concerns of dying, and then, while Nejaa just watched, the last of the three ships was torn apart. Where a voice had echoed back in hysteria just seconds before, now a thick static overtook the cockpit. A simple click of a lever, and another few jerked movements and the enemy was torn apart into the starred darkness.
He had not come through completely unscathed, as the first hit had been a more than direct hit on his hull, and he could tell the damage was significant enough to cause a premature landing somewhere. The holonet popped up in 3D before his eyes, and he poked at the moving and bouncing shapes until whatever information he was looking for apparently surfaced. "Blast..." He said, looking at his bleak options. Anzat was his best option, but it was a rough bet to take. From what he knew of the place, it was a cesspool of crime, and home-on-wheels to many of the galaxy's smugglers. That said, it was geared towards on-the-run-pilots, and would more than likely be able to accommodate his situation, provided he didn't make it too obvious he was a Jedi. He would just be in, and out, make repairs, and leave. That was all, he promised himself. That was all.
Mid Rim;
Perlemian Trade Route;
Anzat Spaceport.
He kept his head low here, an entire body wrapped in the darkly colored, hooded cloak. It was but quick words with the skeptical looking spaceport employee who took in his ship, and more easily took Nejaa's money. He had already worked out the ship's repairs, but it was going to be hours before he'd be ready to fly again. He looked around him, but found no comforting corner to hide in, and the ship's lonely cockpit was hardly inviting. He had never been taken to this planet on mission before, and had never had much interaction with it at all. Of course, he remembered the information he had received back in the academy, where he had acquired his basic knowledge of many of the galaxy's unique worlds. Standing at the open hatch to his ship, and leaning against the durasteel bulk, he decided on food. In his first scan, he found no promising direction to start, though the second brought him a wiff of something. Pleasant would be stretching it a bit, but edible and considerable was perhaps closer.
As he walked, bumping into what seemed like everyone he passed, he tried to avoid the thoughts of what he'd just done. The temptation which had gotten the better of him, and the strict defiance which could mean a life time of trouble later. What was he going to tell his superiors? Was he going to tell them anything? Keep on running and try to disappear? What had he been thinking, what was he doing? The world churned around him, and he walked face first into a large alien, four armed man. Nejaa, not thinking anything of it, apologized quickly and tried to move past, but things never worked out like that in places like this. "'Eyy kid," clamored the man in a thickly accented basic. As Nejaa turned, the man was approaching him quickly, arms wide as if wanting to initiate a fight. "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by--" but the first of two shoves came hard against Nejaa's chest. As the second rasped his pectorals, Nejaa grimaced and grabbed the alien's finger, twisting it until the large man knelt in false submission, one of his many ams lashing out to strike again. Nejaa dodged it only be stepping back and losing the finger.
"I don't want any trouble, sir..."
[member="Dante Zankar"]
Mid Rim;
On Mission.
Sweat crept over Nejaa's body. In fact, it felt as though his mouth was now the only location not wet from nervous fear. Instead, a parched tongue danced behind white rows of teeth. All of the screens and lights were flickering perfectly, everything checked out. He had run a thorough diagnostics test on the Pride before leaving Republic space and heading out into the wilds, so to speak. It had felt like days already were slipping by at hour mark three, and the continuous buzz of pilots behind him rattled in his ears. Republic troopers, stationed in stealth based craft on a stealth mission. They starships they each maneuvered in looked thin and long, with short wings which sported ample enough looking guns. This had not been the first mission he'd taken with the spear like ships backing him, but this would certainly be different than those other times. I doubt Nejaa even knew yet, though.
<<Kfftt--Master Niynx, are you picking that up on your local scanners?>>
The sudden boot of noise seemed to kick Nejaa in a place less comfortable than expected, and he shook into reality once more. The air felt hot, and his eyes moved quickly from the left to right, like he was looking for something. Hands, just shy of shaking, scrambled for the controls before him and clicked the lever through which he could respond. "Honest truth I-- I wasn't looking, hold on, I'm--..." His voice cut out, and silence resumed for another second. In a quiet 'blip' the scanner screen blinked red, and a small, incoming and flashing dot entered. Followed by another dot, and a third. "Wh-What are those? They're not coming for us ar--" But his answer came before he could finish. Another burst of the intercom, and another ship spat rushed words.
<<Kkffttt--They have a weapons lock kkftt... Weapons lock on me!>>
Nejaa's eyes widened, were they being attacked? There was no way. No way, right? The boy bit his lip and sprawled his fingers like spiders over his control panels. By no means was he an incredible pilot, he felt trapped and useless, all at once in a rush which overtook him. "Break off, assume needle formation--" But it was a bit too late, and the shooting started. A powerful blast rumbled the hull of Nejaa's Infiltrator. Heavy breathing, and frantic movements led him to pull up on the yoke with a sudden heave. His ship spiraled into a spin, arcing up and coming back down hard on the attacking entourage. There were three of them, though they didn't look uniform. For a second, Nejaa refrained from pulling the triggers, just for a second thinking of how much more easy this would be.
