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Public There's Always a Complication

Eabha Rhey


There's always a complication.

If the orphan kids of Nar Shaddaa had a code (they do not), Eabha probably would have written it (she did not) and put that above all others. There is always a complication. A drunken thug who forgot the meaning of decent criminality. An over-zealous bounty hunter who needed to be reminded about consequences. Obese Hutt princes that hadn't regarded the new reality of crime involving the youth of Nar Shaddaa. Possibly all three at once, if Eabha was having a particularly unlucky day. They didn't happen very often... only one day in ten, usually.

That day's complication? It looked to be the violent sort. See, she'd heard about an outfit that was being a bit too rough on some of the kids there. Pushing them to work a few more hours than necessary in the sweatshop, that kind of deal. Pretty vanilla for Eabha those days. The response was pretty standard too, namely Eabha taking a couple of other kids with blasters and wrecking the joint at night, as a gentle and friendly gambit of opening workplace negotiations. Indeed, there she'd been all ready to go with Kiz and Velt, stolen blasters at their belts. Approaching the door to the sweatshop with purpose, their coats ruffling in the polluted air, the crew stepped forwards and found it-

"Open?" Eabha said, staring. The other two stopped to inspect. The door to the sweatshop lay wide open, scored with blaster marks. The acrid smell of burning lingered. All three kids put their hands to their own blasters, suddenly cautious. Leaning in, Eabha peered round the corner.

"Huh. Guards are dead," she told her friends casually, before stepping inside. The other two followed, both concerned.

"I don't like this, Ev," Kiz told her, shaking her montrals, "this in't a good start."

"'Course it is. They're dead. Can't get a better opportunity than that," Eabha whispered, looking over her shoulder with a grin.

"You're well full of crap, Ev."

They inched carefully down the hallway towards where they'd assumed the main floor would be. Once, it might have been. A bunch of machines that looked sleazy dominated the floor, but they were pretty wrecked. A few more bodies too. Looked to be a good chunk of that outfit. Only question was...

"Where are the kids, Ev?" Velt asked. She didn't know. That was the worst complication of all.




"Defiant Statement: I am unharmed by your petty attacks! Unhand me now and your deaths will be marked for delay!"

The mechanical voice screeched out, in the most sarcastic tone that could be given out. If the three would even see where the voice would come from, they would see the most pedicular and odd sight that probably ever been seen from a droid. The kids seemed clever enough to have trapped the that may be asked? In a massive machine vice press, its arms stuck to the side and its rear back exposed. Each one of sweat shop workers were wailing on the oversized droid with brooms, chairs and whatever else they could find. One of them shot it with a blaster from another angle but it merely bounced off.

"Break you piece of junk!"

"Explicative: Release me you miniature damn dirty apes! I will not be held by inferior organics!!!"

How this situation still a mystery currently.
Eabha Rhey

Eabha Rhey


The clanks echoed through the main room, putting all three kids on edge. They clutched tighter to their stolen blasters, peering over the edge. The rest of the equipment seemed dead. Either it was all broken or just un-powered, aside from the massive press that held something angry. Eabha paused to watch them, seeing them whack at the body with everything in reach.

"Huh." This wasn't what she was expecting by any means. Not at all.

"What do we do, Ev?" Kiz asked, staring in disbelief at the sight in front of them. Eabha didn't know where to go with this. She'd been hoping for much better, but expecting much worse. This was... different, to say the least.

"I guess we help?" Eabha offered, holstering her blaster. She brought her fingers to her lips and blew, letting out a piercing whistle. It echoed round the otherwise empty hall, loud enough to cut through whatever attentions were being laden on the trapped thing. She stood with her hands on her hips, looking over at the children and their prize curiously.

"Is that a droid?" she asked, peering at the strange, barely burnished chassis. "'Kay, step back, it's not going anywhere." She approached with purpose, boots clicking on the floor as she did. The other two followed closely behind her.

"Droid?" Eabha asked, trying to put on a commanding voice, "What is your purpose here? Did you do all this damage?"




It flailed in a very poor attempt to escape. It was indeed trapped and hard to even not laugh from a distance. However when the whistle echoed, he felt the beating stop as it tried to wiggle a big harder. Part of the vice creaked a little but it still held firm, yet it heard the first statement.

"Sarcasm: Yes, a large metal body is clearly a droid, with long legs and big hands! You organics annoy me!"

Then the next set of questions happened, with the...attempt of a commanding voice. There was a bit of silence as it finally answered again as it went a bit lax.

"Statement: I am an assassination droid, here to assassinate. I was told to come here and cause damage, the employer requested to eliminate what is considered thugs. My programming indicated and eliminated all thugs in the area save for these miserable creatins!"

"Assured Annoyance: Yet as I attempted to leave, I was stuck upon by this oversize magnet in front, no doubt done by your inferior lifeforms. I have yet to move in the last standard hour in this position."

"Threatening Stance: I still demand you release me this instant! You Inferior Meatbags!"

CLANG! One of them that wailed on him earlier hits the droid as hard as possible as it shook the droids back and actually made a dent with a large metal rod. It made a gong like noise.

"Response: Ow."

Eabha Rhey

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