The lasers blasted quickly, and on repeat, firing round after round into the hull of the ship just before him. It was not usual that things worked out that well. A panting breath of excitement took pause, and then resumed as he flew through the wreckage of the ship. Each of his pilots whipped around as well, surviving the first wave fully. But they had lost their position in the strafe effort, and now the enemies were behind them. No doubt, they were already locking their targeting brackets on the whole lot of them. Nejaa's eyes looked over every button, trying to think of something he could do. Despite what his training told him, he could not merely trust, and reach out to the force. It felt like he was being choked, and fighting for each breath of air. "Line up, we'll swing back around and take them from behind. Form up ahead, I'll cover your rear. You'll make the turn faster... on my mark..." With a swift swivel of the yoke, and a combination of nimble finger work on the keyboard just ahead of him, Nejaa flung his hull up and around to try and flank the enemy once more. "Scatter!"
<<Kkftffk--No good-- missile lock, they're firin-->>
A single explosion and he caught sight of his third fighter spiraling down the space-scape before detonating a final time. Nejaa's eyes seemed to despise the flames and smoke, gripping his teeth tightly, and grinding them against one another. "Keep up position," Nejaa insisted, and the two stuck to it, finally coming around to the enemy's rear only to have Nejaa sweep in behind them. Everything seemed to be lining up now, and they shot. Quickly, it was clear who the winner would be of this little piloting match, the enemy peeled apart into scrap in little time. There was only one left, but it was perhaps the smallest and fastest of the lot. Its evasive skill was rather impressive, and in a quick turn it peeled back to take aim at the second ship.
He had it locked on, just for a second. It flew right by his laser canons, ready and primed to rip the hull apart. But Nejaa's shaking fingers hesitated, and it got away. A high pitched silence took over his senses for the rest. The rest, where he became useless, letting the small craft take advantage of his pause, and tear apart the next of his men. He was letting it happen, though every noise of explosion seemed to cut deep into him, bleeding out his morality. Gulps from that dry mouth, gulps which surely carried no liquid content, yet they were sucked down all the same. The intercoms on his dashboard blazed with activity. Questions and demands, concerns of dying, and then, while Nejaa just watched, the last of the three ships was torn apart. Where a voice had echoed back in hysteria just seconds before, now a thick static overtook the cockpit. A simple click of a lever, and another few jerked movements and the enemy was torn apart into the starred darkness.
He had not come through completely unscathed, as the first hit had been a more than direct hit on his hull, and he could tell the damage was significant enough to cause a premature landing somewhere. The holonet popped up in 3D before his eyes, and he poked at the moving and bouncing shapes until whatever information he was looking for apparently surfaced. "Blast..." He said, looking at his bleak options. Anzat was his best option, but it was a rough bet to take. From what he knew of the place, it was a cesspool of crime, and home-on-wheels to many of the galaxy's smugglers. That said, it was geared towards on-the-run-pilots, and would more than likely be able to accommodate his situation, provided he didn't make it too obvious he was a Jedi. He would just be in, and out, make repairs, and leave. That was all, he promised himself. That was all.
Mid Rim;
Perlemian Trade Route;
Anzat Spaceport.
He kept his head low here, an entire body wrapped in the darkly colored, hooded cloak. It was but quick words with the skeptical looking spaceport employee who took in his ship, and more easily took Nejaa's money. He had already worked out the ship's repairs, but it was going to be hours before he'd be ready to fly again. He looked around him, but found no comforting corner to hide in, and the ship's lonely cockpit was hardly inviting. He had never been taken to this planet on mission before, and had never had much interaction with it at all. Of course, he remembered the information he had received back in the academy, where he had acquired his basic knowledge of many of the galaxy's unique worlds. Standing at the open hatch to his ship, and leaning against the durasteel bulk, he decided on food. In his first scan, he found no promising direction to start, though the second brought him a wiff of something. Pleasant would be stretching it a bit, but edible and considerable was perhaps closer.
As he walked, bumping into what seemed like everyone he passed, he tried to avoid the thoughts of what he'd just done. The temptation which had gotten the better of him, and the strict defiance which could mean a life time of trouble later. What was he going to tell his superiors? Was he going to tell them anything? Keep on running and try to disappear? What had he been thinking, what was he doing? The world churned around him, and he walked face first into a large alien, four armed man. Nejaa, not thinking anything of it, apologized quickly and tried to move past, but things never worked out like that in places like this. "'Eyy kid," clamored the man in a thickly accented basic. As Nejaa turned, the man was approaching him quickly, arms wide as if wanting to initiate a fight. "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by--" but the first of two shoves came hard against Nejaa's chest. As the second rasped his pectorals, Nejaa grimaced and grabbed the alien's finger, twisting it until the large man knelt in false submission, one of his many ams lashing out to strike again. Nejaa dodged it only be stepping back and losing the finger.
"I don't want any trouble, sir..."
[member="Dante Zankar"]